
joined 7 months ago
[–] 4 points 2 months ago

Just renove the ball and it becomes obvious

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

A warning and belittlement. "Talk to your client". The godfather wasn't addressed.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

Five years ago I was astonished that the U.S. navy was looking for renewable fuels thinking it would never pan out. Today I see alternatives which has nothing to do with fossils in the private sector. I see heavy transportation companies trying to find ways to electrify their fleet. I think those "grownups" will find themselves in a new reality despite them not wanting to.

And unfeasible? Three years ago maybe. Today we need to revise the time plans. I'm already working at implementing the goals set for 2030 and have started shifting focus towards the big elephant and the 2045 goals.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

That's another nail in the coffin.

Oh well, at least it works to my advantage when I don't remember to bring work with me home to ponder.

[–] -1 points 2 months ago

"Allows them freedom"? From my viewpoint, that is straight up newspeak. Which is also a point to be made, our respective frames of reference is so diverse I'm hard pressed to think we would ever use the same language to describe any form of housing. Only in America is walkability a problem in low density areas. Presuming your definition of "low density" isnt rural, of course. And if we are rural, I have a hard time seeing how that can be defined as a sedentary lifestyle. Going for a walk is not usually a problem in those settings, either.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

I'm struggling to get a grasp on the numbers she's citing for efficiency, almost to the point that I began questioning if there was an agenda here.

And she is doing the same thing most influencers are around this tech, being one-dimensional. Take hydrogen, the optimum scale is neither national energy storage, nor single person vehicles. But if you look at more of a city block level, where the excess heat can be used for hot water instead of fossils/electricity, efficiency ramps up!

[–] 24 points 3 months ago (2 children)

And it would be so much better if that something was something others actually find interesting. Instead its something esoteric like energy storage solutions, or the difference between b550 and x570. I was once asked, "what's the difference between m-ATX and mini-ITX?" And I knew way to much about it to be socially healthy...

[–] 6 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Hmmm... I wonder what the elevatorpitch for a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektriker is?

[–] 15 points 3 months ago (1 children)

What? Won't creditors accept real estate as security from a man found guilty of fraudulently overvalue his real estate in orde to use as security for the exact purpose of lending more money in a money lending scheme? Shocking!

I wonder, though: if the state of NY expropriate real estate to sell to highest bidder and those auctions fail to meet market value, won't that create chain reactions? A) the creditor(s) which had that particular building as security will see the value of their asset turn to zero because of negligence from their customer "billionaire", which should open for a case against Trump for both immediate repayment of the loan and subsequent damages, and B) send a clear signal to all other creditors that they need to secure their assets asap?

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

As i said, by definition. If there is anything holding such a deity from doing one thing, or the other, it is unable to do all things, thus not omnipotent.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Well, omnipotency is out, I believe. An omnipotent god needs, by definition, be equally able and likely to be exceedingly cruel as wellwilling. The question is, why would such a god hav given Noah the task of building an arc in the first place?

And the question of humanities "free will" is another nail in the coffin. Either humans only have free will for as much as whatever whim the omnipotent god allows for, or of the free will is immutable, then there is one thing the "omnipotent" god can't do, and thus omnipotence is out...

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