[-] bobburger@fedia.io 35 points 3 days ago

I feel like you shouldn't ask your friends to put their lies in writing.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 5 points 4 days ago

Donald Trump's sentencing is coming soon, hopefully they both get equal treatment

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 8 points 6 days ago

The new Prius Prime has an optional rooftop solar panel.

According to an article in Slash Gear you can get about 4 miles of range after 9 hours in the sun.

So it has the potential to marginally increase your range on the scale of a short commute under ideal circumstances, but it's not much apparently.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 19 points 1 week ago

Some more context from a BBC article

But Yair Lapid, one of Israel's most influential opposition politicians, was quick to offer his backing to the embattled prime minister. His Yesh Atid (There is a future) party hold 24 seats. He said the prime minister "has our safety net for a hostage deal if Ben-Gvir and Smotrich leave the government".

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 33 points 3 weeks ago

I don't know why Biden would cause so much inflation in Canada, England, France, Germany, and just about every other country on earth, but he did. What a dick.

Obama is also at least 10% to blame. Vote Trump 2024 to teach the Dems a lesson.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 16 points 3 weeks ago

Eventually everyone has to go full Battlestar Galactica

submitted 1 month ago by bobburger@fedia.io to c/news@lemmy.world

Mohammad Rasoulof was sentenced over his new film, which is to be premiered at the Cannes festival.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 40 points 2 months ago

You can't deduct your mortgage from your taxes, only the interest. And only on mortgages related to your first or second home. From irs.gov

This part explains what you can deduct as home mortgage interest. It includes discussions on points and how to report deductible interest on your tax return.

Generally, home mortgage interest is any interest you pay on a loan secured by your home (main home or a second home). The loan may be a mortgage to buy your home, or a second mortgage.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 69 points 2 months ago

To be fair it's a pretty terrible dataset. The AI is just going to say "this" to every question you ask

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 26 points 2 months ago

Every thing you google is just going to direct you to a link to let me google that for you

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 20 points 2 months ago

I'm sure a couple of them are real people.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 21 points 2 months ago

I like to imagine this was thought up by some ambitious product manager who enthusiastically pitched this idea during their first week on the job.

Then they carefully and meticulously implemented their plan over 3 years, always promising the executives it would be a huge pay off. Then the product manager saw the writing on the wall that this project was gonna fail. Then they bailed while they could and got a better position at a different company.

The new product manager overseeing this project didn't care about it at all. New PM said fuck it and shipped the exploit before it was ready so the team could focus their work on a new project that would make new PM look good.

The new project will be ready in just 6-12 months, and it is totally going to disrupt the industry!

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