[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 42 points 3 months ago

Please give us Galaxy on Linux, GOG, so I can shop with you over Steam.


Sweet Baby Inc doesn't even remotely do what many think it does, but on the modern internet, that doesn't matter


There's a warning at the top, but I'm curious as to the "why". The comments that may or may not be visible seem to be a roll of the dice as well. If I respond to someone in a comment, I have no idea if they can see it.


I'd heard they spent a few years making TimeSplitters into Fortnite before making a proper TimeSplitters game, but if this was what they had toward the end of development, maybe we're better off with this game getting cancelled. And that sucks.


They still seem to be working with Microsoft on their next project, but they're hopefully in a better spot as a result of this transition.


That title sure is editorialized. Thanks, Kotaku...

I don't see a buyer disclosed, but Gearbox carries a substantial number of studios along with them.


Sold to a group of private investors. $500M sounds like too much money, but whatever keeps those people employed and making games, I guess.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 50 points 4 months ago

Not just pausing; it's poor value for the customer to not have an offline mode for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which is longevity, because their servers won't be there forever.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 123 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Yeah, you're prone to having one of the biggest drops when you've got one of the biggest peaks. What a garbage article.

Palworld’s next update and early access roadmap are already on the cards, so it’s now up to Pocketpair to keep supporting the game and listening to players to keep them hooked.

NO IT'S NOT. The only thing it's on them to do is to finish it. They sell the game for $30, and this is not a live service game. They don't need to keep anyone hooked.


This show is an aggregator of news stories normally, sometimes with original reporting from Jeff Grubb. In today's edition, Grubb brought in stories reporting that Starfield and Indiana Jones are in Microsoft's talks for PlayStation releases, with Indiana Jones being looked at for some time down the road after initial launch. Grubb adds to this reporting by saying that he's seen financial projections around acquisitions like Bethesda, and this multiplatform strategy was not always the plan. They thought that Starfield and others would do much better for them by remaining exclusive, so he posits that these changes are almost certainly in response to how the likes of Starfield did in sales and Game Pass subscriptions. Grubb also reports that Gears of War is being looked at for a PlayStation release.

To pepper in some of my own opinion here, I don't see a world where Xbox survives this as a traditional console. And as a result of that, I don't see a world where Sony left unchecked by competition will behave. I think this could be the beginning of the wildest shake-up to the video game market since it began.


Death Stranding 2, Until Dawn for PS5/PC, and more


You know how in the early 2000s, a lot of PC games got sequels on consoles, and players complained that they removed complexity from the game to make it work on consoles? This feels like that. I don't see anything here about quests, skills, character sheets, or different ways to solve problems depending on your character's strengths. The skill point system from the previous game is replaced with a more commonplace XP system, judging from the UI; note that I've never played the pen and paper game, so maybe this is closer to what the pen and paper game is or has become in the past 20 years, for all I know, but I really appreciated how Bloodlines 1 did it.

I knew back when this game was handed to The Chinese Room that something like this was possible, but I thought surely they'd respect the reputation of the project they're working on and try to do it justice. Surely they'd attempt to make an actual sequel to that game, even if they aren't good at it. It doesn't appear so.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 52 points 5 months ago

Or they've been dying for a different way to play Pokemon than what Nintendo's been selling them for decades.


Looks at Ara: History Untold, Avowed, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, and Visions of Mana.

I was already excited for Avowed, and now Indiana Jones looks to be as good as I'd hoped but far better than I expected, hot off the heels of Bethesda's live service endeavors.


And a look at the flawed, marketing-centric rationale behind designing games to disappear, leaving the customer with nothing.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 48 points 5 months ago

Ads used to be run at the streamers' discretion, and they were beaten by adblock. Now adblock doesn't work on Twitch, because they did the smart thing and embedded them into the stream. Also, a few years back, even though streamers have an incentive to run ads, because they benefit from it too, Twitch implemented mandatory thresholds for number of ads that need to be run or else you lose access to some tier of monetization, so most streamers leave it on auto pilot now. It means that whenever the same stream is running on YouTube, I'm watching on YouTube so I don't miss anything.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 135 points 5 months ago

Maybe a few more ads in the middle of the thing I'm trying to watch, with no way to pause or rewind to catch what I missed, will do the trick.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ampersandrew@kbin.social to c/gaming@kbin.social

The Nintendo Switch 2 is supposed to launch in September 2024, according to a press release from Ai Shark (formerly Game Shark).

UPDATE (in article): Both Digital Trends and Bloomberg's Jason Schreier have now reported receiving statements from Altec Lansing that seem conflictingly to double down on the Fall 2024 date and also claim the date is "guesswork." What's likely happening here is that Altec Lansing was, in fact, making an educated guess on the date of the Switch's release based on internal industry conversations as well as analyst models. Whatever the case, we'll have to wait for Nintendo's official word to find out the real date.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 48 points 7 months ago

The game isn't bad, but it does feel like it came out of a time capsule from over ten years ago with a bunch of features they tried to implement that their engine couldn't handle. If you have to tell your customers, one on one, why your game is actually fun, you're doing something wrong. Hopefully Microsoft finally makes them throw out Creation and start from scratch for ES6 on Unreal or something, taking a hard look at what their competitors are doing better than them in the RPG space.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 48 points 8 months ago

I'm not convinced they'll ever realize the problem with their strategy. They'll keep half-assing it every couple of years and wondering why they don't have a larger gaming audience.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 41 points 9 months ago

Is it possible to block a domain without blocking the OP? I'm sure they're a nice person, but they post the dumbest rage bait articles, and I'm sick of seeing them in my feed.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 46 points 10 months ago

Because back in the days of original Xbox and 360, it was a better service than what you got for free elsewhere.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 58 points 10 months ago

I haven't started playing yet, but this sounds like the solution is to not position your party near instadeath falls.

[-] ampersandrew@kbin.social 41 points 10 months ago

Teams is for work when your employer got a good deal on Microsoft software and didn't give you Slack or literally any other alternative for voice.

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