
joined 3 months ago
[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Yes, the term is hanging in there (and could do so indefinitely) even though Google stopped giving decent results several years ago.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

Nah, I'd happily have one - some people are very picky and reluctant to try new things, and aren't always even aware of it.

Since you're asking for feedback, though, my first impression is that the cream cheese is not bad, but may be redundant - the avocado is already covering you on fat and creaminess. The cream cheese I know doesn't seem like it would add anything. The dish probably needs acidity, but cream cheese is too mild. I don't recognize your lentil bread, but this should work on anything that can go crispy, since the rest is soft and creamy.

How about mixing citrus juice into the avo, or just going full guac? I would switch the dairy from cheese to maybe some sour cream/Latin-style crema/yoghurt drizzled over top - or making it a hard cheese like parmesan or pecorino. You can also use citrus zest for both flavor and garnish.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

A lot of it was lightweight enough that archival sites etc might not have specifically ruled them out, aside from specific efforts to preserve Flash material. There are also modded versions of Flash Player and emulators that can still play SWFs, and FLV remains supported fairly commonly.

[–] 32 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Source? Not asking for science.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago

Yes, terrible to "attack" the poor guy like that. He's just concerned for the level of the discourse, poor thing.

[–] 12 points 1 month ago (8 children) (ctrl-f the name)

This you? Specifically: this you, arguing in a way that instantly, grossly obviously outs you as a troll. Not only the intensely weird way you're defending a murderer, but the intensely weird ways you're going about it. I'd elaborate, but don't feel like educating trolls.

So there's the answer to your " genuine " question. Of course, you remain free to ignore this terrible unprovoked attack from my side and pretend I'm quivering with rage, if that makes you feel better. :)

[–] 3 points 1 month ago although the missing instance blocking is really starting to get on my tits.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I've been hearing reports that "the market is way down" (due to Kamala/Democrats/god knows what else)

And how would you estimate the likelihood of any part of it being... uh, true? What are they basing it on, does it seem to check out with reality?

I mean, surely these allegations wouldn't, in a truly shocking twist, have come from their (notoriously pathologically dishonest) political enemies, right?

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Cue "Green Demon Challenge"

[–] 29 points 1 month ago

The subtitle means it isn't canon. "Koma gag battle" means like a cartoon contest in this case.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Not a slur. Not even close.

What it is is an omnipresent, versatile, variable, nuanced word, that someone apparently started using "politically" like fifteen fucking minutes ago - I don't see that as a compelling reason to hustle to change my lexicon, and wouldn't advise anyone else to do it either. It is literally playing into their dogshit tactics: "validating their view" is, respectfully, not a good argument if we're talking about the American right which I'm going out on a limb and assuming we are. This is because their "view" (like many of their imitators) is "I will bitch about everything I can possibly pretend to take offense at, or else make something up". Therefore, allowing them to dictate your vocabulary (extremely and intentionally hypocritically, between the incessant bitching about "political correctness") seems like a losing or at least pointlessly annoying proposition. You are playing chess with a pigeon, it will shit on the board and strut around like it's won.

If they didn't want to be called "weird":

  1. Maybe they shouldn't have been weird

  2. Maybe they shouldn't be whinging about it from the #1 spot on the podium of irrelevant namecalling and shit-flinging kindergarten/zoo tactics.

  3. Tough shit lol

  4. GOTO 3

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