[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 0 points 1 year ago

YunoHost "packages" are just scripts. In the case of Lemmy, Lemmy_ynh's install script actually fetches the Lemmy Docker image and extracts the files (including pre-built binaries) from it. And then it writes the config files to use the system Psql instance instead of a containerized version.

FWIW I don't care how YunoHost installs the apps. Whether it's fetching and running containers, or building from source, or grabbing binaries. As long as the apps work and the reverse proxy gets wrangled it's fine with me. Just in this case refusing to run the Docker images directly is, at least momentarily, a problem for updating the app.

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 1 points 1 year ago

Well it is "working" for me. I'm using a YunoHost Lemmy 0.16.7 to type this comment :). But I agree there should be some kind of warning on the project that it's only really partially working, and very outdated (thanks to the recent flurry in activity and changes).

Mainly though I wish YunoHost would just support Docker idiomatically and install Lemmy "as intended". Yeah Docker can be a bit of a pain and it uses more resources, but it also has many real advantages like siloing the apps from the host system..

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 1 points 1 year ago

Were you able to migrate your database from an outdated YunoHost installation to a v18 Lemmy running in Docker? I like YunoHost but I'm considering the same move, as this old Lemmy version has a lot of incompatibilities and other issues.

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 2 points 1 year ago

The main blocker, at least so far, was Lemmy is designed mainly to use use Docker containers to version itself and its main dependencies like Postgresql, while YunoHost runs on the bare system. And since YunoHost is still on Debian 11 it only has access to Postgresql 13 while Lemmy now wants 15. This unfortunately is hard to resolve. YunoHost doesn't want to introduce Docker, and upgrading the entire platform to Debian 12 is slowly happening but it's a lot of work.

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 0 points 1 year ago

If they really do shut off API access I'll go into partial link aggregator withdrawal. My Lemmy instance still isn't upgraded to the latest versions which are compatible with apps, so I don't browse on my phone.

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 3 points 1 year ago

Hollow Knight 112% "Pure Completion"

One of my favorite games, but it's so hard.

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 21 points 1 year ago

In a way, Crysis. There's a reason the "But does it run Crysis?" meme exists. Because most computers could barely run it on release. It was way ahead of its time technologically.

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 2 points 1 year ago

Yes so many great games shipped on XBLA. It's how I first played Braid, Limbo, Shadow Complex, and many other indies. There's still some which are exclusive to the platform, hidden gems like "ilomilo".

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah the Room games are great. I like how intuitively they use the touch controls.

[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 1 points 1 year ago
[-] anji@lemmy.anji.nl 1 points 1 year ago

It's old, but SWAT 4 is still the best tactical shooter ever made IMO.

Mods like Elite Force make the experience even better.

submitted 1 year ago by anji@lemmy.anji.nl to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by anji@lemmy.anji.nl to c/gaming@beehaw.org

A rootin' tootin' speedrun!

submitted 1 year ago by anji@lemmy.anji.nl to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Blindfolded(!) Breath of the Wild speedrun

submitted 1 year ago by anji@lemmy.anji.nl to c/gaming@beehaw.org
  1. Sell popular games on more platforms
  2. ???
  3. Profit
submitted 1 year ago by anji@lemmy.anji.nl to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Who are your favorite indie/modern/legendary game developers posting on Fedi about their craft?

Jordan Mechner (of Prince of Persia!) has been posting fascinating art and gamedev stories on his Mastodon account: https://mastodon.art/@jmechner

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