
joined 1 year ago
[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

Might be worth checking !thelyricsgame@lemmy.ca if you like that kind of puns/images/challenges

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Out of curiosity is it May be later if I meet a nice artist but bla blabla or it's gross and disgusting?

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Are these a normal things in the US or just a movie thing? Because we didn't have that

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 5 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Story time? Seems so crazy

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 days ago

Went to public school, so no uniform, nowadays, even the weird all girl catholic school in my hometown ggot rid of uniform, but some right winger are trying to bring it back in public schools

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Block Lemmygrad, hexbear, and may-be even .ml if your instance doesn't

Don't browse the c/ starting with politics/worldnews and similar

Keep on relax, cool, communities. places like !foodporn@lemmy.world, !jukebox@sh.itjust.works or even !imageai@sh.itjust.works should be pretty safe compared to !world@lemmy.world

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 days ago

Completely free of desire

Nanannanaa nananana nana freed from desire

Now I have that song stuck in head for the day

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 53 points 6 days ago (10 children)

Useful for what?

As a kind of joke, look at these senior citizen doing tai chi in the park, while many 80 years old can't walk without a cane. Looks like pretty useful.

Judo or Aïkido will teach you how to fall, which may save you a visit to the ER if you slip on the street, and pretty useful again.

It's also a fun way to exercise and stay in shape, so again, it's useful

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 6 points 6 days ago

This is what brought the pirate bay guys in jail, why the scihub girl is seen as a criminal by the US, and what caused reddit founder Aaron Schwarz suicide

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

In democratic countries, each candidate/party has the same right to speech during election campaign. So stuff like short clip for each candidates and either multi party debates or second round (where applicable) debate

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 13 points 1 week ago (8 children)

IMO, the big American bias in heroic fantasy RPG including D&D is how empty (most) settings are. If you travel (nowadays by car) in rural Europe, you'd find village every 5-10km, turns out that people walking to their field don't like to spend more than 1h commuting. While on some high fantasy map, you have like 3 day of walk through a dangerous forest, or an endless plain without much settlements.

Also it's worth mentioning that many European major roads/highway have been built at first by the Roman, and have been modernized through history. So again, middle age wasn't as empty, salvage as many D&D settings. Which indeed looks more like frontier era US.

[–] Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works 97 points 1 week ago (9 children)

Getting people to pay for digital media in the era of mass piracy (Spotify, Deezer, Netflix)

Starting a taxi company by ~~ignoring~~ frauding all the regulation related to taxi operation, ( Uber)

Tons of pseudo science like energy therapy which are not much different from straight up witchcraft.

A thought also for real estate developer who buy land in high-flood-risk area, and still manage to sell the houses, these ones also should be in jail


From what I understand, a big part of what's happening with Boeing, is that Boeing is run by Business person who want to maximize return of stock-owner rather than by people wanting to make a good product. The gained flexibility/nicer budget from massive sub-contracting led to "loss of knowledge", and cutting-down quality control steps which "never catch anything" led to issue being missed-out.

Do you think that MBA program will take this reality into account ? or would they keep focusing on maximizing short-term profit even if it jeopardize the company's future ?


To my understanding, nowadays, the standard way to fix a broken bone is to attach all the pieces together with a metal plate and some screws.

But how did they come with that idea ? Did people thought that the first surgeon doing so was crazy when they went to the hardware store to buy a drill ? Or was it immediately accepted by the community ?


Looking at the meme about the Turkish Olympian, came a question. How do you bring weapon through borders ?

Sure for Olympian, it's not a big deal, you may negotiate a "diplomatic suitcase" or have federation staff managing all the paperwork. But what about an amateur sport-shooter who want to travel to an event abroad. I imagine you can't bring a gun to a plane, Do they just put them in the car and hope that nobody will check ? Do paperwork month in advance ?


Looking at France panicking because 2 weeks after snap election there isn't a clear majority, nor a coalition ready to propose a prime-minister to the president. What would be the standard time to do these negotiations in a functional democracy where doing coalition is common but doesn't take years (so US and Belgium do not coun :) )

EDIT : Need not Name


Let's imagine, a world where 10 month a year, men and women don't care about each other. However, twice a year, during 2-3 weeks, non pregnant women produce pheromone that men can't resist and start calling every boy around to breed with them.

How would this impact the civilisation ?

I know about David Brin's *glory season * but not sure whether any other writer explored that idea.


It may-be a bit too niche for lemmy (and !aviation@lemmyfly.org is empty or even de3ad)

But is there a local software to visualize GPS traces ? One of my vario provider has it's own online UI, and the other has a web igc viewer, but sometimes I'd like to visualize them locally, especially with a way to see the airspace around


When I was a kid, I learned about Dinosaur being "giant lizard", and it's been may-be 10 years, that I hear "Birds are dinosaurs".

I am curious on how the concept evolve, both among paleontologists, and among the general public.


Just out of curiosity, are you full digital do you still buy map often ?.


We don't have much lemmings talking about larp, and as I am moving forward in the prep of my next game, I thought about sharing some my tips/thoughts On this thread, I will focus on the typical "2-3 day heroic fantasy larp" with 80-200 players and some faction/PvP mechanics. The larp scene is pretty huge, and not all of my points my transpose to what you play nor your local game culture. So take it as a blog post with my view on-it, which may not fit yours

Expect that the logistic team will fuck up

If the writers fuck-up, you end-up with a boring story, if the NPCs fuck-up you end-up with wrong information. But in both case you end-up drinking and eating with your friends in a costume. Not that bad. On the other hand, if the only drinkwater tap is after the orc camp, or if the cook under-estimated how hungry the player are you end-up thirsty and hungry, add the lack of sleep and the fun week-end turns into a nightmare. So please plan to have extra water/food (also a whole ham on the table is a great diplomacy tool) worst case, you end-up storing some leftover at home after the game.

Another classic one in larp with "toilets" is that the toilet end-up clogged at the end of the week-end. So plan that you may-need to manage otherwise.

Finally, even though it's not a fuck-up from the logistic, plan for any possible water and adapt your playstyle. You may have temperatures above 40 or heavy rain, and sometimes both at the same game. So have a hat in your kit, extra socks, and choose the right shoes if rain is expected.

Self care

It's a bit linked to the previous point, but as much as beer can be refreshing and spiced wine can help negotiation, it doesn't hydrate. Bring water and drink water.

Force yourself to get some sleep, Game never stops, it usually get a bit quieter between 3 and 9 but that's it. However, I would seriously advise to still try to get some sleep. It can be tempting to keep playing until the dawn, and then be dragged in the day-game. But at a point the lack of sleep will catch-up, especially when you're driving. I don't tell you to get your 8h of sleep per night, but 8h for the whole week-end isn't reasonable either.

If you're not comfortable with something, or feel that a situation is physically dangerous speak-up. Can be the battle "near the stairs" which would make sense in a real combat but is a great way to break some legs in a game, can be the torture scene which is bit too realistic. speak-up if you see something dangerous physically or emotionally, most player would try to find a reasonable way to do it.

In game

Avoid the not my problem attitude, if you catch a plot hook pull it. It may not be your character main goal, but if some "game opportunity" come to you, take-it or (especially if you play a busy character), delegate to someone from your faction.

In the same category, in case of doubt say yes, you might have missed who was the great priestess of the sun, or that you had a side quest about building an orphanage. Also, sometimes, it's obviously "a trap" but the proper attitude is so what Yes you'll end-up jailed, tortured and executed, but you'll have more fun than sitting in the tavern

On the character

Remember that combat is a very small fraction of a larp. So you don't need to play a warrior in heavy armour to have fun. There is plenty of game where I didn't pulled a sword (and sometimes didn't even carried one)

Remember that you need a character you can play for 3 days, avoid the "loner type", or the "weird accent that you cannot keep on the long term".

Try to match your character with your faction, either by asking the faction which hypes you which kind of character they need or by asking the factions who would need the kind of character you want to play.

Character do die, especially the ones with some visibility, so have a second kit ready in case off.


Thrift store are a great ressource for a beginner kit, it may not be fully period appropriate but can be a generic costume basis (linen trouser/skirt, pirate-shirt) at a cheap price (well nowadays thrift store got trendy)

Layering works damn well. get a neutral basis layer, add stuff like doublet/cape to give a style to your character, and finish with accessories. Obviously expect that anything you'll bring to a larp will be lost or damaged. Make-up and hairstyle can do a lot for a character to.

Depending on the faction/character, adding some uniformity helps a lot. 10 persons with the same green/white cape/tabard looks way more impressive than 10 persons with random costume even if each one is way better than the common costume.

Remember that you're not doing cosplay, you'll be moving with these clothe, so try to craft some robust stuff. In the same category, unless you can afford decend larp shoes and the game-site permit it, better wearing some leather hiking boots and keep your feet safe and dry than twisting your ankle in period appropriate shoes

You never have too much pouches, try to keep your "out of game" stuff in a pouch, and keep the in-game items in another.

Print some "out of game sign" so you can indicate a robber visiting your camp which crates/boxes are "out of game"

Ok time runs out, I feel like I already wrote a lot, pretty sure some of you will have stuff to add, or stuff that do not apply to their games (which is fine), so I stop the thread here


A very short question, for people used to Forge in the dark games.

To manage a situation evolving negatively or positively on the long term, do you use a large clock, or stack several one small ones with a concrete impact every time they fill?

let’s say the PC are asking questions they shouldn’t be asking about “the bad guys”. Would you say

3 times 4 tick clock : leading to “bad guys hear rumours about someone asking question”/Bad guys Finds out who asks the question/ Bad guys guards find the PC.

A 12 tick clock and continuously increasing the pressure on the PC as the clock is filling ?

The related question, is how do you handle the consequence of the clocks filling beside the : Enemy guard found you (or missing accomplished when it’s on the PC side). Just by role-playing, or would you change the PC position or is it as often in rpg “it depends” ?


Is used to be common for store owner to put the cash directly in their pocket. Which is not possible with electronic payement. Meaning that you add 20% VAT to the price, an when transforming the money in a salary need to pay for unemployement/health/retirement insurance to finally get a taxable income.

But I am curious on how much "not being able to easily fraud" pushed shop owner to increase the prices ? Any study on it ?

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