
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 week ago

You can't encrypt anything without a key. This is the key. If it wasn't in plaintext then it would be encrypted. Then you'd need a key for that. Where do you put it?

Phone OSs have mechanisms to solve this. Desktop ones do not.

[–] -3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So, if you want to have any sense of a service respecting you, it should be hosted on a server you can control?

No difference at all between the server of the world's biggest advertiser and a server by a company that opens itself for audits and is in a country whole laws require no bullshit? Are you sure those two are the same? All or nothing?

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You just happen to be conflating hard limitations of a physical substance with arbitrary soft limitations. Of course you cant replace chips with sand despite both having a % of silicon. Those are entirely different things.

Wine and gasoline aren't the same thing at all, they just happen to have one common element in their composition.

The iPad and a computer ARE the same thing. The label is something the brand puts on, it is not an hard limitation of the universe.

I personally don't care if IKEA says that their bedroom furniture is for the bedroom. If I decide to use it as living room furniture I can and IKEA should not have a say, however they probably would if they could.

Brands like to have that weird control when they can, generally not in worries we're doing something weird with stuff but for some strategic benefit, such as not cannibalising sales of something else.

If IKEA could bind pieces of furniture to types of room, you'd be more likely to have to buy more furniture over your lifetime. It would also maybe prevent them from having to comply with some regulation with the "our furniture is not furniture, is an... habitational support"! argument.

[–] 17 points 2 months ago (1 children)

They partially solve the fuel and the bad air problems. In exchange they damage roads way more (I recall reading that the damage is proportional to the vehicle weight to the fourth power, probably with some more nuance) and that also creates substantially more rubber micro particle pollution. They also happen to be more dangerous in the event of a crash. Plus the additional challenges with grid load, which some people dismiss with silly ideas like having said cars act like load balancers (that would be a mess to scale).

In most cases, EVs are not a solution to mobility, they are a solution to save the car industry from real solutions to climate change, namely spamming trams, trains and buses (in sparse locations) all over the place.

[–] 9 points 5 months ago

Y'know that you can see the requests your browser makes, right? Mind putting in here a screenshot of HIBP uploading your password or any complete hash of it?

Failing to provide that grants you the "talking shit out of ya ass" award.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

I do silly things on the internet. I tried to install leechblock so I can get most of the internet blocked, that way I don't get to procrastinate. Unfortunately it is ineffective as I can easily go around it.

I wish I had my own internet without procrastination material. A place with a tremendously big ecosystem of a billion people and not a single way to access things I deem problematic for me, because if they exist I might want to access them and I don't want that.

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Well, you can navigate de UI freely and watch the first video for free without any account. What else would you need to know the platform? There's a free trial of Nebula called YouTube. Everything in there except the exclusives. When you're convinced they have the content you want, it's 3€/mo so... whatever.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Have their Vektron. That is pure gold. Goes everywhere, real fast. Range is understated (either that or I'm too fit). Need public transit? Fine.

Expensive? Aye. But pays itself real fast (in a city you can actually use it without fearing death too much)

[–] 0 points 11 months ago

live translate

What is that? Google translate listening and translating live? Google lens translating images? Both work.

hold for me feature

No clue about what that is.

In general most things work just the same, and things that do not tend to be listed in the Graphene docs.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Simple reason being that there's no notoriously good OS for Samsung phones.

Graphene is highly focused on not being annoying while keeping privacy intact. You can, for example, have Google Play Services, within a sandbox. Everything can be denied network access, or any access really, on a per app basis.

It also relies on Google's security chip to keep the chain of trust intact. The boot sequence and your private keys are kept intact that way. Not everyone documents and opens their hardware as well as Google. Samsung is notoriously terrible and full of it when it comes to allowing you to do your own thing.