
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 3 months ago

"I used to take a lot of bribes and I should have let everyone know. I mean, I still do, but I used to, too."

[–] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Well sure, but let's not throe the baby out with the baptism water, eh?

[–] 19 points 3 months ago



It has recently been widely reported that the FBI raided a corporate landlord in Arizona due to their use of RealPage to engage in price-fixing. I have reason to believe that RealPage has been used by landlords in [state] as well, so I am curious to know if [state] renters that may have been victimized by landlords using RealPage will also be able to depend on our elected officials to step in and enforce the consumer protection laws that we need in order to fight back against the wildly predatory price increases we have been experiencing from so many different directions. Please tell me this is an issue where the real people of [state], and not the corporations that speak far too loudly with their dollars, have our representatives behind our backs.

When and if wrongdoing is found, can we also expect to be fairly and fully compensated for the greedflation that landlords stole? And if those costs are too high for a particular landlord to bear, perhaps ownership of the effected properties should instead be transferred to the government to establish more low-income housing facilities and in doing so, help address crises in housing, homeless, and skyrocketing costs. What if we start treating corporations with the same uncaring hand they treat consumers, instead of handling them with kid-gloves? Can [state] citizens count on your support in keeping our people, not our corporations, as your top priority?

Respectfully, [name]

[–] 39 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Instead of forking so much of our tax dollars directly over to corporations, how about we try dispensing those awards directly to the American people so we can spend it where we think will be best?

Let's just end the thing where the government transfers money to corporations. They like healthy competition, right? So if your corpo doesn't get their fun-money because I spend my kickback funds elsewhere, that's just business, right?

The money will all trickle up! It'll be great for the corpos and rich folks.

[–] 17 points 3 months ago (2 children)

The answer is easy, but to get to it, a little bit of a thought experiment is probably helpful. I say, look to how we define our own left and right sides for guidance. When facing forward, our left hand is on the left side of our body, and the right hand is on the right side of the body. Perspective doesn't matter, and there is no ambiguity.

Now we need to extend this to the bed. A bed has a head, just like a person does. So where would its face be? It seems clear to me, unless you are sleeping on a dead mattress, that the face is clearly going to be looking upwards at the ceiling at the head of the bed. So the left side of the bed, if you are standing at the foot of the bed looking at it, would be on your right. Just like the left side of your friend, when you are standing in front of them and looking at them, is on your right.

Now if you just imagine the mattress to be perfectly spherical and in a frictionless environment.......

(Obviously just having fun with this answer, but it's also the right answer)

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The Venn Diagram of people who drive obnoxious gas-wasting vehicles like that and people who are assholes is a circle

[–] -1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

The driver is a POS and people are allowed to have toys. There is no conflict between those positions.

[–] 15 points 4 months ago

Leave it, it is very well-written and it also made my day to read

[–] 92 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

But why were the police even called?

Before the police were called, Martin and his co-workers made two trips to the SUV that Floyd was sitting in outside Cup Foods, trying to get him to come back to the store, Martin said. He recalled telling Floyd and his friends that the bill Floyd had just used was fake, and that his boss wanted to talk to him.

All I'm saying is, the consequences aren't as simple as "some homeless lowlife goes to jail lol" like the guy in the article seems to feel in his heart. Sometimes a counterfeit bill results in a 9- minute long public execution followed months of societal pain.

ETA: Johnny McEntee! That's the asshole's name. Johnny McEntee is the asshole that is trying to get homeless people into situations involving police over counterfeit money. Police that sometimes decide murder is a best path to justice for poor people with counterfeit money legal issus. Fuck that guy.

[–] 209 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (14 children)

Didn't George Floyd get murdered because he paid with a counterfeit? And assholes like this are proud of it.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I see what you mean, thank you for sharing, I could make this a bash script and that is one of the changes I'd want to make to make it more user friendly for sure. For now it was mostly notes I made and felt like sharing in case it was helpful, but cleaning it up with file edits and even a menu to drop in the compose files and a screen for optional external storage integration would be a good idea

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Maybe, I'm a bajillion years old and have a knack for choosing poorly, but it's in the documentation still and works really well on Debian boxes for homelab services so I've been having fun with it. It also brought me into the world of Proxmox and LXC containers as the very next step on my learning journey. So, it can't be all bad, right? :)

Regardless, setting up a single Docker node is the same as setting up a cluster in terms if the initial steps, you just leave out the swarmy bits.

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