[-] chahk@beehaw.org 32 points 1 day ago

Easy solution. "The Internet Archive" should rebrand itself to "Archiving the Internet" to confuse everyone who talks about how "AI" should be able to steal books.

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 12 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Agreed about changing the copyright law.

Until that happens though, they must not be allowed to have it both ways - call us "pirates" when we copy their shit without paying for it, and tell us that paying for shit they copy is "impossible".

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 3 points 3 days ago

Maybe. Probably. Who can keep track?

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Libraries are still a thing. You can still go there to borrow a book, read it, and return it, so that others can read it.

Public libraries are under assault from every direction.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/03/us/book-bans-librarians.html (apologies for nyt link)



Pretty soon you either won't find the books, or even the libraries themselves. Piracy is the only way they are leaving to us.

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 51 points 1 month ago

Treats servers badly. Both in restaurants and in IT infrastructure.

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 44 points 1 month ago

Nothing and I mean nothing will kill this faster than some leaked chats, emails, and browsing history of a few politicians.

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 176 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

"AI is nowhere near to being ready to replace you at your job. It is, however, ready enough to convince your boss that it's ready to replace you at your job."

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 76 points 4 months ago

You mean Cortana which was a rebrand of Clippy.

X is just better! (beehaw.org)
[-] chahk@beehaw.org 55 points 6 months ago

Firefox on Android works great too. I'm slowly degoogling my life, and this was by far the easiest step.

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 103 points 6 months ago

As much as I hate awfully broad patents, if the shoe was on the other foot, Apple would unleash its army of lawyers to block the other company's sales.

submitted 6 months ago by chahk@beehaw.org to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I recently got clued into the fact that you can enable side-loading on Roku devices. However, I have no idea where to get the apps for it. Since Rokus don't run Android, I can't install APKs like I did on my Nvidia Shield TV. Could someone please point me in the right direction?

submitted 9 months ago by chahk@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

I mostly make videos of my family vacations and such as a hobby.

A distant family member liked my edits, and now wants to hire me to shoot a video of a professional conference. I haven't accepted yet, and I'm reluctant to because I've never done anything on this level before. They're quite desperate because they can't find a "real" videographer for their budget ($500 USD for ~4 hour shoot). Money is not really a concern for me. I'd love to do this job, but I don't want to let them down if something goes wrong.

I only have one camera - Fuji X-T3, and one lens decent enough to possibly work in low-light indoor setting - Sigma 16mm f/1.4. I'm worried about data loss since even though the X-T3 has dual SD Card slots, it only writes video to one of them. I also don't own any lighting equipment aside from a GoDox flash (not even a remote trigger for it). I do have a gimbal for stabilization, but very little experience actually filming with it. And of course the fact that they're extended family complicates things even further.

Not sure what else I should be worried about. Should I bite the bullet and take the job? I'll be up-front with the client about both my (lack of) experience and limited equipment, of course.

submitted 9 months ago by chahk@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

I absolutely hate "smart" TVs! You can't even buy a quality "dumb" panel anymore. I can't convince the rest of my family and friends that the only things those smarts bring are built-in obsolescence, ads, and privacy issues.

I make it a point to NEVER connect my new 2022 LG C2 to the Internet, as any possible improvements from firmware updates will be overshadowed by garbage like ads in the UI, removal of existing features (warning: reddit link), privacy violations, possible attack vectors, non-existent security, and constant data breaches of the manufacturers that threaten to expose every bit of personal data that they suck up. Not to mention increased sluggishness after tons of unwanted "improvements" are stuffed into it over the years, as the chipset ages and can no longer cope.

I'd much rather spend a tenth of the price of my TV on a streaming box (Roku, Shield TV, etc.) and replace those after similar things happen to them in a few years. For example, the display of my OG 32-inch Sony Google TV from 2010 ($500) still works fine, but the OS has long been abandoned by both Sony and Google, and since 2015-16 even the basic things like YouTube and Chrome apps don't work anymore. Thank goodness I can set the HDMI port as default start-up, so I don't ever need to see the TV's native UI, and a new Roku Streaming Stick ($45) does just fine on this 720p panel. Plus, I'm not locked into the Roku ecosystem. If they begin (continue?) enshitifying their products, there are tons of other options available at similar price.

Most people don't replace their TVs every couple of years. Hell, my decade old 60-inch Sharp Aquos 1080p LCD TV that I bought for $2200 back in 2011 still works fine, and I only had to replace the streamer that's been driving it twice during all this time. Sony Google TV Box -> Nvidia Shield TV 2015 -> Nvidia Shield TV 2019. I plan to keep it in my basement until it dies completely before replacing it. The Shield TV goes to the LG C2 so that I never have to see LG's craptastic UI.

Sorry, just felt the need to vent. Would be very interested in reading community's opinions on this topic.

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 43 points 10 months ago

Kids are made basically out of rubber. Adults however... Have you ever seen a rubber band that's been sitting in a drawer for like 5 years without use? Yeah, kind of a similar thing.

[-] chahk@beehaw.org 90 points 11 months ago

I don't think it's a conspiracy. "Don't attribute to malice what could be explained by incompetence."

submitted 1 year ago by chahk@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Rumbleverse used to be my 10 year old's favorite game on Xbox. In the short time he played it he's gotten quite good at it, and got a lot of solo victories. He was so heartbroken early this year when they announced the game would be shutting down.

I've been searching for something similar ever since. Basically a mostly melee battle royale. We found Knockout City... only for it to shut down this month too.

I haven't been able to find another replacement yet. Could use some suggestions.

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