
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 15 hours ago

Using "Zionist" as a protected class to fire a Jewish professor. Yes, very good.

[–] 1 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

I'm sure that's how you see yourself in your mind. The rest of us read your posts that are definitely not just about historical artifacts and frankly smell of the white moderate concern of not having regular life disrupted by annoying activists. Your examples of valid protest are violence or vandalism against specific wrongdoers, not say the regular stuff like blocking traffic or vandalizing (non-priceless) surfaces in places that are visible to a mass audience rather than comfortably protected behind fences and security checkpoints.

This chain literally started with you responding to someone daydreaming about physically assaulting the young protesters with:

No no, you see, it’s for THEIR cause. The beatings would be happening to raise awareness of climate change, not to support oil companies. Isn’t that the logic, here? There’s no other relevance of attempted vandalism of a painting by a man who died before climate change was even fully understood. The cause is all-important; the act just a detail to catch eyes, apparently.

And paired with posts about how they're only doing it for attention and an activists very symbolic public suicide by a method almost exclusively used as a protest action was probably unrelated to his activism. Yes, very much a level-headed non-disdainful simple art enjoyer who respects protest. As long as the targets deserve it and no one cares.

[–] 4 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

If you knew someone self-immolated and didn't get coverage, what is your reasoning behind the very stable and very cool suggestion that you would beat them up for publicity? That a self-inflicted death wouldn't get attention, but maybe a voluntary assault would?

You just didn't know, but can't drop the tough guy act to admit it.

[–] 0 points 17 hours ago

If they had the guy whose job it was to figure out how to protect paintings say he didn't do a very good job and the painting wasn't protected, they would have said that. Instead they just used the generic "staff", a descriptor which encompasses anyone from the ticket takers to the people who solicit donations from the rich and powerful who both have no special expertise in the protection systems and a very good reason to both want to discourage further direct action in their establishment and tell the rich people they're on their side.

You cannot realistically protect a painting from its frame.

LOL, what? I have a print in my room right now with glass between the art and its frame. And that's not even a publicly accessible priceless piece of art that's undergone past attacks. The external frame has no reason to actually touch the artwork.

[–] 1 points 17 hours ago (3 children)

You've come in parading around with smug posts about how dumb these kids are and how pointless the general idea of public protest is. You complaining about people being disdainful is very much worthy of disdain.

[–] 7 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (2 children)

You'll notice how the only thing they can cite is "worry" by "staff" with no qualification for whether the worry was realistic. People worry about a lot of things and are willing to claim they worry about much more when it suits them. "I feared for my life" doesn't actually mean your life was in danger.

They're not mentioning "worries" of the people who actual design the protection, because those people either don't worry or should find a different job. A liquid leaking through to damage the painting is literally the purpose of the protection. Especially after such high profile events starting years ago, including literally this same painting.

[–] 16 points 20 hours ago (10 children)

A man literally self-immolated to try to bring attention to our lack of effort to confront climate change. It was barely covered and you don't seem to even know it happened. But you're here fantasizing about violence because they threw some soup on a painting's protective glass, so it seems like that's actually working.

[–] 3 points 20 hours ago (5 children)

You're reading this in a newspaper. It's in no way limited to art enjoyers.

Not that I have any idea why you think art enjoyers are particularly climate conscious. Or that their consciousness extends to actually doing anything rather than just thinking it would be nice if the environment was cleaner.

[–] 5 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (4 children)

It also heard that the damaged frame had been purchased by the gallery in 1999 and was valued at £28,000.

Priceless human heritage, purchased in 1999.

[–] 7 points 20 hours ago (6 children)

I don’t give a fuck about bothering people. I give a fuck about the potential damage to pieces of human heritage.

Ok, then why are you complaining. There was zero potential damage from this act.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah, you'd think a criminal indictment against him would warrant a bit more than a casual perusal by his legal team.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

The NYC mayoral primary election was very competitive with ranked choice voting. Adams barely won.

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