[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 28 points 7 months ago

No working 8-5/6 pm employee, making under 100k a year, is being paid too much

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 34 points 9 months ago

So glad they can decide on what to wear instead fixing things to prevent a government shut down ..... phew I was so worried about their priorities there for a moment 😕

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 51 points 9 months ago

The word 'Trinity' gave it away .... conservative CHRISTIANS

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 37 points 9 months ago

Lmao.. no he isnt.. It's not shity, to like your own penis and take pics of it to send out.. enjoy having sex, even with whore (take a lesson from frank Reynolds) and to be into guns, and oh yeah, coke.

That is literally your everyday republican politician.... they just don't like Hunter, cause his massive dong made them feel confusing feelings they try to repress.

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 29 points 9 months ago

Who remembers the show scrubs and the few times we saw episodes around the female surgeons in the show. There was one chick that got under Turk's skin but she was the better surgeon... kelso took turk to medical conference and the only reason why in the show was cause of the other surgeons gender... then there was the blond boss of Turk who specifically talks about the targeted harassment.... this was all early 2000-2010s....

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 31 points 9 months ago

Just Like the lady who recently claimed an LGBTQ couple wanted her business to serve them against her religious beliefs and then we all found out there was no such real customers? She had made up the situation to go to the courts and they still sided with her!!?

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 58 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

OMG, I saw this story on FB, AND every fucking comment was praising the cop! Telling her she deserved it for trying to run away.. things like she would have been a terrible mom anyways.. just some awful things while the run their hard ons for the cops... It was sickening... I am 23 weeks pregnant with my second son right now and watching people praise her death because she stole something is so bizarre and jarring... I'm pregnant... What if this was a misunderstanding and he had bad information.. she didn't steal a thing and scared of cops tried to get away and now she is dead.... Cops are fuckiing scary but not as much as people who want this outcome for stealing some groceries

Edit: some of these comments defending the cop, who put his life in danger on his own so he could have the excuse to kill her, is chilling.... You are the reason I made my comment and the reason why I am getting scared of my community.. because too many of the people in society want to see someone from some group they hate, hurt or dead by police.... Fucking sickening. Shoplifting is not an excuse to use lethal force to stop anyone.. the punishment doesn't fit the crime.. people saying it does, are rabid dogs who wish it was them in the cops shoes, feeling powerful.. and that's even more sickening. She left behind a 6 year old because thd pig couldnt have figured out another way to handle the situation.. he failed a basic IQ test and too many people are like.. "Kay, cool". Idiocracy was and is a fucking a documentary and y'all just want a gladiator type entertainment with your own people

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 28 points 10 months ago

Poor kid :(

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 30 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Went through the foster care/guardianship in Oregon for us. These kinda stories make me Soo mad. I have a lot of First hand experience with the Oregon foster system.. I am adopted myself. I Was in 97 to a single woman in her late 50s (I loved my mom, make no mistake she was great and may she RIP) but it was super easy for her to adopt me.. like really easy...

THAT SAID... My husband and I also had to get custody of my nephew from my sister. It was a terrible experience and I almost warn people who are interested in being a foster because of our experience..

My husband and I went through hell and back in Oregon to be become foster parents just so we could take our nephew out of foster care. As we went through the process, We got accused of only wanting him for money by a foster care certifier. (mind you the amount they pay is pennies a month for a kid) God that woman was outrageous and we had to complain to my nephews case worker, that her co-worker was sabotaging our nephews chance at permanent placement and almost backed out because she made us look so bad for asking questions and curious about how to afford this child. Very relevant question to ask, wouldn't you say? (This foster certifier was very Catholic made it very know to me and my husband. She got upset with us when we told her we are not religious and had to tell us about all the Catholic churches and schools he should be in.... and at the time, we were also not married. (Gasp I know!!)

So she put in her report, that she was suspicious of us and our reasons for being interested in this child for suspicious reasons. This was my nephew!! I was there when he was born and everyday since till he went to foster care. My mom died.in 2020 and my sister couldn't parent without her support.. I wanted him home.. it was that simple!! But this worker made It a fucking nightmare and I was sooooo angry.

Thanks to his case worker appealing for us and showing the judge the errors the certifier was claiming we finally got the foster parent certification and are now full fledged guardians of him and have yearly check ins.. it was a headache and almost impossible with how long it took...

So when I see stories like this and someone who got be a foster who clearly shouldn't be, INFURIATINES ME!!! we had to work so hard and show everything (not that it was a problem for us, we expected it) but to see those who didn't get held to the same standards and a kid gets hurt through negligence pisses me off!!

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 73 points 10 months ago

I feel physically ill... I went to school from 96 to 2010.... I remember social studies and American history... The Holocaust being taught... I remember asking my teachers... What would happen if people tried to change our country to dictatorships... Every teacher was emphatic that it would never happen.. one, because both parties love the country and two this is why we learn about Hitler and Stalin.......

Wtf happened?!

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 34 points 10 months ago

He is a dictator... I feel like if we get to that point... Congress agreeing to bills is the least of our problems coming

[-] TruTollTroll@lemmy.world 71 points 10 months ago

That's great news! No kid should ever be hungry at school, especially when they really are legally forced to be there!

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