[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 1 points 1 day ago

I have a foot pedal button assigned to mute my microphone.

(And no, I don't stream or anything, purely a QoL thing 😆)

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 15 points 1 month ago

It doesn't help that carmakers get incentivised to go big by fucked up fuel standards. Here in the US the CAFE standards were gutted during their creation to carve out looser standards for obese pickups and hummer-sized SUVs. The bigger they get even within a given segment, the less stringent the requirements are.


Plus people "feel safer" and all that other jazz when they drive them. It's just... It's so stupid to have to watch people continuing to chose shit like this.

IMO it's such a multi-faceted problem that at this point about the only thing that makes sense is to switch lanes (heh) and focus on other transit methods. More people will take transit or bike if it's easier than parking their mile long farm vehicles in tight urban spaces and being helplessly fumigated by standstill traffic.

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 73 points 3 months ago

What's really happening here is that advertisers can use the Reddit Ads Manager to create normal user posts and then pay to make them appear prominently on the site and in the app as promoted posts, aka adverts.

Look it's not exactly revolutionary or new, google search has been littered with promoted ad results for years. But I still hate it. Fuck off, reddit. No respect intended. Icky. So glad I stopped using it.

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 30 points 4 months ago

Putin might as well just say the quiet part out loud at this point. Classic sociopath dictator, gotta pretend blood isn't on his hands.

Rest in peace Navalny. You and your people deserve better than this.

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 13 points 5 months ago

Oh sure, he's an absolutist: Free speech for him and people he likes? Absolutely. Free speech for people he doesn't like? Absolutely not.

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 34 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Literally only the best strategies here! I mean lets recap:

  • Threaten to buy company then double down and agree in writing as a bullying tactic: check
  • Roll a nat 1 on your intimidation check: check
  • Be forced to follow through when called out on being mentally an 8 yo by the feds: check
  • Fire critical employees, like basically all of them: check
  • Yoink verification away from public news orgs: check
  • Let anyone pay to be "legit," even if they're parodying you: check
  • Rename twitter to the stupidest thing imagined since head-on (apply directly to the forehead): check
  • Gut content moderation policies but also stop enforcing regardless: check
  • Post own hate content and racism to the platform: check
  • "Accidentally" run ads next to hate content: check
  • Be told your sign sucks and to take it down by city: check (lol)
  • Become a living embodiment of "big yikes" energy while telling aforementioned advertisers to "go fuck yourselves" on live TV: check
  • Hallucinate about making x into a libertarian wechat alternative: check
  • Tank the value of the company while blaming literally anyone else for your failures: mission in progress, #1 priority

10/10 solid buy, gonna grab some long calls rn. The koch boys and rupert murderjock must be holding back a tsunami of jealousy by now 🤣

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 15 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Yes, exactly. The short term solution requires that people recognize the greater evil in the room and defend what little progress we've made. We can't let perfect be the enemy of good. Our first part the post voting system is horrible, but until we can build up enough progressive movement to update it to a better system, priority 1 is exactly what you said.

Choosing not to vote for Democrats because they're not perfect is choosing to step back and give republicans a free ticket to burn all of our progress to the ground. It's naïve to think otherwise.

And honestly, that naïveté is holding us back from actually addressing issues like us aid to israel. Enoguh splintering among progressives will by default give control back to republican leaders who would happily sit back and watch palestinians die while lying about it and blaming it on anything anyone else other than themselves.

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 11 points 6 months ago

Just a sidenote, I absolutely love the website's warning for adding this to your cart.

*Note: By adding this product to your cart you confirm that you are not Anish Kapoor, you are in no way affiliated to Anish Kapoor, you are not purchasing this item on behalf of Anish Kapoor or an associate of Anish Kapoor. To the best of your knowledge, information and belief this material will not make it's way into the hands of Anish Kapoor.

Hell yeah lol

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 32 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Personally I can say the only reason I don't ride my e-bike more for daily use is due to the rampancy of bike theives and vandals. Shit is genuinely getting hard to deal with and I don't have time or money to put up with it.

If I could guarantee with just a high end u-lock or bike chain, something not too unreasonable, if that allowed me to park my bike at a busy grocery store and be able to ride home 15 minutes later, I'd use it that way. I genuinely love my e-bike and find it fun to ride, even with the annoyance of locks and security.

But after having wheel(s) stolen, a shifter broken, lines cut and even a lock fucked up, and after having transients and crackheads harass me for parking and locking up, I've just given up. Our police are still choosing not to do anything about this kind of crime, and I can't get insurance against theft like I can with my car.

Plus, my EV has security and cameras, and critically is big enough that even a jacked up thief can't walk off with it. Worst they can do is break windows or smash mirrors. I'll waste the extra time and energy driving to the store if it means I won't lose thousands of dollars to theft with absolutely zero chance of recompense.

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 15 points 8 months ago

Honestly the range isn't even an issue. Yes they did something wrong, but IMO in terms of misleading customers it's not at the top of the list long list. They have all this horseshit about "full self driving" that they stick all over their website with pretty animations and graphics.

Then you actually read into it and the fine text says "oh by the way, it's technically just a slightly suicidal/homicidal level 2 ADAS that nobody has signed off on, and that Tesla can yank it out from under you at any time, and thst WILL be conveniently forgotten about and valued at $0 if you decide to trade in your car with tesla, but it's cool brosky just do it for the likes"

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 11 points 8 months ago

I have to play devil's advocate here. Are you really fine with the current level of ads? Fine with some past/historical level less than now? What level is ok exactly?

To me the current level of youtube ads is unhinged. Even minus the privacy issues it's not usable. And it got that way (to me, at least) as soon as skip wait timers (remember when that was all we had to deal with?) became a thing.

Now? With unskippable ads, huge wait timers, and ads injected into the middle of 8-minute videos? Nope nope nooope. Not a chance in hell would I watch unblocked or non-premium youtube.

[-] agegamon@beehaw.org 35 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Since someone already mentioned dashcams and cast iron, my vote is: a bidet toilet seat attachment.

Fancy ones can roll $200+ but a super simple one with just a cold water hookup and no electricity will knock you back $50-60. I bought one right as covid was beginning to hit the west coast, and instantly realized I could never - ever - go back.

Huge bonus of the toilet seat style bidets is that, since you aren't actually replacing the toilet, they take like 5 mins to install and can be done in a home, condo, apartment, wherever.

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