
joined 1 year ago
[–] 74 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Because it's too expensive to crunch up a whole iPhone just for one cone.

[–] 80 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Trump sues mirror for making him look ugly.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

I'm slightly fed up with being promised that going meat free will get me a livable planet when I retire because I have fucking delivered my end of the bargain. I want my livable planet now.

It's like

"You can improve our situation if you grab a thimble and start scooping water out of the boat now."

"There's still the giant hole in the hull that brings in a lot more water than my little thimble can deal with. What do we do about that?"

"Shut up and keep scooping :D"

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (5 children)

That's all it took. The crisis has actually been over for ages ever since I have stopped eating meat. I've done it.

you should be good

Good news, the planet is now no longer on a direct course towards being rendered inhabitable due to being destroyed for profit. I. AM. GOOD.

Problem solved. Thank you so much on behalf of all future generations of the planet.

[–] 13 points 2 days ago

"Wouldn't it be great if everybody gave my AI company money?"

"For doing what?"

"... I don't follow."

[–] 15 points 2 days ago

"Okay, but I don't see why we can't revisit my suggestion to send the Pinkertons to all owners of the original version and have them break their kneecaps if they don't give us all the money they have."

"With all due respect sir, that is... Have you read the brief that Legal sent you on that matter?"

"I skimmed it... but I'm not convinced."

[–] -3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

By God, you're right! It was me all along. I am to blame for Climate Change! Sorry guys. I'll stop Climate Change this instant. Sorry again.

[–] 11 points 2 days ago

They're instead letting an AI generate their stock price. It is a number now.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (10 children)

Sounds good. I'll start by telling all my corporations that blast the majority of CO2 emissions worldwide into the air to slow it down a bit.

[–] 11 points 3 days ago

The bridge crew all fall out of their seats, some consoles explode and one ensign will have to go to sick bay with burns on their- oh. Oooh, nevermind.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

It's especially important to get all the children, women and elderly people who have literally zero influence on anything and to then extinguish the entire basis for their livelihoods wholesale. In fact, they're the easiest to punish for whatever someone else has done or is doing or will do -doesn't matter, excuses will be made up- because they can't defend themselves when you take everything they own. Galaxy brain material here, truly.

You forgot your /s tag btw.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

I am sorry that kicking the Eurotrash invaders and their descendants off your continent didn't work out for you and in the end you were jammed into special reservations without being reimbursed for all the land theft after all.


That's like Theseus bringing in his ship for maintenance and when he returns to get it, the ship mechanic saying "so I have good news and bad news..."..


I just played a session and noticed that saving didn't work properly anymore - I would enter a save name and hit save, but afterwards, the save would not appear in the list. When I tried to reload the last appearing save in the list, the game told me it detected save corruption and could not load it. After the initial wailing and gnashing of teeth, I noticed that the last save in the list, the corrupted one was right after some milestone. I reloaded the last working save, played up to the part where that corrupted save would have been and noticed that it was right after some cutscene where the game would have been autosaving WHILE I initiated the quicksave. It seems that you can royally screw yourself if you cause overlapping save procedures, so for the foreseeable future, I will make sure that the only one initiating saves is me, no more autosaves here.

tl;dr: If you save while an autosave is being made, your save will risk being corrupted. Generally don't overlap saves in progress.


While there is no at-will cantrip that directly heals, the unlockable illithid power Transfuse Health lets one heal another character at the cost of half one's current hp. Now you'll be thinking, "that's not infinite", and you'd be mostly right - except warlocks can create 7 temp hp at will with the eldritch invocation Fiendish Vigor. The neat thing about transfuse health is that it does not transfer the healing character's hp to the healed one - no, it subtracts the amount of half the character's current hp and then heals the other character for that, BUT, it starts subtracting from temporary hp! This means that as long as you have 15 hp and 7 points of fiendish vigourous temp hp up, the seven hp that make up half your current actual hp will be subtracted from your temp hp and not touch your real hp, leaving you with 15 perfectly fine and untouched hp. Reapply fiendish vigour and repeat as often as necessary.

It may not be the fastest way of healing, but it is repeatable ad infinitum on other group members and only leaves the healer at 15 hp + 7 temp hp.


When will the patches be stable enough that one would -with a reasonable degree of certainty- no longer expect save corruption anymore in the process? Because I will not, can not, do the first couple hours yet again at this point. I may roll another character when things have settled down and any further twiddling will be mostly cosmetic, but right now, no. BG3 is on hold for me now.

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