[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 73 points 1 week ago

Yeah its almost like if we didn't keep extending copyright protections a bunch of stuff would be in the public domain and any streaming service could offer it without having to deal with licensing.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 20 points 1 week ago

What I hate more are the entry level jobs that will be like that. Like bro it's an entry level job and you're expecting people to have a super deep understanding makes no sense. Like I get it's just marketing and a way to lower the number of applicants to get just the really good ones but it makes it so much harder to figure out what level of skill a job is looking for if they all say they want experts with certain skills or tools.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago

If it's on steam it isn't even really review bombing. Cause for steam reviews you have to own the game. So this is people who own the game giving a warning to potentially new people who might get the game about what's going on and a recommendation to not buy it. Usually review bombing is people who have never even played the game or consumed the media reviewing it bad to bomb it for whatever reason. So this definitely isn't that and they're just trying to shift the definition of review bombing to any kind of mass negative reviews for whatever reason.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 33 points 2 months ago

Honestly this is a nice feature for some kinds of shows. Sometimes I don't want to watch a show from the beginning in order for certain kinds of shows. The only problem is this feature is coming as streaming services are fracturing and becoming less and less usable.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 37 points 2 months ago

Yes but at the same time Unreal doesn't really compete with Unity at all when it comes to 2D games. Unreal is primarily meant for 3D games and maybe you could make a 2D one work in it but Unity has a lot more resources for 2D games. That's why games like this switched to Godot instead of Unreal cause Unreal wasn't really an option. I could be wrong but when Ive made some projects in Unreal it didn't really seem to have any options for 2D games like Unity has.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 20 points 3 months ago

I mean acting like American tech companies aren't basically an arm of the American intelligence services is a bit ridiculous too. Just cause they also make money and have to compete in the "fair market" doesn't change that. If anything it makes it worse cause they'll sell their data to anyone, whether that be America or China. I'm not saying what TikTok does is good, I'm saying all these companies are bad and focusing on one like this because it's foreign is dumb.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 21 points 3 months ago

Yeah I think if anything twitter is a lesson in how even if you try to give users only positive ways to interact they will find ways to use them to interact negatively. Whether that be quote retweeting or ratioing.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 28 points 3 months ago

Wouldn't it still be true then cause you wouldn't want to go to something that's boring and draining? I mean at least personally I don't feel anxious about going out to events and stuff but I more just don't feel motivated to cause staying home by myself sounds nice. Especially if it's something that doesn't sound that fun. But once I actually go I'm fine except for it being tiring after a while. I mean at the end of the day it does probably vary from person to person cause humans are complex.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 19 points 3 months ago

I think the distinction here is between people and businesses. Is it the fault of people on social media for the acts of others? No. Is it the fault of social media for cultivating an environment that radicalizes people into committing mass shootings? Yes. The blame here is on the social medias for not doing more to stop the spread of this kind of content. Because yes even though that won't stop this kind of content from existing making it harder to access and find will at least reduce the number of people who will go down this path.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 22 points 7 months ago

The only reason they're that bad is cause it's what people click on. I do agree they look terrible but it's what draws people in.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 19 points 8 months ago

This is the classic problem with all paradox games that I don't really have a solution for. Like as players we want them to support the game for a long time and keep updating it, but unless that's through dlcs then they can't really do that without getting paid somehow. The other alternatives are just not doing any updates and releasing a full new game every couple years which would probably have less features added compared to doing dlcs. Or having a subscription that you pay to get new updates which while I'm personally fine with I know a lot of people aren't. So that just leaves the current strategy of constantly doing dlcs and every once in a while releasing a new game and bringing over as many dlc features as they can to the new one while not making the development time unreasonable.

[-] WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world 19 points 9 months ago

I don't use YouTube Music but I love using YouTube for my music. Tons of songs on there that just aren't on either YouTube music or other services like Spotify.

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