submitted 2 months ago by audrbox@beehaw.org to c/transgender@lemmy.ml

Any trans Americans in red states feeling the pressure to escape before the elections this year?

I've been trying to move out of Oklahoma for over a year now, but I get so overwhelmed just looking for jobs in other places. I feel like I need to make it happen soon, though, and I feel trapped and angry when I can't get anywhere.

[-] audrbox@beehaw.org 18 points 4 months ago

My friend had my favorite take I've heard on this: organizing to signal to the Democratic Party that Biden is in political danger because of his support of genocide (as Michigan did this week) is arguably more important than not voting for him in November, in terms of tangible impact on American policy. My personal goal is to put as much pressure on him as possible right now, and then I'll decide if I'm voting for him later this year based on how he responds.


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