[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 3 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

See, I thought it might have been my tablets being cheap things.

But messing around with that borrowed iPad (possibly a Pro, the person who lent me it was filthy rich and likes premium stuff) made me go "... This is like, a high quality laptop but worse in every way?"

The screen was drop-dead gorgeous, and it was clearly a powerful (if locked down, cuz Apple) device -- but it felt like everything I tried to do on the device was in some major way a compromise to accomodate for a less-than-ideal form factor.

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 2 points 22 hours ago

In my case it's more that I get car/airsick very easily -- So when I'm out and about, I won't be watching media on a portable screen. At most listening to music or an audio-book.

And if I'm in like. A hotel. Most of them (at least here in my country) have SmartTVs that will accept broadcasting from my phone. :P

As for note-taking, I can see the appeal but refer to my comment about typing in a Tablet being uniquely awful.

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I've been playing Enderal (a Skyrim total conversion) with some added QoL mods on my Deck

Got MO2 working with Enderal on wine by using this. The script (and MO2 itself) is a bit janky but it does function. The only thing I couldn't get working was the nexus mods URL integration thingie, had to download mod packages and add them manually.

The game itself runs like a charm on the Deck (after setting up a control profile anyway).

But there is the catch that being a Total Conversion mod that is available on Steam... Enderal itself points steam to SKSE on launch. Don't know how it'd work if your starting point is Vanilla Skyrim.

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 9 points 1 day ago

(I also have no love for .webm as a video format)

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 8 points 1 day ago

Same. Very useful.

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 23 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Tablets. I've owned 2 so far, plus fucked around with a third, fancier one that was borrowed from someone else (in case you care: a very old Samsung one, a Xiaomi model from the late 2010s, and a new-ish Apple iPad for the borrowed one).

They suck as smartphone replacements because they are too big.

They lack button inputs, so they suck as gaming devices or as computer replacements.

You can browse the web... But if you decide to type anything, the large size plus the touchscreen keyboard make for an awkward experience (in ways that it's not on a smaller phone)

They have lit screens, so they suck as eReaders.

They're sorta okay as like, personal screens for watching movies or whatever, but like, at that point just use a television??

They can make sorta good drawing tablets, the ones that are pen-compatible I mean... Because I mean, yeah. But the lack of a keyboard is a bummer with how I learned to draw with my other hand on Ctrl+Z, though that's more a muscle memory issue than anything.

In general, every tablet I used felt like a less-good verion of a dozen other devices, yanno?

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Digimon Tamers implies that Digimons evolve from clusters of loose data in much the same way as lifeforms evolved from chemical matter, and since they can apparently interface with those little handheld devices (probably running on z80 or 6502-esque processors with only a simple kernel by way of an "OS" given it was still the early aughts and ARM had a long way to go) as well as PCs (most likely Windows 98, because early aughts Japan), they seem to be platform-agnostic, able to adapt to any machine in much the same way animals adapt to different biomes.

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 27 points 3 days ago

Do not

~~like come on man, it's not even a Vaporeon!~~

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 34 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

My complaint with Gnome is just one, but it is overbearing: Gnome devs want to decide what is best for you, which stinks and goes against the very fundament of open software. But would not per se be a problem -- If they hadn't also decided that a bunch of things that are considered basic features that every other DE and even other OSes have implemented for the past 20 years are, in fact, unnecessary.

Consider the humble System Tray.

Gnome removed the System Tray in favour of a "Control Center". And the Control Center works really well -- For inbuilt Gnome stuff and applications that were written for Gnome. But stuff that is DE agnostic, or god forbid, ported over from another OS? Some of them expect a tray to be there. Have functionality that doesn't work without one. Or do work but are janky. Gnome doesn't offer a system tray. You have to install a third party extension, which would also be fine... Except every time Gnome updates every other third party extension breaks.

And like, sure, it's not Gnome Devs' job to ensure the operability of third party addons, but that you need them to begin with is a failure. Gnome's attitude towards everything seems to be "$#¨$ you, like just actually go &%$# yourself. You do things our way or you use something else. We have decided these things are useless, if you think they are necessary you are a $&@# and %$#$ you and the horse you rode in on"

As for my personal favourite DE? KDE Plasma. It's not something I'd ever recommend to a newcomer, but I like it precisely because of how many moving parts it has. I can make my system look, feel, and act just the way I like it. It's like the polar opposite of Gnome really.

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 21 points 4 days ago

I actually think general Gnome workflow is pretty alright (even if I prefer other things), but yeah, Gnome devs seem to like. Actively hate their users?

[-] VinesNFluff@pawb.social 137 points 4 days ago

The only thing you got wrong is that the toilet extension would be a third-party thing, and Gnome devs would actively insult anyone who dared be upset they broke it.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by VinesNFluff@pawb.social to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

Title. Turning off the fancy effects (which can be done with Alt+Shift+F12) improves performance slightly, but having to toggle them on and off every time I start a game is... Y'know. A thing.

I was wondering if there was a way to automate it, like game opens -> they turn off, game process ends -> they turn back on

R.o.B.ule (pawb.social)
me🦊irl (pawb.social)
Perpetual Energy (pawb.social)

alt text: "the state of the animation industry"

"you're pirating that show? don't you wanna support the creators?" "I AM the creator."

"haha the only way I can show future employers my work is to send a link to a bunch of pirated copies of it haha what a nightmare haha"


Like, you can consume one to reroll a lockpicking check. That bit makes sense.

But also sometimes you'll pick a lock, not reroll, and it'll consume one of your tools anyway.

Same thing with trap disarming kits.

Do they have a 'durability %' that is just hidden to the player? Does it relate to the difficulty of the lock itself?

Sometimes I'll pick seven doors without a single one being consumed, and sometimes three of them will be consumed in a row.... ?

I don't get it, and I found no explanation for it anywhere in the game.

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