[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 2 points 9 minutes ago

You joke but I realised I feel exactly the same about this as I do about the choice of C++, which is: deep sigh ok sure

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 3 points 12 minutes ago

This framing made me read the comment in the link as a transphobic joke (“ha ha I won’t accept your change of gender ie will misgender you”) which would have been a pretty smoking gun if left there, and in case anyone else makes the same incorrect interpretation I’d like to warn them that they’re talking about grammatical gender, in the PR.

I think it’s a stretch to call this transphobia; if anything it’s good ol’fashioned sexism, but a pretty tame one.

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 14 points 1 day ago

Apparently the instruction set is off-brand MIPS64?!

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 175 points 3 days ago

I’m not an American but my impression is the Supreme Court is mainly designed as a last bulwark to ensure the US never under any circumstances ever does anything remotely good and this isn’t exactly improving that impression.

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 20 points 3 days ago

I’m a bit worried about their choice of name

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Sweden’s mostly on Meta Messenger. WhatsApp is the foreign exchange student protocol.

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 0 points 6 days ago

Can you (or a human) expand NPM, presumably not the Node Package Manager?

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 4 points 6 days ago

It’s also a lot better than doing it in 100% C++ templates!

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 18 points 1 week ago

Has anyone been able to find an actual description of what this does? I clicked two layers deep and neither explains the details. It does sound like they’re doing CPU scheduling in the hardware, which is cool and makes some sense, but the descriptions are too vague to explain what the hell this is except “more parallelism goes brrrr” and it’s not clear to me why current GPUs aren’t already that.

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 16 points 1 week ago

Oh no we’ve gone full circle

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 36 points 1 week ago

The comments on this one really surprised me. I thought the kinds of people who hang out on XDA-developers were developers. I assumed that developers had a much better understanding of computer architecture than the people commenting (who of course may not be representative of all readers).

I also get the idea that the writer is being vague not to simplify but because they genuinely don’t know the details, which feels even worse.

[-] amanda@aggregatet.org 16 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Lots of bad answers here. Obviously the kernel should schedule the UI to be responsive even under high load. That’s doable; just prioritise running those over batch jobs. That’s a perfectly valid demand to have on your system.

This is one of the cases where Linux shows its history as a large shared unix system and its focus as a server OS; if the desktop is just a program like any other, who’s to say it should have more priority than Rust?

I’ve also run into this problem. I never found a solution for this, but I think one of those fancy new schedulers might work, or at least is worth a shot. I’d appreciate hearing about it if it does work for you!

Hopefully in a while there are separate desktop-oriented schedulers for the desktop distros (and ideally also better OOM handlers), but that seems to be a few years away maybe.

In the short term you may have some success in adjusting the priority of Rust with nice, an incomprehensibly named tool to adjust the priority of your processes. High numbers = low priority (the task is “nicer” to the system). You run it like this: nice -n5 cargo build.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by amanda@aggregatet.org to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

It’s just this design, lightly sanded and painted.

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