The chronically homeless, the ones that are hardest to get off the street, are difficult to house for reasons besides availability or cost, though.
joined 2 years ago
Still waiting on his replacement for Obamacare.
I'm curious what the federal government can actually do in this situation. Most private leases are contracts under state law, not federal law.
"Please" is short for "if it pleases you" or "if you please". It's used to turn a command into a request. It's probably not used on Lemmy, etc. because we're not requesting things of each other a lot.
AAAAAA(h)... now I get it.
The building manager should (and may be legally required to) have a fire department approved emergency plan that specifically addresses this question. Usually, the plan will be for you to await rescue.
A modern, up-to-code high rise building will have designated "places of refuge" that are designed to withstand heat and smoke, such as a pressurized stairwell with fire doors. In older buildings that don't have something like that, the plan might call for disabled people to go to the nearest (unprotected) stairway, or it might call for them to remain in their office/apartment and "defend in place". If possible, call 911 (or equivalent) to notify rescuers of your location.