[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 25 points 15 hours ago

"Facilitating suffering of people" is pretty much literally the entire conservative ideology. More suffering is a feature, not a bug.

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 156 points 15 hours ago

Any predictions on how long it'll take for conservatives to start outlawing sterilizations for women?

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 5 points 17 hours ago

I swear we queers don't spend as much time thinking about LGTB+ people as they do.

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 8 points 17 hours ago

It's called Cronyism.

Funny way to spell "conservatism"

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Right, I must be "very young" if I don't think that hurling abuse at others is OK.

Yeah, pretty much figured you were one of the people who thought his behavior wasn't only acceptable but preferable. In other words, an asshole.

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 6 points 1 day ago

Are we pretending that his various and ubiquitous abusive rants didn't happen, or that they weren't him acting like an asshole?

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 33 points 1 day ago

Neither of them is exactly what I'd call easily likeable

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 7 points 1 day ago

I love that it's something random that started flowering

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 8 points 1 day ago

You're still trusting that the 1st party javascript won't be vulnerable to supply chain attacks, though

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 26 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

and internet still works... Mostly

That load-bearing "mostly" is doing a lot of work here.

I invite everybody to find out how everything "mostly" works if you disable "most of" javascript – also have fun deciding which parts to enable because you think they're trustworthy

[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 27 points 2 days ago

So your compensation effectively didn't change at all, if you'd have gotten the raise anyhow?


[-] dactylotheca@suppo.fi 34 points 2 days ago

Err, I mean completely regardless of whether I think 8GB is enough or not, they didn't admit anything of the sort:

There's a memory requirement for Predictive Code Completion in Xcode 16, and it's the closest thing we'll get from Apple to an admission that 8GB of memory isn't really enough for a new Mac in 2024.

(Emphasis mine.)

Not being able to run "AI" predictive code completion with 8GB doesn't mean they're "admitting" jack shit.

me_irl (suppo.fi)
submitted 4 days ago by dactylotheca@suppo.fi to c/memes@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://suppo.fi/post/2748587

submitted 4 days ago by dactylotheca@suppo.fi to c/memes@lemmy.world
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