[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 39 points 3 months ago

I'm a monthly donor :)

[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 40 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.


[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 34 points 4 months ago

Is this real or am I eating the onion

[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 32 points 4 months ago

Mostly because I don't want to spend my free time supporting outdated lemmy versions.

[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 44 points 5 months ago

Yeah jxl is fully supported on iOS

[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 40 points 5 months ago

I've been adding signup support and making login a bit nicer too. Some screenshots



submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by aeharding@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Lemmy v0.19 is out, and is being rolled out to various instances. I expect it to be rolled out of lemmy.world soon as well.

Voyager should continue working quite smoothly! However..

๐Ÿšจ You will need to login again

Lemmy invalidates all login sessions during the upgrade. This means you will be logged out on Voyager an will need to login again.

It's a bit of inconvenience, but there's a payoff:

โœจ What's new?

Moderator view

Mods can now view all modded posts on one unified feed! Head over to the communities list to check it out (if you are a moderator on 1+ community)

Additional sorts

Controversial, scaled, more time-based top sorts. Enjoy!

Instance blocking

Head over to "Filters & Blocks" in Settings and block to your desire!

Other small misc fixes

Lemmy v0.19 has been a long time in the making, so there's definitely a few smaller things I'm forgetting. Enjoy!


Hey, happy holidays everyone!~

Please note development will wax and wane with the holidays. Hopefully not as much as with my fishing trip haha ๐Ÿ’€

New Features

Switch accounts while commenting

I was inspired by this post: You can now select the lemmy account you want to comment with directly from the new comment dialog! Just tap the header of the new comment dialog to switch accounts.

New Icon: Happy Holidays! โ˜ƒ๏ธ

Enjoy! Thank you @fer0n! ๐Ÿ’™

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/compare/1.30.3...1.31.0


I'm trying to determine if it's popular enough that it should be enabled by default.

So let me know in the comments if you have it enabled or disabled. Thanks in advance!


NOTE: This release will reset your custom app icon on iOS. Sorry!

Voyager 1.30.0 is released! :) There also wasn't a post for it, but Voyager 1.29.0 was released a few days ago and has some nice features you can read about on Github.

New Features

Remember community feed sort

There is a new toggle in Settings to enable "remember community sort"! This remembers community sort, but also remembers home/local/all feed sort as well.

Tap profile button again to bring up account switcher

When you're viewing the profile page, you can tap the profile tab bar button again to bring up the account switcher. It's a nice shortcut. Thanks @0xCmdrKeen!

New Icon: Progress Pride

Thanks @fer0n for this awesome new icon!

View your posts/comments that have been moderated

From your profile, you can now view the moderation log for your current account. Thanks @0xCmdrKeen.

Stable "load parent comments" scroll position

When you press "load parent comments" the comments now stay in place instead of jumping

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/compare/1.29.0...1.30.0


Share all the things!

Posted from Voyager (lemmy.world)

New feature in v1.27.0 ๐Ÿ’™


Hi! Just a quick post, I'm wondering if there's enough interest to create a quick icon design contest! There would be two themes:

  • LGBTQ+ pride
  • Winter/holiday

Voyager's icon source file is here for a base, but I'm definitely open to it being a totally unique icon too.

So please let me know in the comments if this is something you're interested in participating in! If so, it would probably be a week long window to submit with more details to follow. Thanks!


Moderation part 2 is here!

Part 3 will come soon, with user banning.

New Features

Modqueue and post/comment reports

You can now access a queue of reported post/comments, if you're a mod/admin! Just head over to Profile -> Moderator (Admin) Zone and click "Modqueue". Alternatively, you can go to a specific community and view the modqueue for that community.

Here you can easily approve/remove content. Once approved or removed, Voyager will automatically resolve all reports associated with that piece of content.

What's cool about this in Voyager is if a post is flagged as reported, you will be able to see that flag throughout the app - not just in the modqueue. This can be helpful when going to a thread for additional context, for example.

Note: Reports sync every 10 minutes, or every time you refresh the modqueue.

Note: This feature may not work well on the largest lemmy instances, like if you're an admin of lemmy.world. So please contact me if you're having issues. :) It should be considered a beta, for now.

Admin support

There's now support for Admin moderation in Voyager? But what does that mean?? Well... pretty much every moderation action is the same as regular mods, except every single post/comment can be removed and admins can view all reports, etc.

However, color coding for admin actions has been introduced!

Whenever you see a shield, it will be either green or red. If it's green, it means you're explicitly a moderator of that community (or post/comment within) as a signal to you.

If you see a checkmark within the shield, that means that moderation actions will be federated to other instances. While you can remove any post on your instance, for example, if you remove a post on !memes@lemmy.world from your custom instance, obviously this will not propagate.

However, if you remove a post from a local community, that will propagate.

This is a helpful signal when deciding how to act on any one particular piece of content.

iOS build size reduced

RevenueCat used for in-app tipping is quite a heavy sdk. I've switched to a custom-built, lightweight solution.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/compare/1.25.0...1.26.0

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by aeharding@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Happy Thanksgiving! ๐Ÿฆƒ

New Features

Mod tools: Part 1

The initial legwork for mod tools is done! You can now manage comments, posts, view the mod log, and view recent comments in your community.

There's still more work to come, including managing reports, so stay tuned!

Share community

You can now share a community you found!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/compare/1.24.2...1.25.0


Voyager 1.24.0 is working its way through review and should hit the stores shortly. :)

New Features

Android Themed Icon (Material You)

Voyager now has support for turning on "themed icons" in Android! Just make sure your icon is set to "Default" or "Planetary" for themed icon support. Huge thanks to @Donnnno, maintainer of the open source icon pack Arcticons for the design. (Also, Articons has Voyager support with 3 variations, so be sure to check it out!)


iOS Biometric Authentication

If you want a bit of added protection for your Lemmy accounts, Voyager for iOS now has biometric authentication with Face ID and Touch ID support. You can set a timeout before authentication is required, too!

Keyboard auto show on reply

When you want to make a reply, the keyboard should now automatically show. It's also a bit faster to resize the app when the keyboard appears, and there's some other small glitches squashed that should generally make replying a nicer experience. ๐Ÿ’™

Option to turn off infinite scrolling

Infinite scrolling can be nice, but it can also be unhealthy. You can now turn off infinite scrolling (General -> Infinite Scrolling), requiring a manual click to load more posts.

Upvote on Save

You can now configure Voyager to automatically upvote a post on save (General -> Upvote on Save). Big thanks to @sharunkumar for this feature!

More haptics

Haptics have been added to radio buttons and action sheets for a more native experience.

Better video handling

Voyager should now handle more video types, and support videos in comments. Let us know if you are still seeing any videos not working!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/compare/1.23.2...1.24.0

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by aeharding@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Version 1.22.0 was just released with support for viewing deeply nested comments.

This feature is SUPER cool and something I've wanted to do for a while (despite not making a Github issue for it). I can only take credit for the code though, because the design is inspired from Apollo.

There's two parts to the experience to viewing deeply nested comments:

Load parent comments


When you're viewing a link to a single comment and the comment is nested greater than three layers, you will see a "Load parent comments" button:

When you tap it, you can continue to load parent comments, all the way back to the root comment. And what's cool about it is since you're viewing a single comment chain, we can take advantage of that and forgo the indentation:

Even though the parent chain isn't indented for a given comment, the comments still have their unique nesting colors!

Continue Thread

When comments get too nested for a single page, you'll see a "Continue Thread" button:

Tapping that brings you to a new page to continue viewing the thread (notice page title is "Thread" and initial comment is highlighted):

You can keep doing this over and over again for very deeply nested conversations, to the bitter end!

ICYMI: Communities list alphabetical scroll bar

Released in v1.21.0, You can now quickly scrub through all your communities

[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 33 points 8 months ago

Thanks for your hard work!

we would like to know from developers of Lemmy clients and frontends if their projects are ready for 0.19

Voyager is ready :)

[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 36 points 8 months ago

Hey thank you! :)

There's no tip jar (app stores make that harder than it should be); but I have liberapay and github sponsors



Oh hey and shout out to all those sponsoring Voyager! ๐Ÿ’™

[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 32 points 10 months ago

Thanks! I try to release often with a small set of features/fixes to get feedback quickly. The release pipeline is also mostly automated so it works well (despite releasing to docker + vger.app + play store + app store for each release)

[-] aeharding@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago

Hey, thanks for sponsoring! ๐Ÿ’™

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