[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 1 points 4 hours ago

How are you managing to break Linux OSes so much?

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 2 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

If you haven't heard of EndeavorOS that's because you are out of the loop. Entirely your issue. It's a much better alternative to Manjaro essentially.

Also that's general popularity according to page hits, nothing to do with newbies. Newbies aren't the majority of Linux users.

Not that there is anything wrong with recommending EndeavorOS to Newbies. The whole point of arch derivatives like that is to make installing arch simpler and easier for the user. Arch is actually a better base distro imo than say Ubuntu for this. It has packages for pretty much anything in the AUR, no digging up PPAs for everything. Likewise it's all up-to-date too.

I don't remember MX Linux ever being that popular before, but maybe I am out of the loop.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

Yes it does. Your whole display server is your desktop/WM when using Wayland. Using the newer versions you get things like VRR, HDR, fractional display scaling and so on.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

Beat me to it lol

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

Sudo actually has very granular permissions, just almost no one and no distros use them. You might as well replace it with doas for most people.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

Why not UBlue or Nobara?

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 3 points 1 day ago

6.5 is not a new kernel though. I am on 6.9. Maybe they should move the normal release to 6.5 and make edge use the latest stable kernel or something.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 3 points 1 day ago

Ubuntu isn't the most popular and hasn't been for a while. It actually has a lot of issues new users are likely to run into, including lots of spurious error messages. Apparently the top 5 according to distro watch is: MX Linux, Mint, EndeavorOS, Debian, and Manjaro.

So essentially debian, arch and ubuntu derivatives.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 6 points 1 day ago

This is where Universal Blue and Nobara come in. They are made to be plug and play versions of fedora inc. media codecs, Nvidia, steam, and so on.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

Why the fuck would you try Gentoo as a Linux noob? I am guessing no one told you it was for advanced Linux users only. Fedora and OpenSUSE are nowhere near as difficult to install as Gentoo, as they are made for normal users.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

What about Lutris?

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

No offense but Mint is not a great example. They are behind in general. Still figuring out Wayland, fractional scaling and VRR, things which KDE has supported in stable releases for some time now. KDE even is getting HDR along with Cosmic and SteamOS, something Mint isn't even close to. Mint kernels are older than Ubuntu's, which are hardly new. I used to love Mint, but they are falling further and further behind KDE, Gnome, and System76 (PopOS and Cosmic). To me it seems the new distros for newbies are Fedora, Debian, and a few derivatives like Nobara, UBlue, and PopOS.


I have a calibre server setup on my home server and was wondering how to sync it to the version on my desktop so I can upload books to an ereader using USB.


Trying to figure out how to setup an aria2 server. It seems to rely on XDG dirs which isn't normally setup on LXC containers. I don't want to setup a whole GUI VM just for one application.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by areyouevenreal@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I have been having issues using real debrid. One of the big issues is downloads getting stuck continuously retrying. I think this is because I am using 5G internet that has issues with latency and occasional packet loss. Similarly I get buffering issues when using Stremio.

Another problem I am having is with the permission set by the real debrid client if I use the docker version. It doesn't allow for changing the UID and GID the real debrid process uses. This causes problems for the other services, though I can work around this using a manual installation in an LXC container.

Does anyone with more experience know how to fix this?

Edit: I can't edit the title to fix the spelling. You will just have to deal.

Edit2: Fixed the permission issues. Also managed to work out that the problem isn't 5G. The download client is just bad. Apparently you can use external downloaders, but this requires deploying services like aria2c, which it turns out is actually quite hard.


I am a bit lost as to how you use authentik to do single sign on.

I can connect things that have external access quite easily using the reverse proxy provider that's built into authentik. I am struggling with how I would connect things that are on a docker network and can't be accessed directly. Normally with nginx proxy manager I would put it on the same network, but I don't think this is correct for authentik. Am I supposed to create a docker outpost?

Other people are using authentik + nginx proxy manager and I am a bit lost why they are doing that.


I am currently living with my parents and we have just started an Internet contract with a 5G wireless company.

The issue is the MFND settings are behind a password and likely not allowed access by the ISP. Even if they weren't doing port forwarding on 5G likely isn't possible because of CGNAT. I think I can use cloudflare tunnels or tailscale to get around this, and not many things need to be directly accessible from the Internet.

The more annoying thing is that setting DHCP reservations likely isn't possible without getting access to the settings. It's going to make setting up static IPs difficult too.

Before anyone asks fixed line Internet almost certainly isn't practical in this area. Getting our own modem while possible is more expensive and potentially difficult, and would mean cancelling the contract.

Is there a reasonable way to work around these issues?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.


Hello based people of lemmy,

I have recently started trying out BSDs as an alternative to Linux and found out that Spotify isn't supported. Before you say try it in a browser this doesn't work as spotify has DRM that doesn't work on BSD OSes.

Now is there a way to stream music similar to Spotify? I know there is a downloader program available.

Furthermore do you know what self-hosted options are available? I already have a basic *arr stack and am always up for convoluted server and Linux hijinks.


I am having issues with Jellyfin not finding ffmpeg on FreeBSD. Is there any solution to this?

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