[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

this comment traveled in time from 2001 lol

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

simply not true. they’re no angels or open source champions, but come on.

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

if a player brought it up as an issue, i’d probably go back on it. i’m an easy DM. i like Rule of Cool, but it’s about everyone having a good time ultimately, whatever that means to them

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

sure it does. it won’t tell you how to build a bomb or demonstrate explicit biases that have been fine tuned out of it. the problem is McDonald’s isn’t an AI company and probably is just using ChatGPT on the backend, and GPT doesn’t give a shit about bacon ice cream out of the box.

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

even though those are rules as written, i like to honor the crits, with a bit of nuance. if you’re super stealthy and roll a 1, maybe it makes a small noise but doesn’t cause an alarm. if you’re dumping strength on your wet noodle wizard, maybe you’re able to move that heavy thing an inch on a 20. it’s always situational though. people get excited to see a crit, and i think it makes it more fun.

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

ah yeah. maybe less well known, but i had a dev kit from Qualcomm that came with Ubuntu

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

not likely. i think it requires a lot of systems working together

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

always? Android runs a linux kernel, and they support all kinds of embedded systems that run Linux.

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

pretty standard compared to OSs like Android and iOS. i think the mobile OSs, at least recently, have done better at this; they don’t ask for permission until they need it. want to import bookmarks? i need file system access for that. want to open your webcam? i need device access. doing it all upfront leads to all the problems mentioned in this thread: unclear as to why, easy to forget what access you’ve given, no ability to deny a subset of options, etc.

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 60 points 1 month ago

honestly 8 space indents always felt a bit ridiculous to me. i usually use 4 since it’s more conventional in most languages but could also be happy with 2.

weird hill to die on. use default setting unless you have a good reason not to. the argument itself is a waste of time on projects that want to get things done.

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 32 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

i really want to like Nix.

gave it a shot a few years ago, but i felt like documentation and community support wasn’t really there yet. this was long before Nix surpassed Arch in terms of number of available packages. now people still complain about documentation, especially of the Nix language. i see a lot of package authors using it, and that kind of tempts me to start using at least the package manager. but a lot of packages don’t. the allure of GitOpsing my entire OS is very tempting, but then there’s been these rumors (now confirmed) of new forks, while Guix splintered off much earlier. for something that’s ostensibly supposed to be the most stable OS, that makes me nervous. it also seems to have some nontrivial overhead—building packages, retaining old packages, etc.

the pitch for Nix is really appealing, but with so much uncertainty it’s hard to pull the trigger on migrating anything. heck, if i could pull off some PoCs, i think my enterprise job might consider adopting it, but it’s a hard recommend for me today as it was 5 years ago.

[-] chrash0@lemmy.world 58 points 2 months ago

what else would it be? it’s a pretty common embedded target. dev kits from Qualcomm come with Android and use the Android bootloader and debug protocols at the very least.

nobody is out here running a plain Linux kernel and maintaining a UI stack while AOSP exists. would be a foolish waste of time for companies like Rabbit to use anything else imo.

to say it’s “just an Android device” is both true and a mischaracterization. it’s likely got a lot in common with a smartphone, but they’ve made modifications and aren’t supporting app stores or sideloading. doesn’t mean you can’t do it, just don’t be surprised when it doesn’t work 1-1

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