[-] cynar@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

HDDs can be made tolerant to it. Constant rotation still puts significant extra strain on the bearings, when spinning however. The drive will likely fail faster than an SSD.

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 31 points 4 days ago

Edge of tomorrow.

A remarkably good film, considering how badly it was advertised.

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 17 points 4 days ago

Your best bet might be to use a laptop as the basis. They are already designed with power efficiency in mind, and you won't need an external screen and keyboard for local problem solving.

I would also consider having a raspberry pi 3 or similar as a companion. Services that must be up all the time run on the pi (e.g. network admin). The main computer only gets kicked out of sleep mode when required. The pi 3 needs less power than the newer pis, while still having enough computing power to not lag unless pushed hard.

I definitely agree with SSDs. HDDs don't do well when rotated when running. Boats are less than a stable platform.

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 29 points 4 days ago

In short, Facebook are incentivised to increase conflict and hate, it improves user engagement. They have also leveraged their large user base to boost numbers in threads significantly. Threads is already a cess pip of bigotry and hate.

Federating with them would be like connecting your house's drinking water pipe with the sewage pipe of an industrial pig farm. It would pollute our community to the point of destruction.

They might try and control this initially. Unfortunately, it would almost certainly be part of an embrace, extend, extinguish attempt. ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish ). They play nice till they have control of enough communities, then they stop the controls, to increase profits.

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 37 points 5 days ago

One of Sir Issac Newton's famous phrases is

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”

This sounds very nobal and humbling. However, its meaning totally changes with a few facts. It was written in an open letter to Robert Hooke. Hooke was apparently quite short, and EXTREMELY sensitive about this. Newton was basically dissing Hooke. Nobody will be standing on your shoulders, shortie!

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Interestingly, electron flow is only a few mm/minute, on average. The field propagation travels at around 2/3 the speed of light (200,000,000m/s).

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Wasn't he also on death row? He was offered a pardon, if he survived.

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 17 points 5 days ago

It's fascinating the stages children through in drawing. It says a lot about how the young mind develops. The "head with arms and legs" stage seems universal, and amusing.

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 12 points 5 days ago

The fact they passed on legit information on d day, is still mind blowing. They relied on delays on the German side to make the information out of date by the time it would arrive. The German radio operator not being on station to receive it just made it funnier.

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 105 points 3 months ago

The real European cryptid.

submitted 4 months ago by cynar@lemmy.world to c/android@lemmy.world

I need some advice, and the amount of marketing spam had made sorting the wheat from the chaff annoyingly difficult. Hopefully you can help.

I've a young daughter, who uses an old tablet of mine to watch netflix etc. unfortunately, it was old in the tooth when she was born, and it's now become extremely annoying to use.

She currently has a Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2016). The size (10") works well, but it's gotten slow as sin, and only has 16Gb of internal memory.

Preferences wise:

  • 10" screen (±2")

  • 64Gb+ storage.

  • Long expected lifespan (inc security updates).

  • Headphone socket (adapters are asking to get broken, Bluetooth go flat)

  • Decent WiFi (more than just 2.4Ghz).

  • USB C charging preferred.

  • Wireless charging would be very helpful but not required.

  • Lower budget preferred (£200 range).

What would people recommend?


For those of you in the UK, IKEA currently has a steep discount on their GU10 bulbs. I've just picked up several dimmable, colour temperature controlled bulbs for £5 each.

They play nicely with HA via a sonoff dongle and ZigBee2MQTT, even down to firmware updates.

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 115 points 6 months ago

I've got a Miele washing machine that's the best part of 40 years old. It's required some maintenance over the years. However, it was designed with maintenance in mind, so all the repairs have been fairly painless.

My 5 year old dishwasher, on the other hand, has cost me more time, money and stress than the (very overworked) washing machine.

submitted 7 months ago by cynar@lemmy.world to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

I've been using Ubuntu as my daily driver for a good few years now. Unfortunately I don't like the direction they seem to be heading.

I've also just ordered a new computer, so it seems like the best time to change over. While I'm sure it will start a heated debate, what variant would people recommend?

I'm not after a bleeding edge, do it all yourself OS it will be my daily driver, so don't want to have to get elbow deep in configs every 5 minutes. My default would be to go back to Debian. However, I know the steam deck is arch based. With steam developing proton so hard, is it worth the additional learning curve to change to arch, or something else?

[-] cynar@lemmy.world 86 points 8 months ago

Pig organs are approximately the same size and configuration as human ones. They also share a very similar immune system and biochemistry. We also have experience breeding and genetically modifying them. This makes them the easiest option to modify for human use. Still not easy, but easiest.

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