[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 3 points 11 months ago

So women are more disposable and companies cut "soft skills" first. Great, working with tech companies is already full of people with absolutely no social intelligence, let's cut the "fluff" departments (yet what hires on the tech spots? Insurance and the other underpinnings of the compensation packages), and then people show up with "wElL iTs NoT wOmEn iN TeCh".

It's the same energy as when an article gets posted about racial equality. So many ways to talk around a big societal problem.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

Had a partner want to practice hacking a 3ds before they closed the shop so I can play PS1 games. The first one I put on that mofo is Azure Dreams, my first and probably favorite dungeon crawler roguelike with a city builder. Also Breath of Fire IV is one of my absolute favorite games ever.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

I am going to not be able to find obscure gifs i remember from the 2000's 😩

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

yup! I also know there are some in 'safe' social groups who make the threats because they, as a member of that group, never (or so rarely they aren't ACTUALLY worried) get attacked. But the groups they use death threats against DO experience such violence, (a fact that the free speech absolutist will argue against, while not even listening to the facts of the matter) and at the very least, I know I second guess the effort of engaging anyone who is willing to threaten to hurt me specifically. Or a question the value of talking with someone like that.

So that is why free speech absolutists LIKE being allowed to make death threats: those who experience violence disengage (or leave) and no one arguing makes them feel in the right. "No one is disagreeing, it means I am correct! It has nothing to do with the shotgun I put in the face of anyone who talks to me!"

It is horrifying.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

“We do not condone death threats and will continue to remove accounts when we believe their posts represent targeted harassment or a credible threat of violence. But not all heated language crosses the line into a death threat,” Graber said in a weekend thread. “Wisely or not, many people use violent imagery when they’re arguing or venting. We debated whether a “death threat” needs to be specific and direct in order to cause harm, and what it would mean for people’s ability to engage in heated discussions on Bluesky if we prohibited this kind of speech.”

Well I was curious about Bluesky (they're still on a waitlist when I check so even their beta has bad actors lol) but a space that hems and haws about death threats? You can be the rudest son of a bitch and never threaten harm! This reminds me of that stupid decision by the Supreme Court that "oh well they didn't REALLY intend to kill you". If someone threatens me, it becomes my job to decide if it was real or not? Wtf?

Goddamn free speech absolutism has taken some crazy pills. I remember 'fighting words' concept, a death threat used to be understood as almost enough to warrant self-defense preemptively. Now everyone does it and "don't really mean it". 🙄

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

I just started back up one that I rarely see talked about: Ever Oasis. Does it do everything perfect? No, but it's a cute little handheld game where I get to help an adorable water spirit save adorable seedlings and owl people. There's characters to befriend and take on quests too! It offers a lot, but cause it was on the 3ds I don't think too many people have played it.

Outside of that, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is my nostalgia favorite so I am hopeful about the remake.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

I want the same toys but less loud and needy. 😭I loved Furby and tamagotchi too, but I wanted them to bring some of the stuff from those digimon pets they had way back in the 90s. Let me make tamagotchis fight!

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

Technically Furby Connects is a subcategory of Furby, and I was talking about the main line, (and "Connect" is in the name, so that is still not trying to sneak it past consumers) but I could see the argument it is a little pedantic.

But saying THIS model has a camera and is connected to the internet explicitly goes against most of the advertising and most everyone is just wanting to act panicked about a basic toy. 😑

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I believe this youtube channel mentions mods, but their builds are vanilla I think. Sometimes I like to roleplay deeper when I want the familiar but a little different. Here's the FudgeMuppet Skyrim Builds playlist, hope you scratch your itch!

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

Considering the popularity of Gaming Grandma, I think it's just the stereotypes. Until recently, even social media was a nerd thing that brought out thoughts of smelly social rejects not respecting social spaces.

The internet is only just now not for social rejects, gaming being labeled for kids and something you outgrow seems to be an individual choice brought on ( often as I see) to peer pressure to stop in the first place.

I'd say there's not a cut off, people just have some really shit opinions about things they should just stfu about. I grew up in the South and I abandoned trying to follow the minds of judgemental folks a long time ago. Half the time they're just jealous you live your life and they haven't managed to keep their personality after getting married and having kids. 😂

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

I am in love with the character portraits and it looks amazing. I am absolutely thrilled to see this coming and I just hope it runs well enough or the Switch Pro comes out so these can run without chugging, my original doesn't like Arceus sometimes...

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