Just a month to celebrate relaxation and not obsessing over the grind. Festivals where people just bring camping chairs and chill together. Companies pandering by giving paid extra time off to employees. And so on.

[-] benni@lemmy.world 15 points 3 months ago

Europa nicht den Laien überlassen ;)

[-] benni@lemmy.world 20 points 4 months ago

I'm kind of dissatisfied with the answers here. As soon as you talk about actually drawing a line in the real world, the distinction between rational and irrational numbers stops making sense. In other words, the distinction between rational and irrational numbers is a concept that describes numbers to an accuracy that is impossible to achieve in real life. So you cannot draw a line with a clearly irrational length, but neither can you draw a line with a clearly rational length. You can only define theoretical mathematical constructs which can then be classified as rational or irrational, if applicable.

More mathematically phrased: in real life, your line to which you assign the length L will always have an inaccuracy of size x>0. But for any real L, the interval (L-x;L+x) contains both an infinite number of rational and an infinite number of irrational numbers. Note that this is independent of how small the value of x is. This is why I said that the accuracy, at which the concept of rational and irrational numbers make sense, is impossible to achieve in real life.

So I think your confusion stems from mixing the lengths we assign to objects in the real world with the lengths we can accurately compute for mathematical objects that we have created in our minds using axioms and definitions.

[-] benni@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

This is the way. I stopped playing the originals after X/Y, but some ROM hacks and fan games are so much fun.

[-] benni@lemmy.world 36 points 6 months ago

I love playing this with my cat. Works especially well when you audibly drag your feet and when you move around corners or behind objects a lot. I learned this by watching my cat play with her son. However she only lets me play the prey role and gets aggressive when I do the same to her. Her son also used to let me hunt him a bit, but he disappeared one day :/

[-] benni@lemmy.world 133 points 6 months ago

I see a lot of hate against the concept of doing one's own research on the internet and it really bothers me. The problem is not doing one's own research. The scientists that wrote this paper also did their own research. All scientists (should) do their own research. That's inherent to science and that's part of what got humanity this far. The problem is that some people lack the capabilities to properly assess information sources and draw correct conclusions from them. So these people end up with incorrect beliefs. Of course they could just "trust the experts" instead, but how are they supposed to know which experts to trust if they're not good at assessing sources of information? Finding those experts is in itself a task that requires you to do your own research.

TL;DR: I think this hate on "doing your own research" is unjustified. People believing nonsense is a problem that is inescapable and inherent to humanity.

[-] benni@lemmy.world 17 points 6 months ago

Of which sugars:

[-] benni@lemmy.world 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This blog post summarizes the science nicely: https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2023/10/30/a-conversation-about-the-science-of-willpower/ TL;DR: You can train your willpower. It does act like a limited resource [Edit: Science is inconclusive on this claim]. But most importantly, it is strongly affected by your sleep, nutrition and stress level.

I found that mindfulness meditation was helpful for me. Practically, you can achieve an effect that is similar to having strengthened willpower by organizing your life in such a way that you don't encounter many temptations in the first place.

[-] benni@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

It doesn't feel like sexual harassment to them because it's directed towards a straight male. Change the words to "stable girl" and everyone would call it creepy instead of funny (as they should, because it is). Don't try to reason with these people, it will just needlessly make you angry.

[-] benni@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago

Users be like "I'm encountering mostly promotional articles in my RSS feed"

My brother in christ, you curated the feed

[-] benni@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago

Bin ehrlich gesagt sehr überrascht das zu lesen. Ich esse zwar vegetarisch, finde aber trotzdem, dass Fleisch eindeutig die leckerste Proteinquelle ist. Fleischersatzprodukte sind für mich immer irgendwo von ungenießbar bis akzeptabel, aber nie lecker. Da esse ich lieber Alternativen wie Tofu oder Falafeln. Für Fleisch aus dem Labor würde ich dementsprechend auch ab und zu mal viel Geld zahlen, wenn erstmal geklärt ist, dass es keine besonderen gesundheitlichen Risiken gibt.

[-] benni@lemmy.world 16 points 9 months ago

The very fact that they're able to do all of this is also an effect of the mitochondria in their cells. But if people tell me to stop talking about mitochondria 24/7, then I should just find a group of other mitochondria enthusiasts to interact with instead of ranting about how I'm ""right"" to make everything about mitochondria.

[-] benni@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago

Yeah, but if you wanna act out the contents of the book and sell it as a movie, you need to buy the rights.

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