[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 12 points 10 months ago

Grifting out in the open.

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 7 points 10 months ago

it's also really stupid considering the liberal cites are literally what MAKES Texas. There's mass amounts of population in rural areas that just flat don't vote. If everyone voted in TX it's be blue as fuck.

Either way when the cities themselves lose all the workers that high paying jobs need the cities start to fall and the revenue for the state will follow.

Literal idiots that just think the oilfield will go on forever and nothing else will matter

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 1 points 10 months ago

I've legit never understood it's appeal. Like what even is the purpose of it?

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 5 points 10 months ago

The people who support him don't know he said this.. They literally don't know shit about these people and only watch Fox news which wont air this

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

bruhhhhhh.. 40somethings folks is what created the booming gaming industry. We can't stop now it'll crumble without us!!!

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 2 points 1 year ago

America's army still has a decent amount of people playing. Mostly older folks, but there are tons of community made maps. Give it a try.

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 0 points 1 year ago

Lol dude no. There was practically nothing online back then. I was around back then learning linux and programming. IRC was a great place to go otherwise you had to actually read books and RTFM. The wealth of information that we have today wasn't even close back when alta vista was something you used. I had a job where I specifically had to search things and input data about it and there were like 5 different search engines offering all manner of different results. It was horrible.

IRC had massive amount of people and chatting with them was helpful. Discord offers that. Your beef is just that it's not searchable and takes way more engagement for you to try and figure it out.

That's just one place, but it's very useful for a lot of people. IRC is still around and decent amounts still use it and have all along. Those communities that decide to be discord are probably so freakin niche that even if you just log in day 1 ask your question it probably gets answered in detail in 2 seconds.

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 0 points 1 year ago

lol dude this is flat out wrong. Being able to ask active communitites things is useful to a lot of people. Have you ever even heard of IRC?????

What do you think happened before google had everything indexed?

It's useful to chat it out with people sometimes especially when you are all collectively centered around a single topic.

I've learned mass amounts of things through IRC and often times they don't just give you the answer they give you clues to help you figure it out.

Discord will be similar for many people. It's not necessary to archive every last bit of information. It's OK to talk to real people who enjoy talking about said topic and letting them guide you real time.

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 1 points 1 year ago

You might consider buying a cheap 7" tablet on Amazon and using that for your dji. Assuming your controller can handle the size. I have an older dji and that's what I do. Nothing of importance on the tablet. I think a Lenovo 7" was like $99 when I got it.

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 0 points 1 year ago

Same as the title for me but different than your thing. Just feels stale over there and I go into comments and it's the same ol drivel over and over again lol. This community feels fresh and I'm really enjoying exploring the various communities and chatting casually about whatever..

Feels just very corporate place over there and I dunno. Just not feeling right anymore. I'm thinking maybe it's been wrong all along I just didn't realize. Hopefully lemmy's growth continues but at a reasonable pace so that we don't devolve in the same sorta rhetoric over and over again.

I definitely feel better over here now and while there are way less comments it really seems like the engagements are far better.

Maybe that's what it is. By the time I look at a post over on reddit there are 1000s of comments and half of them just saying the same thing lol.

At least here you can contribute

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 0 points 1 year ago

Need some bots to start porting all those posts over to Lemmy lol.

submitted 1 year ago by bdiddy@lemmy.one to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

Game has been on my radar for a while and it's got a decent discount right now. Wondering if it's too difficult to play on the deck though.

[-] bdiddy@lemmy.one 0 points 1 year ago

i like it and can totally abandon reddit for it assuming people continue to show up and like all my tiny little niche communities pop up. I do feel like it's a bit confusing at first as far as finding communities and connecting to them all so some work there would probably go a long way.

basically when there is a community for stock tank pools specifically and has 2,000 subscribers we're in the money lol

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