[-] andrew@radiation.party 23 points 1 month ago

Massgrave is a tool that can create legit (oem) keys for windows and office out of thin air*

  • it’s not literally creating them from nothing, it’s using a system Ms themselves run to get working keys. Evidently they don’t have a huge problem with it.
[-] andrew@radiation.party 14 points 2 months ago

It’s not unheard of in folks who are in software dev because they love the repetition and routine. Farming is pretty similar to programming a computer, just with tons more manual labor.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 12 points 5 months ago

I used Apollo and Relay extensively and not having those makes it so hard to even try for me.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 16 points 5 months ago

A flatpak of the snap, running in a docker container inside a vm for maximum security.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 12 points 5 months ago

Checking ip ownership is a moving target more likely to result in outcomes these sites don’t want (accidentally blocking google bots and preventing results from appearing on google).

Checking useragent is cheap, easier, unlikely to break (for this purpose, anyway) and the percentage of folks who know how to bypass this check is relatively slim, with a pretty small financial impact.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 9 points 9 months ago

I’ve received a couple less cookie-cutter emails directly sent to this email alias with the name field set to “Andrew Tate” and references in the body to him. Unfortunately I tend to mark them as spam and move on, and they get deleted over time. Last outreach was mid last year from one of their sales guys.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by andrew@radiation.party to c/reddit@lemmy.world

This is the third attempt they’ve made to work with that guy that actually got routed to me because their salespeople don’t do their due diligence. Shocking.

Edit; a little extra context: I have an email alias on a domain similar to one he might use, and regularly receive email addressed to him. Reddit marketing folks reached out in a less cookie cutter manner a couple times last year, this is more of a mailing list outreach attempt.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 13 points 10 months ago

I've pointed out in another comment that most of what she says are indicators of an incredibly toxic working environment, but I'd have to echo the sentiment that a good chunk of it is disgruntled, relatively inexperienced, employee grumbling.

Props on her for speaking up, though. Nothing changes if the status quo is toxicity and silence.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 8 points 10 months ago

It’s a joke account

[-] andrew@radiation.party 35 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Re: Madison, she sprinkled a bunch of non-issues (edit: I don't mean to downplay the more serious issues she raises! I'm concerned that this would leave room for others to do so) or things that are normal for companies that aren’t super huge- the journal/lined paper debacle for example. Of course the company focused on profit is going to ask you to make do with essentially the same thing. That’s super normal.

Being asked to manage the OF despite objections isn’t super bad when you are literally hired just to do social media. It’s unpleasant, but most jobs are going to have unpleasant moments. At a similar pay scale, I’ve been required to go into homes where folks had COVID. Coworkers have been shot at. I’ve seen things I really would have preferred not to. No job is perfectly sane in that sense.

Some of the issues where Madison said “they wanted me to do x and I couldn’t because y” (red footage editing/ram comes to mind) feel like issues where she would be told something, then would vent in her head instead of going “hey, I don’t have enough ram to edit that footage!” - something I’ve encountered a ton with less experienced (in a business sense, not skill) hires.

The managerial and behavioral issues she brings up are awful but not entirely surprising given the type of folk who stick around there. It indicates a systemic issue and that usually happens due to a lack of oversight and course-correction, or outright malicious management. I’m hopeful that it’s the former.

Last but not least, she repeatedly states it was her dream job. This is an experience that should hopefully show her to never meet your heroes! Dream jobs usually suck unless you get lucky, because they have lots of rough edges. Hopefully she’s doing something that brings her more joy now.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 19 points 11 months ago

Slight correction, generally cloudflare doesn’t host any sites (this is untrue in specific circumstances, but in your example they certainly didn’t host the site) - they just sit in front of existing sites and store some static assets, otherwise acting like a transparent reverse proxy.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 11 points 11 months ago

They would then also “just” need to develop and ship an x86 to arm translation layer, like Rosetta 2.

[-] andrew@radiation.party 12 points 11 months ago

The baby was aborted at 7 months- it was very close to being a fully formed babby, a far cry from aborting in the first couple months.

Afaik abortion at that stage was already illegal in many areas.

Wisdom of the ages (radiation.party)
submitted 1 year ago by andrew@radiation.party to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by andrew@radiation.party to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by andrew@radiation.party to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by andrew@radiation.party to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by andrew@radiation.party to c/memes@lemmy.ml
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