[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

I let my email fill up and now my outgoing msg is "if you need to reach me, it's best to text".

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Yeah. It's a thing but I'm not sure how much it really helps. I'll do it because if it makes people feel better, it's easy, but I honestly think folks is fine. The person I do this for specificly is cis, has cis kids, has a cis husband, is a member of a community that is largely not only cis, but white and female. To me it comes across as preformitve. But it makes dealing with her, and a few others, easier. If there were a real movement to adopt folx, I'm in but like I say, it seems like our effort could be better spent elsewhere.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Sorry, habbit from writting emails recently to someone that is, enthusiastic, about inclusion.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 43 points 3 days ago

I'd spend way more time worrying about if I actually wanted to be married to a dude named Addison.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 13 points 3 days ago

I'm a Star Wars fan. Tell me about it.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 25 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The net brings us together but it also brings the haters and drama. I knew I knew this dude from something.


[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

This is the case. Check out the old Re:Search zines/books. Each is about some wired niche thing and has a bunch of contributions from different people. Folx have always been into strange things, and folx have always found kindred spirits, the internet makes it easier to find, abd troll, them.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 10 points 3 days ago

Yeah. It's funny, my cousin is a few years younger than me but has no memory of the world pre-net. I told him the story of how we used to have to do things and it blew his mind.

Ex. Cowboy Bebop. Me and a buddy heard a thing on Terry Gross about the soundtrack one day driving home from work. They played a few seconds of Tank! Man, we were hooked instantly. So we changed directions and went to, where? Where do you go? Blockbuster? FYE? Game store? Comicbook store! They'll have it! So we went to every comic shop in the area (we knew them all because we would get MtG cards every payday). A couple had a DVD or two. How many episodes were there? How many seasons? How long would our search take? It was a treasure hunt. Calling game stores, calling small video stores. Finding one DVD at a time but not in order. It was like that for everything. And honestly, I think it gave things a greater value.

I love being able to answer almost any question instantly. When I'm listening to an audiobook, if there's a word I'm not sure of, I can pause, get a definition, and go back to my book without even looking at my screen or touching my phone. But there's deff a sense of flippancy to everything now that wasn't there before. Bad or good, I don't know, it is what it is. But I do miss the hunt for new stuff.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Yeah. I'm not sure it's better this way though.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 62 points 4 days ago

What's crazy is that a lot of niche hobby/lifestyle people found eachother anyway pre-internet. Shopping cart drag races, downhill shovel events, a lot of counter culture movements, early body modification, all manner of shit. People get into some seriously wierd/niche/one-off stuff and given a little time, they'll find someone else that's into the same thing. It's like electrons in a post big-bang universe, they sort of attract each other. The internet has made it way easier for people to find their tribes, but they used to find them anyway.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 7 points 5 days ago

Maybe her hand was sandy.

[-] ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world 53 points 5 days ago

Wasn't her husband though. "Boebert, 36, noted that she and her date, Quinn Gallagher, a 46-year-old reported Democrat and bar owner whose establishment has hosted drag shows, have decided not to see each other again."



Looking around for trackers that do stl files and/or other stuff for 3d printing. Specifically I'm hoping for rpg minis and the like but if I can find a tracker that does printable objects, I'm happy to help start a mini community.

submitted 10 months ago by ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world to c/dnd@lemmy.world
So hot. (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by ZagamTheVile@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
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