
joined 11 months ago

I think it's grossly undersold personally. What valve has managed is getting the single target platform open source could never agree on.

It's a small miracle, and it bleeds over into stuff like device driver support in a way I don't think most people who didn't deal with Linux in the 2.x era immediately appreciate.

If Linux on the desktop has a surge, they did a lot of the legwork.

From a macro economic perspective, (and im not advocating for a conspiracy, just aggregate business interest) they're dropping energy usage so they can pay less on their electricity bills.

So actually a double fu. get less so they can pay less rent, to provide lesser service.

Because rent seeking is the only tech bubble left.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I didn't mean to imply they'd roll in buggy packages, by virtue of release; just that Fedora's function is typically regression testing for the money making product.

The testing is for the much more marketable enterprise window.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Generally Fedora's purpose is to make sure nothing gets into redhat (RHEL) Linux. So if there are breaking changes to things, you'll be getting them.

Historically if people had wanted to learn I'd push them towards Ubuntu because its Debian based, meaning familiar enough to most of what runs the modern internet that I could eventually (I'm not a Linux admin) fix.

These days if you just want to use it I'd pick Linux mint, just since they seem to be orienting towards that way. Arch or SUSE based something if you want to learn more about how the packages you install work together. But the choice in distro honestly feels more like an installer and package manager choice than anything. a distro is just a choice of which thousand things to hide in a trenchcoat.

I just ideologically don't like IBM and would rather hand in my bug reports to the volunteer ecosystem.

This is my one of my favorites for exactly this reason. Agreed, other than the triumph of what little humanity Ted has at the end there's not much in the story.

But despite being a famous asshole it always seemed Ellison loved this story, right down to actually re writing a happy end to the "I have no mouth..." adventure game in the early 90s.

Speculation on my part, but I always thought for a famous pessimist he thought his warning might make a difference, which is its own kind of hopeful.

Even if you're right, those organizations still have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do the right thing.

It's not a quick solution, but the answer is more education about the space, so that there are more voices.

Hey I'm you at almost 40! I was always dev adjacent, but never learned to do much more than basic scripting for work.

I started with a couple books: Chassels intro to emacs lisp and Python the hard way.

Python was helpful for a couple things, but the ecosystem is kind of a disaster. I found just the general emacs config helps quite a bit get your feet wet with lisp likes.

Other people have mentioned Go is a great start point because its simplified, and I've definitely found it a lot more helpful than the java and C compliers I tried to learn on in my teens.

The only other thing I'd throw out is Lua, it's super verbose in a way thats pretty easy to understand. it's also relatively easy to find programs like wezterm that are configured through lua and offer instant reaponses when you change something and see changes.

Just like any new language it takes time, and some hard work to internalize what youre learning, but I don't think there's a too old.

You don't have to be the best programmer ever to do useful things.

The adage if youre looking to split hairs and divide your Methodists is the united Methodists were always more free and the free Methodists more united.

Its a broad tent, most of which didn't directly mean evangelical when I grew up, but there's still free Methodists that don't believe in dancing.

Openly serving gay and lesbian clergy was the hot gossip 20 years ago, it's been a slow move but they got there.

I ended up on a first gen dell developer xps and didn't win the Intel nic lottery. Dell's Ubuntu repo bricked my laptop a dozen times til I moved to arch, which actually had the decency to include the broadcom driver.

The hardware is alright, but the total lack of effort in maintaining has been from the jump.

+1 here for the arch recommendation as an ex ms sys op. Browsing their repos was outstanding for retooling, most of the config problems you hit are a great way into the ecosystem.

It's crazy how far this extends. I have fewer problems on my 5k atom series laptop GPU/CPU after fooling with a few of the settings than with an nvidia 2k card.

No issues with either full Intel or amd stacks a decade old.

Tldr and tealdeer in the arch repo are both helpful, but Ill do you one better since someone already beat me to it. I found fish shell's tab completion with either tool to be immensely helpful if you're not trying to stay stock standard. But if you're working on a lot of remote machines you don't own stick with bash/zsh.

There's some easy to find fuzzy search and linting for for history plugins that mean if you found it once you can do it again in whichever shell.

Its mostly familiarity, but i don't think I could function without fzf.

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