[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 5 points 4 days ago

I have really mixed feelings about this. My stance is that I don’t you should need permission to train on somebody else’s work since that is far too restrictive on what people can do with the music (or anything else) they paid for. This assumes it was obtained fairly: buying the tracks of iTunes or similar and not torrenting them or dumping the library from a streaming service. Of course, this can change if a song it taken down from stores (you can’t buy it) or the price is so high that a normal person buying a small amount of songs could not afford them (say 50 USD a track). Same goes for non-commercial remixing and distribution. This is why I thinking judging these models and services on output is fairer: as long as you don’t reproduce the work you trained on I think that should be fine. Now this needs some exceptions: producing a summary, parody, heavily-changed version/sample (of these, I think this is the only one that is not protected already despite widespread use in music already).

So putting this all together: the AIs mentioned seem to have re-produced partial copies of some of their training data, but it required fairly tortured prompts (I think some even provided lyrics in the prompt to get there) to do so since there are protections in place to prevent 1:1 reproductions; in my experience Suno rejects requests that involve artist names and one of the examples puts spaces between the letters of “Mariah”. But the AIs did do it. I’m not sure what to do with this. There have been lawsuits over samples and melodies so this is at least even handed Human vs AI wise. I’ve seen some pretty egregious copies of melodies too outside remixed and bootlegs to so these protections aren’t useless. I don’t know if maybe more work can be done to essentially Content ID AI output first to try and reduce this in the future? That said, if you wanted to just avoid paying for a song there are much easier ways to do it than getting a commercial AI service to make a poor quality replica. The lawsuit has some merit in that the AI produced replicas it shouldn’t have, but much of this wreaks of the kind of overreach that drives people to torrents in the first place.

[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 33 points 2 months ago

The general idea that somebody who works a lot of hours is a good/hard worker in contrast to the amount of work actually completed.

[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 23 points 2 months ago

They cry about not being able to serve ads while serving ads that are straight malware and scams. It’s especially funny when a platform goes out of their way to censor (suppress ad revenue) on videos which have even a chance of being misinformation and then proceed to play back to back ads of somebody selling their get rich quick webinar.

[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 63 points 3 months ago

Wait… so the author displayed in “by ” is the supposed author of the software, not the one that put it on the store? That’s insane! Also sounds like you’d be open to massive liability since the reputation of the software author will be damaged if somebody publishes malware under their name.

It should be:

  • Developed by:
  • Uploaded by:
[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 17 points 3 months ago

Soooo…. the work of self-hosting with none of the benefits? It sounds like this has all the core problems of Twitter.

[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 23 points 4 months ago

Damn! Using .af for a LGBT+ site is insane! The country could have redirected the domain to their own servers and started learning the personal details of those on the site who I imagine wouldn’t be terribly thrilled having an anti-LGBT+ government learn their personal information (namely information not displayed publicly). Specifically, they could put their own servers in front of the domain so they can decrypt it, then forward the traffic on to the legitimate servers, allowing them to get login information and any other data which the user sends or receives.

[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 39 points 5 months ago

A good move!

I’m surprised they didn’t codify “.lan” though since that one is so prevalent.

[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 35 points 5 months ago

Other comments have hit this, but one reason is simply to be an extra layer. You won’t always know what software is listening for connections. There are obvious ones like web servers, but less obvious ones like Skype. By rejecting all incoming traffic by default and only allowing things explicitly, you avoid the scenario where you leave something listening by accident.

[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 80 points 5 months ago

Sounds like you just volunteered to post Linux news and related content!

[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 44 points 5 months ago

Reasons not to buy premium:

  • Google having a history of all the videos you watch via your account.
  • Even if Google provided an option to opt out of tracking there would be no reason to trust then since they have lied about not tracking people in the past.
  • YouTube seems to redirect any Premium profits intended to creators to the entity which made a copyright claim on a video. This would be sensible if YouTube’s copyright claim system wasn’t so vulnerable to abuse. Normal (yellow) demonetisation will pay out from Premium though. https://youtu.be/PRQVzPEyldc?si=5-wFn2SqPZLdOlqa
  • Features are removed from YouTube to incentivise Premium such as playing videos while your phone screen is locked.
  • Similar to above, Google have been increasing the amount of ads particularly on phones where ad blockers are harder to use. I.E. pushing users to Premium not by making the service better, but by making non-Premium worse.
[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 42 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

steals funny glowing metal thing

Funny glowing metal thing:

radioactive cesium source Goiânia accident


[-] conorab@lemmy.conorab.com 34 points 8 months ago

Who took a photo of this community?


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.conorab.com/post/35638

In all its framerate-killing glory!

lemmy.world right now (lemmy.conorab.com)
MFW Elon Starts Dancing (lemmy.conorab.com)
The Real Chernarus (realchernarusphotos.conorab.com)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by conorab@lemmy.conorab.com to c/gaming@beehaw.org

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.conorab.com/post/12313

I visited Usti nad Labem back in June while in Europe after being inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLhCNEpcPO4 and https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/5dldfi/chernarus_real_life_map_with_in_game_locations/ and figured I'd post my photos here in case it inspires somebody else!

The link goes to a gallery of almost all the videos and photos I took while there as well as some videos. You can click on the map icon (to the right of the title at the top-left) to see every photo on a map. The Arma 2/DayZ locations can be found at https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1EJNBRC6X6C2P6Q1MGrsOb8Zynt4&ll=50.71286861566866%2C14.120705128839054&z=12 (posted in the Reddit link above).

Unfortunately the videos can't be put on a map, so here goes!:

  • The first 3 videos (IMG_5980, IMG_5981) are the train ride from Decin (around Rify) to Usti nad Labem (roughly Balota airfield).
  • IMG_5987 and IMG_5995 are at Usti nad Labem station.
  • IMG_6043 is at the east-most part of Usti nad Labem (roughly Balota airfield) near the river.
  • IMG_6255 is the road between Usti nad Labem-Nestmice (Cherno) and Mirkov (Mogilevka)
  • IMG_6259 is at Zricenina hradu Blansko (Zub castle).
  • IMG_6274 is a drive between Mirkov (Mogilevka) to Slavosov (Novy Sobor).
  • IMG_6282 is a drive between Slavosov (Novy Sobor) and Lipova (Stary Sobor)
  • IMG_6292 is a drive from Lipova (Stary Sobor) to Statek Libov (Rogovo), Radesin (Pogorevka) and the intersection between Chuderov (Zelenogork), Green Mountain, Radesin (Pogorevka) and Chuderov - Sovolusky (Pulkovo).
  • IMG_6404 is a drive from Javory (Gorka) to Malsovice (Berezino).
  • IMG_6468 is a drive from Jilove (Gvozdno) to Krasny Studenec (Krasnostav). Turns out this isn't a paved road like it is in the game, and nor is (at least some) of the road between Krasny Studenec (Krasnostav) to Stara Bohyne (Dubrovka). We didn't go down this road though.
  • IMG_6469 is a drive through Krasny Studenec (Krasnostav).
  • IMG_6493 is a drive along the river and Malsovice (Berezino).
  • IMG_6494 is around Malsovice (Berezino).
  • IMG_6496 and IMG_6497 are a drive from Malsovice (Berezino) to the dam at Povrly (Elektro) via Borek (Orlovets) and Hlinena (Polana), Dobkovice (Solnichniy) and Roztoky (Kamyshovo).
  • IMG_6522 is a drive from the dam at Povrly (Elektro) to Masovice (Pusta).
Wallpaper Memories (lemmy.conorab.com)

Inspired to make this post from: https://lemmy.ml/post/2769734

Do you have any memories that spring to mind when you see old wallpapers?

  • The green rolling hills of XP remind me of when I started using computers, watching Insider Secrets on CNET and downloading everything that appeared on download.com, then trying to make Windows XP look like Vista
  • Vista’s of when I installed every possible custom theme imaginable and spent half the time rebooting from BSODs while trying to play Zombie Escape in CSS
  • Windows 7 of what felt like peak Windows and when I got my first gaming PC and the joys of Bootcamp (never forget the Windows 7 Beta fish wallpaper),
  • Mac OS Leopards wallpaper of my first Mac,
  • Ubuntu 9.04: The classic Ubuntu where I had no idea what I was doing and I had no idea how to get Wi-Fi and sound to work,
  • Ubuntu 10.04 of when I first started running Minecraft servers and using Linux, not to forget glorious GNOME 2,
  • Debian 6 of when I started learning Debian and the fun that was trying use PPAs and custom repos on Apt and running servers in VirtualBox,
  • Mac OS Mavericks: Nice network share, would be a shame if it stopped responding and you had to reboot… again,
  • Windows 8 (not 8.1)… I don’t actually remember these . I used a screenshot from DayZ looking down at Elektro back when I ran Windows 8 consumer preview and the release candidate.
submitted 11 months ago by conorab@lemmy.conorab.com to c/linux@lemmy.ml
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