[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 89 points 2 days ago

It's a bit odd, but isn't it equivalent to forking and putting up a fork elsewhere?

I guess I don't see the problem.

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 0 points 3 days ago

Interesting, yeah I think it started after that update for me too but I'm on a Pixel 8 (not pro).

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by csm10495@sh.itjust.works to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

Anyone having a new issue where swiping from the left to go back to the thread list from a thread doesn't load properly and instead shows a black screen for a second or so.

Screen recording: https://imgur.com/a/bvzkyfu

All animations in the settings are enabled.

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 40 points 1 month ago

I was told they'd always be there for me. Then my dad passed away a few years ago.

I still miss him.

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 67 points 1 month ago

2 bucks says commercial ai is still being trained on those comments.

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 42 points 2 months ago

This isn't really accurate for either side. For Linux, I've had crap shove configs in ~, /etc, /var, at least.

On Windows, it could be literally anywhere or in the registry.

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 109 points 3 months ago

So instead of spending X dollars to ensure people have homes, we spend X++ dollars to evict them from their spaces?

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 43 points 4 months ago

Next week, they'll announce "Google Money"

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 39 points 4 months ago

I had one of the SanDisk flash drives that had some launcher thing on it and I had a password for some reason on it.

In high school, a classmate tried to guess it, 3 times and I lost everything on it forever, since it stupidly locked forever after 3 tries.

I had software projects from back then that I can never get back.. including a web browser. I could have had the next Firefox..

If you're out there, Liz: I'll never forgive that.

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 255 points 4 months ago

If you are for Musk being tracked, you should be fine with her being tracked the same way.

I'm for anyone in a private jet being tracked.


Hey folks,

Does anyone know of an app (FOSS or otherwise) that has a built-in REST-server to get current device info?

I'd like to be able to hit the API from within my local network to get info including:

  • Free space vs used space
  • Battery percentage


I have an old Android device that sits in the closet as a Syncthing node. It does some other random stuff too. I don't really want to have to get up and look at it to find out certain information. I already have a VNC server running on it. I even have a (sketchy) SSH server on it that I currently call df -h on to programmatically get free space info. The SSH server has some weirdness where it seems to stop working after some time, among other oddities. Also it can't get battery level afaict.

I imagine this is possible using ADB, but I don't really want to have to always leave the device in wireless ADB mode or manually put it in that mode each time; unless that is easier than I think.


[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 99 points 6 months ago

He has no power to do anything really. I'm starting to think more socialism makes sense. I kind of want profit limits on certain essential sectors like food, medicine, probably others.

I'm tired of hearing about how company X made 3 billion more this quarter than last year. It's one thing to be profitable and make something, it's another to give it all to the execs and make consumers eat more year after year.

Raising prices to raise profits when you're still profitable is ridiculous and greedy.

I don't see how Biden could fix the situation on his own. It needs a massive change.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by csm10495@sh.itjust.works to c/android@lemmy.world

Does anyone know of a way to archive all messages in Android/Google Messages maybe older than a certain timeframe?

I have 100s of old conversations spanning back several years. I finally decided it would be nice to archive (not delete) ones that aren't relevant at the moment. The only way I figured to do this is swipe each conversation one by one.

Is there a faster way to just do it all in one swoop?

Edit: I wrote a quick script to do it via manipulating the Google Messages webui: https://sh.itjust.works/comment/4646349 Worked for me!

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 73 points 8 months ago

I wonder if anyone thinks robots.txt is binding or not ignored by anyone who wants.

[-] csm10495@sh.itjust.works 54 points 9 months ago

Dems don't play dirty... but should.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by csm10495@sh.itjust.works to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

Hey folks,

Anyone have the gcode to do bed leveling and then emit the info back for the octoprint bed level visualizer?

I have an Elegoo Neptune 3 Plus.

I tried the bilevel one on the GitHub page but it seems to make my printer get stuck at home after running.

Edit: it almost seems like when it finishes it just gets stuck in the center with the extruder heat still on. Usually I have to reboot the printer to get it up again. Sort of like it wants me to go check the z offset.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by csm10495@sh.itjust.works to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Say you have a script or something that gets run in cron/task scheduler and it needs a password.. say to ssh to a raspberry pi elsewhere in your house.

How do you save that password in a way that automation can access it?

Some ideas:

  • Plaintext file. Not a fan because its sitting unencrypted on the box somewhere.
  • Environment variable. Not a fan because its still unencrypted somewhere to someone on the box (albeit likely the same user or an admin).
  • A secrets manager. If I use something locally like hashicorp vault or infisical, I can get to a point where a cli/api call gets the password. Though in this case I still need a vault password/secret to get my password. So I fall back to needing one of the above to get this to work.

If the secrets manager is easily available, the secret to get into the secrets manager is available as well leading to a feeling of security by obscurity.

If someone breaks into my system via SSH/etc. then they can get the passwords either way.

.. How do people normally do this? I'm not sure I actually get anything out of a secrets manager if its local and I have the disk itself encrypted before login.

What actually makes sense at a personal/home scale?

(Edit: I know using SSH key probably is better for getting to the raspberry pi, but still the question is the same idea).


.. its a website run by the US Government. Why does it have such large downtimes in this day and age?


How do people not use spell check before making signage?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by csm10495@sh.itjust.works to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml

Since everything is about beans right now, I figured we should get in on it.

/r/softwaregore (sh.itjust.works)
/r/funny (sh.itjust.works)
/r/mildlyinteresting (sh.itjust.works)
/r/mildlyinteresting (sh.itjust.works)
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