[-] astraeus@programming.dev 62 points 2 months ago

Laughable that as the article begins to talk about publishers the Atlantic paywall shows up. Definitely not another reason why the web is dying.

submitted 2 months ago by astraeus@programming.dev to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I am trying to figure out how I can retain personal SSH keys (probably the most important part, or at least important to have an alternative connection method) while also having modern tools like SSO or at least SAML, some way to federate to different ADs.

I know there are a few things out there like Authentik and Authelia, but not 100% sure Authentik covers those needs above. Does anyone have experience with these or other modern LDAP alternatives that work well with Linux?

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 36 points 2 months ago

If you want to build a background removal tool from scratch that’s a project of its own. This shows you how to very simply remove a background with a pre-existing tool that other people have spent the many hours to get functional so you can do the five-minute tutorial.

It’s not the Arch Linux way, it’s more like the Ubuntu way.

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 39 points 2 months ago

Hey, if you understand Python it makes sense. If you’ve used the PIL before it makes even more sense. If you don’t understand Python, you should probably start by understanding Python.

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 160 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Is Wired owned by Advance? The answer is yes. Condé Nast is a subsidiary of Advance. Advance has a 30 percent stake in Reddit.

This is why they call it “the Internet’s Greatest Authenticity Machine” because we know there’s nothing authentic about that cesspool. There’s even less authenticity behind a biased news article framing itself as disconnected from the subject. Not once do I see mention of Wired’s relationship to Reddit, if your owner has a 30% stake you should disclose that.

Edit: even more important is that Condé Nast itself acquired Reddit in 2006, which is where Advance’s significant stake comes from. Is that supposed to be inferred or understood prior to this article? News media needs to be accountable for this kind of reporting.

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 41 points 4 months ago

What’s the 2020s without constant reminders of our immune systems being under siege?

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 42 points 4 months ago

I have a recommendation, buy a personal laptop that isn’t tied to your company.

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 58 points 7 months ago

This isn’t even aggressive, they’re literally showing they won’t work for the company if the company isn’t willing to work for them. All the unions in the US have to play politics with the government and corporations in order to keep things flowing smoothly, one false move and the corporations have the upper hand. With that kind of advantage, it’s the corporations who are aggressive here.

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 48 points 8 months ago

“Why are you destroying your yard with an abundance of bees and butterflies? This isn’t fantasy land we need nothing but grass here to look nice”

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 37 points 9 months ago

This is why I’m very happy with Valve’s efforts to port Windows functionality to Linux/GNU kernel. The clock is ticking for my main desktop to become a Linux desktop, my only holdouts are games and some of my music production plugins. I could probably abandon some if I had to honestly.

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 36 points 10 months ago

It’s reddit, what in the hell do they have going on at the end of July that couldn’t accounting couldn’t wait a few days for? Did they have to count up all the gains from the fake gold they’ve stopped selling people? Tax season is over, the new fiscal year is already started, seems like bullshit paper pushing to me.

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 41 points 10 months ago

They’re under active litigation, why would they comment about something that they are being sued over? It’s obviously a huge legal issue. Not saying they should just stick to their narrative because they’re obviously wrong, but what are we supposed to expect? They’re not going to give up evidence by publicly releasing details.

[-] astraeus@programming.dev 55 points 11 months ago

This “someone” sounds an awful lot like a nation-state actor.

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