[-] chebra@mstdn.io 3 points 2 days ago

@makeasnek When I found out how easy it is to send Bitcoin on F-Droid, I started sending a couple of bucks each month to the apps I use. I wish donating was always this easy, more people would do it.

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 6 points 2 days ago

@FuckyWucky @corvus

If I have to choose between having a corrupt inefficient financial system with thousands of middlemen, vs this guy yelling at me his nonsense.. I'm choosing this guy yelling at me.

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 4 points 2 days ago

@something_random_tho The pathfinding algorithm is in the client app (like Organic Maps) and the data are in openstreetmap. Different apps can find different paths and there is not much we can do about it, because changing the pathfinding algorithm could break it for many other places. That's why I would rather modify the data, such as marking roads unsuitable for bikes, or making sure the nodes are properly connected, adding speed limits, road surface types... nudge the algo into the right path

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 37 points 3 days ago

@something_random_tho @lqwlxxxdxq

You should make an account on openstreetmap.org and modify the map to make it select a better route. You are part of the ecosystem of open-source software and crowd-sourced data.

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 18 points 4 days ago

@makeasnek @chris

I have a whole list in my bookmarks:
- everybody knows Tailscale (and Headscale)
- Slack Nebula
- NetBird
- NetMaker
- ZeroTier
- OpenZiti
- Wesher
- PineCone
- n2n
- weron
- innernet
- vpncloud
- tinc (the OG)

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 20 points 1 week ago

@makeasnek Does BOINC have any verification or protection from malicious actors finishing the work incorrectly just to get through the captcha? If not, this might actually poison the BOINC network, because bad people will have a motivation to get credits without performing the work.

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 21 points 1 month ago

@vrighter @ylai
That is a really bad analogy. If the "compilation" takes 6 months on a farm of 1000 GPUs and the results are random, then the dataset is basically worthless compared to the model. Datasets are easily available, always were, but if someone invests the effort in the training, then they don't want to let others use the model as open-source. Which is why we want open-source models. But not "openwashed" where they call it "open" for non-commercial, no modifications, no redistribution

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 12 points 1 month ago

@mormund It's not about the privacy of the code, but the privacy of the users clicking on github and then reading some news. They aggregate behavioral data about you.

> the only thing that can be lost are issues and pull request histories

"Only"?? That's a HUGE problem. That's exactly one of the walls keeping people inside github. Git protocol could distribute that, but it doesn't suit the commercial platform's interests -> go to open platforms instead.

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 30 points 1 month ago

@OsrsNeedsF2P But that's the problem we need to fix, not the reason to give up. There will be more people on Gitea and Matrix if you try. There is also more people on Reddit and Twitter, yet here we are.

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 16 points 1 month ago

sure, only available to the cool people

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 25 points 3 months ago

@MasterPain We don't need another instant messaging protocol. We need to fix the interoperability bugs in the existing clients and servers. "Modern replacements" are just making the problem worse.

[-] chebra@mstdn.io 13 points 3 months ago

@7heo taking the term "open source" literally as just open for reading (not open for modification, distribution etc..) that's only what big monopolistic corporations want you to believe. They've been attempting to redefine the term for many years. Before they started this campaign it was pretty clear to everyone that open source means one of the OSI licenses. Think about it, if it was only about readability, then all javascript would be technically open source. The mixup is artificial.

submitted 4 months ago by chebra@mstdn.io to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

The federation between mastodon and lemmy is strange. If a M account wants to follow a L community, they need to follow an automated M account which represents the L community. But if any M post mentions that L community, the post will get boosted by the community's M account, so everybody who follows will get a notification. And I'm not sure if this can be moderated from the L side, because it seems like it never goes through L. Such as - do you see this @opensource ? Does a L mod see this?

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