
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Still catching up on the many Switch games I've missed over the years. Super Mario Odyssey, Starlink: Battle for Atlas, and Metroid Prime Remastered are getting lots of play. They are all excellent. Starlink gives me motion sickness though, so I have to limit that to 20--30-minute sessions.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

This is a bit of a TIL for me. Alberta and Saskatchewan, obvious. I didn't know that NB had an active anti-trans policy in effect.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago

That might help? This is a piracy place but things that use Widevine and constantly changing. That file on your phone will only play on your phone because that app has the decryption keys. The easy apps that do this are not free apps. Screencasting and recording is something you could just start doing now.

You could also tell us the name of the video and someone here might be able to find it.

[–] 0 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I like the idea of just recording it, because it is simple.

But, if you are beholden to doing it another way, can you tell us how you ripped the content? Did you use yt-dlp?

Whatever the case, you need separate audio and video streams. They'll probably both be encrypted.

You'll need something like mp4decryptor ( and and widevine keyguesser thing. I haven't done this in about 5 years, so forgive me.

There is a specific order of operations that I don't exactly remember but you'll need to find up-to-date instructions.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I use super boring Claws Mail for my personal email. I handle my contacts with Khard and calendars with Khal.

I don't use a Yubikey though.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I've been using Linux for a long time. When I install my fist step is to uninstall. I get not wanting things taking up space.

You should be able to remove things like LibreOffice and so on without any issues.

In the past, dependency chains screwed things up depending on the distro. (Remove Chrome? Oh, well, we'll remove your DE too! I remember once uninstalling VLC, which I never use, wanted to uninstall the browser and other media apps...)

I did go and look around, and you are right. Lots of posts, older and more recent, telling people not to uninstall and change to a minimal distro.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

cmus is great for music

mpv for videos, there are different extensions to automatically open YT videos with it.

beets for sorting music

nicotine plus for looking for music



improving performance isn't easy if you feel like things are running smoothly, but there are a few laptop specific things like tlp that you could look into although I suspect that distro uses them out of the box

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Outside of Gnome I think you may need to install an additional package like evolution-on

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Already mentioned, but Strawberry is worth checking out. If Quod Libet works, stick with that. I liked it when I used it.

mpd has a number of frontends.

No longer developed I think, but I'll mention gmusicbrowser as it used to be my go-to.

cmus is what I use now.

I also have a very large library and use Debian 12.5 so I'll bookmark this thread for later.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Sometimes yt-dlp drops fragments leading to corrupt files, maybe that's what's going on.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

I went through something similar with my Brother printer, but stuck with USB. I'll have to give your tips a try later.

I haven't been able to get 2-sided to work except with LibreOffice for some reason, but maybe that DuplexNoTumble thing is the key...or value.

[–] 9 points 4 weeks ago


I've tried different distros and liked them, but tend to come back to Debian.


Hi all,

My former family doctor has been doing some odd things these past few months.

I moved away so I haven't dealt with this person in years. My mother, however, is at an age where having a family doctor is very important.

Here's the deal. Among some other odd interactions, 2 events have happened that worry my mother and seem peculiar to me:

  1. GP prescribed heart medication to my mother years ago. The proof is in the system. My mother still has the prescription because she is a hoarder. The pharmacy has the record. My mother recently consulted a cardiologist who is convinced that the problem that medication treats is not my mother's problem. Cardiologist asks, "who gave you this and why, I need to talk to them." Mother tells them. Phone calls exchanged. GP says, "no, I did not write that script." They refuse outright and have continued to double down on that statement ever since.

That was odd. And it slowed things down for further treatment.

But then...

  1. Recently a new health issue lead my mother to the GP. The doctor prescribed medication for the problem. But, they wrote the prescription on a different doctor's pad. Not by mistake. They left the room and came back with the other pad. My mother noticed it go down but still went to the pharmacy. Sure enough, this doctor that my mother has never consulted is listed as the prescribing doctor. My mother read the insert for the medication and it notes not to take it in combination with other medications that she is currently prescribed. She has decided not to take it.

I just wanted to bounce this off the wall here and see what any of you thought. Should I encourage my mother to find a different doctor?


The other day my son was messing around on my PS4. He went into the library and launched Geometry Wars³: Dimensions.

My wife and I heard the music and were like "YES!" and now our family is re-addicted to this game...after 6 years or 7 years of never touching the thing.

What are games you forgot you had and "fell" back into?


We hear a lot about this guy, why not a little more. This podcast is doing a series on Musk that is quite revealing, totally worth a listen if you are interested in business or tech.

They are currently on part 2 of 4.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

I was very lucky growing up, and my little middle school in my little village in Nova Scotia offered French Immersion (late, started grade 7).

Sure, some of my teachers were anglophone, but the rest were Acadian. When I went to university I didn't think much about it, but soon discovered that I was functionally and operationally bilingual. I continued to study French at university where all of my teachers happend to be from la belle province and graduated.

Now I'm a professor in France. I've been doing this for about 17 years. My students greatly underestimate their level in English, yet here I am correcting 750-word essays written by 1st year students who have only "studied" English for an hour or two a week since middle school. Are they good? Meh... But they are better than they imagine.

Canada is supposed to be bilingual. I've seen different numbers fly around over the years regarding the percentage of bilingual Canadians. How about you, are you bilingual? How bilingual?


These maps are not directly related to the question, but I came across them while looking things up.

This is from 2016. I like showing this to my students. They always ask me why I bothered learning French.

And this is from 2021 and is a little bit related to my question, but only covers English and French.



This would probably fit in better in the technology community and I'm pretty sure it has been shared already, so sorry for the duplicate, especially since it was already on the ! and and ! communities.

I found it interesting because just a few months ago The Linux Experiment made a video that I shared and, while that video was talking about laws in France that I believed at the time would lead to eventually banning encrypted apps it now appears that the possibility of that is now looming over us...moreso after what happened in Arras.

Edit (in French)

Yes, the attack in Arras is being used as a reason to consider banning encrypted chat apps like Signal and WhatsApp.


You can't make this stuff up...

Jody Ledgerwood, a real estate broker from Cobourg, Ontario who played a behind-the-scenes role during the 2022 Freedom Convoy occupation, told PressProgress she attended two secret “Save the Children Convoy” meetings in Marmora and Mississauga this summer.

According to Ledgerwood, at these meetings some Save the Children Convoy leaders shared a plan that allegedly involved three “phases.”

“Phase one” of the plan involved sending a convoy to occupy Toronto’s financial district. When Toronto Police mobilized public order units to end the convoy occupation, a second convoy would surprise police and box them in, forcing police to surrender.

“Phase two” involved surrounding eight federal buildings in Ottawa and detaining MPs, holding the elected officials in custody until they gave into the convoy leader’s demands.

While phase two was unfolding, another group would simultaneously execute “phase three” by sending a final convoy to confront the Freemasons in the oceanside village of Tofino, British Columbia where they would “take the head off the snake.”

How did the Freemasons get involved? I really need an explainer video like the last time a convoy got to Ottawa.


“We want to parent our kids until they're 18 and ready to make decisions by themselves. Whatever decision they make later, that's a decision as an adult."

The harder you parent, the stronger your children push back.

For a group of concerned parents, they seem to know less than me, and I've only been parenting for about 6 years.

Parental influence on behaviour begins dropping around the age of 6. At that point external influences, like friends at school, stat becoming more important. By adolescence it has dropped to around 50%. By 20 it is 0%. When you let a kid breathe and make mistakes, they will listen to you without needing overbearing control...

Clearly, this whole thing stinks of money. They are buying targeted ads on FB and adding a layer of embarrassment that will see Canada mocked and ridiculed. This is a hate group.


Choice quote:

Elliot McDavid, another convoy organizer who made headlines harassing Chrystia Freeland last year, believes the Government of Alberta is colluding with insurance companies to produce child pornography and has claimed children are being “hunted down like animals” and “thrown in a rail car” by “degenerates on horseback.”

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