[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 20 points 3 hours ago

Excessive swearing, as if they just learned how to say “fuck”.

Not that any damn amount of fucking swearing means they are are a young fucker, but you can fucking tell when you read that shit and they manage nine goddamn swear words in one fucking sentence you know they’re a young bitch who aren’t allowed to swear any other damn time.

[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

Thanks for Batman, I’ve never played that one

[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

Honestly if I could put my own SSDs in MacBooks I would be very interested in them, especially as the Asahi project gets better. But I have my doubts that will ever happen.

[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

If a country like the US had a lower violent dead per capita than other first world countries like France or Germany, I would agree with you.

It doesn't have as high of a gun ownership rate as the US (no one does), but Czechia has some of the laxest gun laws in Europe, including allowing the concealed carry of a handgun like the US (at least 1 million Czechs have permits to own a firearm, a large portion of which conceal carry them for self defense) and they have a lower homicide rate than Germany or France (Source: World Bank)

Even as a supporter of gun rights, I don't think that definitively proves that guns, on a societal level, prevent deaths. I don't believe that in general. I do believe, however, that on a personal level, a well trained individual who sees the need to defend themself or people they love can prevent harm by owning a firearm. I do also believe that in a society (America) with a broken policing system, and an increasingly authoritarian Republican party that wants to crack down on my rights and the rights of people I love, I'd like the option to protect myself and my friends/family.

[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago
  1. Put the former dictator and their government officials to a fair war tribunal/trial for whatever war crimes/human rights violations they preformed. Have the jury/etc composed of people of the occupied country. Televise, live stream it, etc as much as possible to make sure it’s transparent to the people so they know it’s being fairly run and so that all former supporters of the original regime see all the atrocities they committed
  2. Provide economic/humanitarian aide to help rebuild country, create jobs/economy for people
  3. Begin rebuilding government as democracy, use occasional voting referendums on specifics of new constitution (on bill of rights, parliamentary vs representative democracy, etc) to allow people some participation and act as dry runs for electing political officials. Maybe throw some ranked choice voting in there for fun
  4. Run elections for political offices, for the first few elections ensure that the former dictator’s supporters and regime is disqualified so they do not retake power
  5. After elections are successful and government seems stabilized, begin de-occupying and giving the country it’s independence
[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 21 points 10 months ago

Putin has finally acknowledged that he is no match for NATO’s they/them army

[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 24 points 10 months ago

It’s not a state rights issue, it’s a human rights issue and the SCOTUS was protecting the people of the US from the States until the court overturned Roe v Wade

[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago

Seems like solar would be a really good solution in NM. Lots of land to build on, plenty of sun, and the population is spread out so large power plants like nuclear/coal would be less practical in that setting

[-] bcoffy@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

Well hey, Russia has made lots of progress on abolishing their borders the past year or so!


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