[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 41 points 4 months ago

It is inevitable to a degree. Obviously this is not the final form and I’m sure the goal is to make a more fashionable solution that fits into their phone/watch/airpods kind of edc strategy. But no doubt we’ll have a future where info is right there if we want it. This thing is the foray into developing that eventual product for Apple. To me it looks real dumb, but a sleeker version in the future that looks like glasses…well shit it might be nice to watch a show while washing dishes idk.

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 49 points 4 months ago
[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 87 points 5 months ago

Seems small but something like this could kill this plane as a passenger jet if enough people are avoiding em.

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 50 points 5 months ago

It’s kind of shocking how bad it has gotten. I never thought SEO would win in the end, but they did and now Google is fairly useless. Like if AI doesn’t work out long-term what are they left with? A bunch of inferior products people don’t trust anymore or have better/comparable alternatives. GCP sucks compared to AWS and Azure, Android has more freedom than iOS but feels developmentally behind on most fronts in terms of end user experience. Google Search is now about even with Bing and otherwise privacy focused Search Engines have improved to the point of being viable for most cases. Gmail has let in more spam than ever and there’s a lot of alternatives now as well with bo meaningful improvements coming to it. Maps is still probably the market leader there, but more competition in this space too. Google harvests your data to an extreme amount and consumers are privacy aware than previous generations which adds to the distrust of a target demographic. Lastly Youtube is making the user experience worse with every update. While there is no real alternative right now given the overhead required, there is at least a desire for a good alternative should one ever come about.

Feels like Google is losing on every front and bet the farm that AI will save them. We’ll see I guess.

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 140 points 5 months ago

Tesla should move on from Musk

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 41 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I enjoy Lex’s longform style but man he does nothing journalistic, which drives me crazy. He’ll ask a hard question but never pushes back on answer cause he’s concerned about being friends with everyone moreso than actually challenging someone’s PR answer that never exists in reality.

When your topic is AI, and it’s at the forefront of national attention you’re pretty useless if you don’t have the stones to actually challenge these pie in the sky type answers the regulars give on his show.

Altman “It’s going to make money useless and probably result in massive unemployment. But I think everyone should have some say in the development in AGI and how we handle it.”

Lex “Wow that’s so noble. Anyways, do you think we can have AI friends someday.”

Like you don’t have to be mean or rude but you gotta have the courage to press some of these guests on their bullshit.


Just kind of was thinking about it today, love photos and take a million of em, would be cool to be able to just buy some prints directly from Apple and have em mailed to you or to friends.

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 65 points 8 months ago

They’re somehow WORSE than duckduckgo nowadays like how? You were the search leader, people used DDG for privacy reasons but they passed you??? Did you forget why you’re a company? It’s because you were the best fucking search engine ever and you decided to sell that title for ads or some shit. Incredible how Google fell off the fucking side of a mountain they themselves built!

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 95 points 8 months ago

First rule of Arch Linux is you defintely talk about Arch Linux

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 52 points 9 months ago

Every single thing about Google sucks nowadays. Great job Sundar, you successfully turned one of the former most exciting companies on the planet into one of the absolute lamest.

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 45 points 10 months ago

Can we literally just fix the fucking climate and stop spam callers.

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 65 points 10 months ago

Facebook before the algorithm was awesome. It was just the most recent stuff your friends did in that literal order. There was nothing wrong with it lol. Or at least I didn’t think so.

[-] TheDarkKnight@lemmy.world 95 points 11 months ago

Lol it doesn’t matter. He spawned a legitimate rival that’s slowly growing into a relevant replacement. It is not there yet, and has a long way to go.

But main thing is that board is getting set for an eventual mass migration once they do their next stupid thing, same thing that launched Reddit in the first place.

And they will do the next stupid thing, because they have to. They’re being pressed to be turn a profit for the first time ever. They’re going to continue to be pressed on this, and it will turn off more and more users.

Lemmy has a lot to figure out, but give it time.


Lol I was in a panic as I figured it would just work haha and nope, definitely not haha. But your tips eventually got it to relent and finally pair, I appreciate it so much.

Loving this thing, just getting my ass kicked around Hirata Estate in Sekiro (send tips or advice, I am the WORST Shinobi, this kid I'm supposed to rescue is fucked unless I get better hahaha).

Thanks for being awesome and helping with the quickness yesterday!


Not sure whats going on, I open the case with the buds in hold down the button and put it in pairing. The Steam Deck sees it but won’t pair with it. Idk what’s going on. I have reset it, disconnected it from the iPhone, idk what else to try. Desktop mode and Game mode won’t pair :-/

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