[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

thanks for the clarification. I just recently got into linux and don't know much, but as i was researching Fedora, that's what i came across. Which is a pretty big turn off for a newcomer migrating from windows and wanting to get away from big corporations.

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

Isn't red hat enough reason to not use fedora?

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Mint is solid too

submitted 2 weeks ago by WeebLife@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hi everyone, I got my e-drum kit to successfully work in reaper, using yabridge for the VSTs. Shortly after, I found another way in which linux audio is different than windows. While using reaper, I am unable to play audio from any other source. Through research, I discovered that it's because I'm using ALSA and that I need to use JACK instead. I looked up guides on how to setup JACK and qctl and was unsuccessful. I came across a video explaining different problems with JACK and it mentioned that using a pcs built in audio card may not be able to handle the audio in JACK. Right now, it seems like I need to come up with a different solution. But I thought I would ask here and see if I have any other options. I don't have any external dacs, but I do have my desktop pc that still has windows so I'm thinking of giving up on using my linux laptop for my music needs.

Tldr- want to use reaper while watching YouTube vids. Alsa won't allow that, and jack isn't working on my laptop.

submitted 1 month ago by WeebLife@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Bonjour tout le monde,

I have finally fully installed linux mint and have been working on getting everything up and running. So far, I haven't had many issues, but I am having trouble with my 2nd drive. I just want my 2nd drive to mount on boot, and for programs to be able to write to it.

I have looked up guides on pulling up the disks in mint and going into the mount options and selecting mount on boot. This works, but for some reason, programs lose permission to write to it. When I switch the drive back to 'user session defaults' programs can write to it, but it doesn't mount on boot. I haven't found anyone mentioning this problem so I thought I would post here. Also, my home folder isn't encrypted and when I go to permissions on the drive, it says 'permissions could not be determined'


submitted 1 month ago by WeebLife@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Looking up guides on how to install wine can vary. Some say, "sudo apt install wine" and others have you install the 32 and 64bit versions. My machine is 64 bit, but some guides tell you to enable 32bit.

Do I need to install both 64 and 32bit versions? Or is just using "install wine" sufficient?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by WeebLife@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hi everyone,

I'm getting fed up windows and want to switch my laptop to linux. My laptop also doesn't meet windows 11 standards so I figured nows a good time to switch. I don't do a whole lot on my laptop, but there are some programs that I do need to use. I have an E drum kit and right now I use reaper and Steven slate audio center to play and record my drums through my laptop. I looked at reaper, and I see linux options for download. But for Steven slate , I only see windows and Mac. This is pretty disappointing and so I figured I ask to see what would work for me.

I was going to go with Ubuntu, because it seems to be the most user friendly and has good support. I also use mullvad VPN on my laptop very frequently, which was another reason I chose Ubuntu.

Any help is appreciated. I'm willing to look at other distros too if there is one that better fits my needs.

EDIT: I have successfully migrated to linux mint and have reaper working with yabridge. Thanks, everyone, for your help and suggestions!

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 14 points 2 months ago

I was thinking about that too, thank you for clarifying and giving me peace of mind


I'm taking my first international flight this year. I've got my passport and bought the plane tickets. However, I noticed that my middle name on the ticket is missing the last 2 letters. I contacted the airline and they said that middle name doesn't have to match passport. I just want to make sure that is correct, I don't want to get stuck at some airport because my middle name is missing 2 letters on the plane tickets.


Good thing it was only 8 gigs. But still..

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 20 points 6 months ago

Not everyone needs or has room for huge displays. For those ppl monitors work great.

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 29 points 6 months ago

One reason why I opted for a monitor instead of a TV. AFAIK monitors don't do this shit.

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 21 points 7 months ago

I'm OK with the increase in price if I knew that extra money was actually going to the artists. But how do we know?


This is a $1 dollar increase from what I was paying. But soon subscribers will be $15/month, then $20/month. I wonder how much of deezer's income actually goes to the artists.

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 24 points 7 months ago

You clearly haven't played baldur's gate and shouldn't make comparisons based on your limited experience with it.


Looking at all the features that older phones uses to have compared to newer ones, I never hear anyone talk about the removal of the notification LED. I personally really liked that feature, being able to see if I got an email, a text or missed a call without turning on my phone was awesome. My Samsung note 8 had this feature, but to my knowledge, newer phones (in the major companies anyway) have abandoned this feature. Did everyone else unanimously agree they don't care for this feature?

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago

Mine would be bioshock 1.

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 17 points 8 months ago

I wish I could transfer my license from battlenet to steam.. sigh.


Examples: diablo 4 on blizzard client will let you play it before the full game is installed. The ps5 also let's you do this when installing a new game. But I've never seen this option on steam games.


Hi everyone,

I am currently a student in a physical therapy assistant program and I am nearing graduation. I want to start studying for the board exam and there are several apps that are specifically made for this purpose. However, I am struggling financially and all these apps require a subscription service. I did some digging and found lucky patcher on reddit. Now for my questions: 1. does lucky patcher work on subscription based apps, or only one time fees? 2. Does lucky patcher have to run each time you use the app? 3. Is it safe?

If anyone has any other solutions that would be great.

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 20 points 10 months ago

I have 2 semesters left of school. Glad to be finishing soon and starting my career. But low key dreading being a wage slave in the system that doesn't value its workers.

[-] WeebLife@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

insert meme of sitting inside house burning down "this is fine"

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