
joined 3 months ago

A picture if that makes it easier

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I created a specific folder to move family photos to that syncs with the server, because i use my phone for work pictures too and I don't want those to end up on my immich timeline. So I manually move photos to that folder, but that's the only manual intervention for me.

I set up the album handling the way I did because my wife spent a lot of time sorting stuff into folders and she wanted the organized folders to carry over to immich.

I do separately sync the DCIM folder to server with syncthing as well, just as a backup, but those don't go to immich.

So for immich destined items it looks like:

  1. Manually move pics to phone "family photos" folder

  2. Syncthing-ext syncs phone folder "family photos" to server folder "syncthing_folders/my_family_pics". (Also syncs phone folder "DCIM" to server folder "syncthing_folders/phone_pics_backup")

  3. Syncthing-int (second syncthing instance on different port, so syncthing-ext and syncthing-int see each other as different devices and can work on the same folders) syncs server folder "syncthing_folders/my_family_pics" to some other designated server folder to work with immich... for example "photo_libraries/my_family_pics"

  4. The script I shared runs on server folder "photo_libraries/"

It's set up this way because I have syncthing-ext syncing with a bunch of external devices and this way i can funnel just the photo folders into one photo library folder to run the script on.

If you have more questions it's cool... I never get to talk about this stuff with anyone who appreciates it πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

I have albums generate automatically... see my posts above

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Sure... I'm on unraid...

cd /mnt/user/appdata_docker/immich/immich-go
./immich-go -server= -key=IMMICH_API_KEY upload -create-album-folder -when-no-date=FILE /mnt/user/photo_libraries```


There are other flag arguments that may be applicable to your use case... I'd suggest finding immich-go documentation on github and reading. It's not that intense of a read.
[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (8 children)

I just set up something similar a couple weeks ago because I wanted to upload named album folders as albums into immich.

Workflow is:

Syncthing to sync phone folder to folder on unraid server.

2nd syncthing instance to sync above folder to "photo albums" folder.

Immich-go cron job runs hourly to upload photo albums folder to immich

I used immich-go because the CLI upload with album tag kept failing and apparently it's a common issue so.. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― immich-go worked first try.

Now all my photos are uploaded as albums with no manual input:

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Tried again and it worked lol. This is albums from folders in a file directory uploaded to immich using immich-go.

All good, just sharing my experience... I'm enjoying immich. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

There Is a CLI tool to upload folders as albums and it keeps them as their original folders. The CLI didn't work for me and I've read others had the same issue. Found a solution was to use immich-go which is a tool someone else made and it worked for me.

Tried to upload a screenshot but it's not working πŸ€”

He gets two tired

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