[-] bobburger@fedia.io 8 points 2 weeks ago

The new Prius Prime has an optional rooftop solar panel.

According to an article in Slash Gear you can get about 4 miles of range after 9 hours in the sun.

So it has the potential to marginally increase your range on the scale of a short commute under ideal circumstances, but it's not much apparently.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 19 points 3 weeks ago

Some more context from a BBC article

But Yair Lapid, one of Israel's most influential opposition politicians, was quick to offer his backing to the embattled prime minister. His Yesh Atid (There is a future) party hold 24 seats. He said the prime minister "has our safety net for a hostage deal if Ben-Gvir and Smotrich leave the government".

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 10 points 3 weeks ago

Since a lot of people seem to be jumping to extreme conclusions about this based on specious assumptions, here's how the process works according to the article:

Magrathea — named after a planet in the hit novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — buys waste brines, often from desalination plants, and allows the water to evaporate, leaving behind magnesium chloride salts. Next, it passes an electrical current through the salts to separate them from the molten magnesium, which is then cast into ingots or machine components.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 16 points 1 month ago

Eventually everyone has to go full Battlestar Galactica

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 13 points 1 month ago

I'd stay away from cheap bicycles from China and especially far away from cheap bicycles with cheap batteries. Cheap batteries have a tendency to be made from low quality cells that degrade quickly and don't hold the promised charge. Even worse they have a tendency to catch fire.

REI has some decent options in that price range and have a nice return policy for members.

Also there's direct to consumer brands that will probably get you a better option than either of those bikes.

Rad Bikes has this bad boy for a very similar price.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 13 points 1 month ago

I think the major difference is now everyone can get their tailor made brand of misinformation based on their own biases.

For example Cambridge Analytica had about 200 personality profiles that they used for targeted disinformation during the 2016 political campaign. So before people spreading misinformation had one or two stories to try and convince everyone. Now they know just about everything about you and can bombard you with misinformation until they find something that sticks.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 10 points 1 month ago

A wise person once told me don't commit misdemeanors while you're committing felonies.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 13 points 2 months ago

41% is the number of executives that think AI will reduce their work force, not the number of jobs they expect to replace.

Your point stands though.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 8 points 2 months ago

How will getting Trump elected in November stop the genocide now?

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 10 points 2 months ago

I'm not sure about what's off screen, but everything that I can see is defined at n=0

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 8 points 3 months ago

And you dont see how voting for the "lesser evil" allows both parties to move further and further right?

I see a lot of people who aren't voting using this logic and I don't really understand it.

If there are some number of candidates running, and the most left wing candidate wins each time, how does that push the country to the right?

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