
joined 1 year ago
[–] 73 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Imagine being such a bootlicker that you want to kill people for property crime, even when that property isn't yours. What a loser.

She was wonderful in everything.

Perhaps it's just because maybe it was the first time I saw her, but I'll always associate her with the 1990s film "Hook". She played someone much older than she was at the time. "Peter, you've become a pirate."

[–] 42 points 2 days ago

Really good way to sell electric cars. Good job Elon.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

The only honest answer in the whole thread

[–] 40 points 4 days ago (3 children)

"One man's trash is another man's treasure" exists exactly for this, I think.

[–] 44 points 4 days ago (1 children)

'final' offer

Ah, I see Boeing execs still have not realized that the skilled labor makes the company work. The 'final' offer will be Boeing falling further towards obscurity because the C-suite can't see that they are the problem.

In stark contrast, you can put any old exec into an exec spot and they'll be just as useless as any other exec.

For a company as large and influential as Boeing though -- this is why other countries have nationalized entire industries for less.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Yeah fair enough. I probably should have qualified it more.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago

And it is why we are starting to see so much more unrest regardless of what country you're in.

Global communications are now such that it is impossible to hide a worldwide trend like this. It is also becoming easier to make direct comparisons between conditions country to country as a side effect of globalization.

The trend itself is not surprising, but it does highlight a need for action which is not limited to a single place.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Old Man Trump doing old man things.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago

This is one reason it is so wild that corporations in the US are entitled to "free speech" (in the form of spending) after the Citizens United decision. They get benefits as if they were a person, but far fewer of the natural restrictions.

[–] 53 points 5 days ago

That dude ain't protecting anything but Trump's ego (and his own). Vote these clowns out.


(This post was intended for, but as it seems they don't allow text posts, I'm posting it here)

This post will likely not go over well with everyone and some people may not agree with the premise of the question. Mods please remove if not allowed.

I am curious if the MAGA-esque approach to politics is new for the US, or if there have been other examples of similar political movements which may be considered "cult-like". To better define what I mean, here are some examples:

  • Large amounts of signs bearing a candidate's name being shown by single individuals (e.g. big trucks covered in Trump signs everywhere)

  • Use of a candidate name over the US flag

  • Use of a kind of supporter uniform (e.g. the red MAGA hat)

  • The "alternative facts" of MAGA, where debate can be impossible because supporters believe anyone who is a detractor must be lying

  • In some cases, voter intimidation or coercion from staunch supporters

It seems to me that some of this is new but I'd love to hear other thoughts. I have heard and seen many relatively obvious parallels to German politics in the 20s-40s, but I'm specifically wondering if anything similar has ever been seen in the US before.

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