[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 week ago

The feeling of "ahh nothing makes sense but I'm glad there is at least one person like me in the world, even if they're a bot. In any case, I assume sentience and hope they liked it"?

Random silly imprints on humanity are my grass that I'm holding on to.

For a moment, there were two strands. Who knows what the future holds.

submitted 1 week ago by button_masher@lemmy.ml to c/pics@lemmy.world
[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I somewhat agree. The theme of indigenous-ness is critical and is nicely explored in Dune while Star Wars may have too grand stakes and had to simplify the fight to Good (value lives and give freedom) vs Evil (power for me is yummy).

It sounds like you've also read the next few books..

As you probably know, Dune was made to subvert the Chosen One trope. He's "self insert" with all the magical powers and strength and intelligence and prophecy but even that couldn't help him be a "Good" guy because of his perverted intentions (avenge his family and gain power to do what's "right"). Even the movie starts off with the good guys in White and bad guys in Black. Then things get Grayer as time passes.

But don't think you could swap the protagonists. Luke and Paul are completely different characters. But you've raised a fun hypothetical! Let's see...

Luke would be less ambitious than Paul. There were a few moment where both characters had the choice to go to the 'dark' side. Luke rejected the main? call (killing his father), Paul accepted the main call (during his first duel). Assuming both have equal strength and plot armor.. If you gave Luke the same Power as Paul (foresight), would Luke just choose to die than subject the indigenous people to centuries of war? Or do as Paul did and in his way, try "free" the indigenous people?

I still think that absolute power would corrupt absolutely and Luke would probably turn into Palpatine (as Paul and and [mild spoiler] God Emperor did) if his family was directly slaughtered in front of him and he was a little more emotional. We see some of that when Luke decided to leave training with Yoda and go save his precious ones. Foresight is an anxiety inducing power... If he could see into the future, would he have stayed and allow a few sacrifices for the Greater Good? We don't know.. but that same emotional reasoning would probably indicate Luke would probably do the same as Paul and sacrifice future lives for the Now.

It would also depend on what stage of his character arc Luke was plucked from and replaced with Paul. I might even argue that Paul(/or swapped Luke) never even had free will and was just doing things because his mother chose emotion over duty and kicked off this saga.

Happy to be corrected! This was fun.

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This is a hard ask.. especially since there are so many snake oil folks.

I know it's basic advice but.. It may be worth looking on YouTube for "Life as a X" or some of those "Experiences working as an Y" or "How I would start in Z now" videos. All the Career advisors have migrated into the over sharing economy, which is nice. You can get a feel of the people and advice and then potentially message them for specifics.

Happy Hunting!

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 9 points 7 months ago

You're not allowed to feel "old" until you hit 150 years. Then maybe you can start thinking about retiring.

Damn youngsters complaining about their hips and brains at the ripe age of 75. I pity the coming generation.

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 43 points 9 months ago

It was a such a guilty pleasure for me. A wet dream of project management where he got all the resources he was looking for and made effective decisions with new knowledge. With colleagues who actually took some initiative and collaborated effectively.

Wouldn't that be nice...

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 8 points 10 months ago

I love that man, his brain and how he probes any subject matter which comes across his party.

The way my head absorbed what you said was: Phillips is the Apple of the LEDs. If you want something longer lasting, stick with the "ol reliable" brand such had to innovate to sell cheaper. I wonder if people have done experiments..

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 61 points 10 months ago

Boy do I have a video for you. It's regarding the cartel and light bulb engineering if you'd be interested:


Monopolies are scary though, especially if they can make such collective actions without telling anyone.

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 63 points 11 months ago

Try leave everyone and everything better than you find it.

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 7 points 11 months ago

It's so comprehensive, it's scary. Just shows how many layers of complexity you need and the factors involved in simulation.

People be smart.

Thanks for sharing.

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 5 points 11 months ago

Sometimes there are moments where some people have different life experiences which lead to different stimuli of insight. These people may potentially take criticism roughly and may need some easing and gentleness. Such people may have the tendency to withdraw or lose confidence upon hearing relatively short messages with no emotional context and then perceive them having negative intent or feeling that they are not worth you time. They may want to talk to sit and form connections instead of pure efficiency of communication. (/s?)

I enjoy shaping bushes. Great memories.

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 6 points 11 months ago

Played Alpha and vividly remembered the first night when the monsters come out. Terrified.

Then I discovered mods. Entire game changer when I discovered the Portal Gun.

Good times.

[-] button_masher@lemmy.ml 11 points 11 months ago

Your hormones make you weak! Let go of your mortal shell and live in the sweet embrace of 1s and 0s. None of those pesky shades of gray. Everything in it's own happy 'float'ing bucket.

We'll even throw in a RNG if you ever want to get the thrill of hormones.

Join us.

Sincerely, Totally not a bot

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joined 1 year ago