[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 3 points 4 hours ago

My understanding is that as long as IDs are roughly the same range of the index instead of literally random, it reduces the thrashing about needed for indexing these. It probably doesn't need to be perfectly exact. They're talking about B-trees, so these would all be modifying the same smaller branches of the tree instead of going in all over the place.

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 34 points 4 hours ago

I really wish the government would do their goddamn jobs regarding monopolies. Instead they are just accepting bribes and facilitating the mergers.

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 2 points 5 hours ago

Hey, I just some someone else post some resources that you'd probably be interested in:



[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 1 points 5 hours ago

Thank you for sharing those links, I have been struggling with making rpm-ostree compose go from a yaml to an ISO, these look like they might reduce the level of effort!

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 2 points 8 hours ago

It's atomic! If the latest version you try has issues you can roll back to the last one that was working. It's really cool. You cannot write to anything other than /etc and /var unless you make a reversible commit on top of the system base image.

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 1 points 21 hours ago

Yeah OpenWRT is incredibly slim. I remember doing a double-take looking at their install page because the memory requirements are so low. I'm used to seeing numbers in GB and they're saying they can provide full functionality in 64 MB.

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I think it's an unusual case, but I wanted to bring it up to support your point about rejecting their kernel and distro. You can put Incus on a lot of different systems. Don't like systemd? Put it on Void. Want a declarative setup? NixOS. Minimalist? Alpine.

Do I want to maintain a full operating system just to run this one type of software? No, that's absurd. I want to choose the distro I want to work with and then have the software work on top of it.

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago

I think I was on a previous account the last time I saw you, glad to see you're still posting. You convinced me to move from Proxmox to Incus a while back. Sure, I had some growing pains, but it's pretty smooth now.

I like that I can switch out my distros underneath Incus instead of being stuck on one weird kernel. IME you were absolutely right about that. I'm getting into atomic distros to manage homelab machines. I would not be able to do that on Proxmox.

I also don't need to edit a giant Javascript file to remove a nag about enterprise software repos, which is nice.

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

You have to follow the attribution and share-alike parts of the license. Otherwise you'll have the same consequences as an AI company would scraping it (still zero).

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

He is a dancing monkey distracting the crowd while the GOP and the wealthy pickpocket everyone from behind. He will do the "scandal a day" shit and the news orgs will be focused on that while the country is dismantled.

Donald is too fucking stupid to be involved in lawmaking. He'll pass whatever they present him in exchange for a handout (handouts after the fact now legal, thanks SCOTUS). He won't be thinking any up, though. He only knows how to watch TV, golf, and sell classified information to Russia.

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

I bet his "environmental numbers" really are the highest for any recent president. It sounds technically true. Like how his national covid infection rate numbers were very high.

[-] barsquid@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

Have you tried "arrete?"

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