[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 8 points 2 days ago

As someone who has used and loved Docker since 2015, but never used Podman, can you explain the difference and why I might want to make the switch?

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 5 points 4 days ago

Nebula might be the answer for you. A low annual fee means every video you watch gives a portion of that fee to the artist.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 85 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Honestly, after having served on a Very Large Project with Mypy everywhere, I can categorically say that I hate it. Types are great, type checking is great, but applying it to a language designed without types in mind is a recipe for pain.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 83 points 1 month ago

Public services aren't meant to be profitable. They're meant to provide a service that serves the community.

submitted 2 months ago by danielquinn@lemmy.ca to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm working on a some materials for a class wherein I'll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we're including a section we're calling "foot guns". Basically it's ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers.

I've got the usual forgetting the . in lines like this:

$ rm -rf ./bin

As well as a bunch of other fun stories like that one time I mounted my Linux home folder into my Windows machine, forgot I did that, then deleted a parent folder.

You know, the war stories.

Tell me yours. I wanna share your mistakes so that they can learn from them.

Fun (?) side note: somehow, my entire ${HOME}/projects folder has been deleted like... just now, and I have no idea how it happened. I may have a terrible new story to add if I figure it out.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 115 points 3 months ago

It's funny, before this, I was just going to buy a legit copy and play it on my Deck (I have a Switch, but prefer the Deck)

Now, fuck those guys. If I play at all, it'll be on a pirated copy.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 104 points 4 months ago

Actually, I stepped away from the project 'cause I stopped using it altogether. I started the project to satisfy the British government with their ridiculous requirements for proof of my relationship with my wife so I could live here. Once I was settled though and didn't need to be able to bring up flight itineraries from 5 years ago, it stopped being something I needed.

Well that, and lemme tell you, maintaining a popular Free software project is HARD. Everyone has an idea of where stuff should go, but most of the contributions come in piecemeal, so you're left mostly acting as the one trying to wrangle different styles and architectures into something cohesive... while you're also holding down a day job. It was stressful to say the least, and with a kid on the way, something had to give.

But every once in a while I consider installing paperless-ngx just to see how it's come along, and how much has changed. I'm absolutely delighted that it's been running and growing in my absence, and from the screenshots alone, I see that a lot of the ideas people had when I was helming made it in in the end.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 129 points 4 months ago

Ha! I wrote it! Well the original anyway. It's been forked a few times since I stepped away.

So yeah, I think it's pretty cool 😆

submitted 5 months ago by danielquinn@lemmy.ca to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

A break from the usual in this community, but I trust it'll be appreciated. I think this is very solarpunk: using technology to improve the lives of all creatures.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 67 points 5 months ago

Ubuntu. They've managed the worst of both worlds: like Debian, everything is old (though admittedly not as old), but unlike Debian, everything is broken/buggy/flakey. It's the old-and-busted distro that I'm routinely told is "the only Linux we support".

submitted 6 months ago by danielquinn@lemmy.ca to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

I've been playing a lot of Fallout 4 over the holidays. I started and finished the Nuka World DLC (killed all the baddies), made it to level 90, etc.

Today I was playing on my Deck as the battery got a little low (11%) so I saved my game, exited the game, and went to shut down.

As it was shutting down, the Deck displayed a message, something like "Syncing to Steam Cloud" as the logo was spinning.

A few hours later, on a full charge, I booted it back up, started Fallout 4 again and... some of my old saves are there, but only about 30% of them, and critically not the most recent ones.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is this a known issue? Can I fix it, or report it? I've basically lost interest in finishing the game now.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 58 points 6 months ago

Great, do whatever you want. Just shut the fuck up about it, nobody cares.

You should really take your own advice on this one. That "article" was juvenile.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 57 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I like this flag better:

The solarpunk flag. [Source]

submitted 6 months ago by danielquinn@lemmy.ca to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

His original post , titled I can't sleep, is some brilliant writing. When we talk about the chilling effect that criticism of Israel creates in industries everywhere (including ours) this is what that looks like.

[-] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 47 points 7 months ago

Given that domain seizure is becoming such a common tool for this sort of thing, maybe we need a work around for DNS?

For example, we could distribute z-library name/IP pairs in the form of a hosts file via torrents and then write little wrapper programs for each OS that would just crawl the DHT for the latest version to update your local hosts file.

A more extreme option would be to build a pirate browser that has a bunch of name/IP pairs baked into it. People could just launch the browser and visit websites as usual without DNS being an issue.

I'm aware that using Tor is also an option, but there's a bunch of problems there with usability like installation and setup (for non-technical people). Onion URLs aren't easily discoverable either, and much of what you find in there just kids cosplaying as digital freedom fighters posting links that load really slowly... at least that was my experience the last time I tried out a TOR browser.

Ash Vs Bash (lemmy.ca)
submitted 8 months ago by danielquinn@lemmy.ca to c/linux@lemmy.ml

[For reference, I'm talking about Ash in Alpine Linux here, which is part of BusyBox.]

I thought I knew the big differences, but it turns out I've had false assumptions for years. Ash does support [[ double square brackets ]] and (as best I can tell) all of Bash's logical trickery inside them. It also supports ${VARIABLE_SUBSTRINGS:5:12}` which was another surprise.

At this stage, the only things I've found that Bash can do that Ash can't are:

  • Arrays, which Bash doesn't seem to do well anyway
  • Brace expansion, which is awesome but I can live without it.

What else is there? Did Ash used to be more limited? The double square bracket thing really surprised me.


The other day someone was complaining about the new ad blocker-blocker on YouTube and I mentioned that it might be fun to write a Firefox extension that would just load up yt-dlp and play the video through mpv.

It turns out, writing a Firefox extension is easy and tricking Firefox into launching yt-dlp isn't much harder (though it does require some annoying configuration on the user's end).

Anyway, if you're a Linux user, feel free to try it out. I don't know how much I'm going to pour into this, but as an exercise of "can this be done", it was pretty good for a few hours on a Friday night.


...but I think I'd probably be miserable there.

I'm violently allergic to pollen, am terrified of bees, wasps, and grasshoppers, and generally despise bugs and dirt. My ideal world would see everything paved in marble. No cars, (obviously) with a quiet, sustainable, walkable communiy, but green, as beautiful as it is, causes me a great deal of pain.

It's there any place for me in a solarpunk world?

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