
joined 1 year ago
[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 13 points 2 days ago

With a simple NPV calc it's obvious why the dlc is a complete waste of time. I mean we could easily afford to hire another team that will quickly provide positive cashflow, but then the producers are going to wonder if consumers are spending less on x because of y, and x is what we used to project future revenue numbers to our board. If we don't reach the x projection and I get canned then I'll always regret having tried y. I mean sure y superceded all expectations, and made millions, but it also had like 800k in overhead. We should probably just lay of 300 developers who are willing to work 60 hour weeks for 40 hours of pay and decrease the level of qa/QC time on x so we can get started on x2 and push into prod, nevermind the bugs. Also I'll need you to work Sat because the system keeps throwing exception errors

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

Never thought I'd say this but the personalities are great to. It's like a worlds fair of cool dudes who can do unbelievable shit

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

that looks super close. Im going Sat!!. Cheers friend.

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Omg!! Please tell me you know who makes that blue blanket. I have the same one since college 20 years ago and love it. It has almost no feathers left and I don't care, but if I can get another I'll be insanely happy. Haven't been able to find that thing anywhere. Also I had an 18 yo black cat too that I lost last year, so that pict I did a double double take on.

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

you are wrong, nowhere am I advocating for anything. I'm saying human overpopulation will lead to our doom. This response is why I don't really care about sustainability anymore. I'm not having kids, feel free to keep your head buried in the sand. Asshat

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Sounds like most famous structures in the city. When it was built the locals called it classless and gaudy, including the empire state and wtc. this thing doesn't do much for me but it's different and one more thing that makes an aging NYC distinct against new cities with modern architecture. Sure it's a symbol of wealth and greed. So we're some of the greatest works left from the Renaissance. However This chapel to euthanasia could be closer to wall Street.

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

Which makes a lot of sense considering a lot of Dev shops went from waterfall oriented projects to continual devops. When fallout New Vegas came out, there were only a few MMOs that were selling horse armor. Now that has become the standard for almost all multiplayer games. Every multiplayer game now has its own in-game store to better suck dry addicts and make producers life lazier and easier. And since we're pushing out so many buggy rapid releases, the devs need to keep working to hot fix what traditional ly would have been QAd and improved before release. This is clear to me and I have never worked in a game studio.

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Making something super basic like waffles or crepes is still gunna be a couple Bowls, measuring cups, utensils and a pan, as well as a bong, downstem and bowl.. Add eggs and bacon make it 2 pans. 8-10 items to wash without plates and utensils to eat with.

Now let's do steak with compound butter, potatoes, and a salad.

Cutting board, skillet, spatula, plate to salt & dehydrate steak. Cup to melt butter, garlic press. Pot for potatoes for mashing, pot for gravy if not using skillet. Spoon for tasting. Salad board, knife and spoons and Bowl to mix salad. 10-15 items and im not even high enough to be hungy enough to eat something this heavy.

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Beautifully said. And honestly I kind of forgot about this and its a major theme. I got prrtty hung up on magic leaving/dying and the fact there were still humans like the haradrim or Easterling. I think aaragon made peace with them? I really dont know how I managed to not weight his reign with more importance, guess it shows my own bias pessimism. He was basically the perfect archetype and all the symbolism of him planting the 4th tree, etc making him more a messiah than hungry for power. I didnt really think he purged humanity of sin though .. did he ever go so far to suggest that?

[–] daemoz@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

Well you definitely right about the motivation. I guess my thoughts were 1. all the elves could have just bailed on ME but some stuck around. 2. Aragon in the books always intended on being king and was further motivated by elronds requirement to marry his daughter so as much as he may have done it to lead from the front it was still a game of houses. 3. Overall you absolutely right about the forth being prosperous i had the industrialisation of bag end in mind in particular. Yes sams family fixes it over 3 generations and it was 1 town trading with sauromon, but it def was the exploitative example I thought of. 4.Other than the wizard and hobbits it was all nobility in the fellowship etc... last is the "height of humanity" were the early numenorians so what was left of civilization by the lotr saga anyway was diminished

Thanks for checking my generalization I should be more careful not to twist tokens intent

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