[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 23 points 10 months ago

Fortunately that doesn't work.

Even if Musk totally shut down Twitter, then opened an identical platform named X, the contracts Twitter held are still enforceable under the law.

There might be stipulations in the contracts where severance isn't payable if the company fails, but if I remember correctly, this severance is something mandated by state law, and not just a contractual perk.

So bottom line, Musk is liable unless his lawyers are able to worm their way into a settlement.

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 6 points 10 months ago

It really is a big move, since it likely cost them millions in early sales.

I probably would have bought it already if I couldn't find a crack, but now I can pirate and wait for a nice sale.

I'm sure I'm not the only one.

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 9 points 10 months ago

You can just click the checkbox for "Copy crack to install directory" to get the installer to do everything for you.

I'm not sure why that isn't the default.

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 10 points 10 months ago

And also, the "early access" is just a way to get people to pay more for the game in the first week.

By all reasonable standards, the game has been fully released.

"Pre-ordering piracy"... What does that even mean?

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 8 points 10 months ago

Sure it does.

It makes teachers wonder why, yet again, they're being forced to bear the brunt of the culture war, and they're going to eventually quit.

Then the schools won't be able to find good teachers, the education system will be further deteriorated, and private schools will become the only schools worth attending, further eroding the future prospects of working-class Floridian children and America as a whole.

I don't think that's the grand strategy at play, I just think the people in charge don't care if it happens, as long as they get enough praise from their voters.

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 9 points 10 months ago

We had decades of low union activity that gave corporations the chance to show how well they would take care of us on their own.

And they super fucked entire generations of workers.

Now people must unionize, or their dirt salaries will lose them their rented homes and starve their kids. So we're seeing a blossoming of union activity in many sectors.

It's time for workers to have a tiny slice of those mega-profits corporations have been earning off our backs.

Unionize America!

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 6 points 11 months ago

sheds a single tear as I unzip my trousers

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 8 points 11 months ago

I hate to ever give law enforcement any leeway as abuse is so common, but if someone is hurting children I don't care how you stop it.

Is this satire? Because that's exactly the excuse government has been giving for hundreds of years, to take your freedoms away.

It's never about the children. The Catholic church operating with near total immunity, after all these millennia of abuse, is proof of that.

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 34 points 11 months ago

For many people, Google controls the entire network stack from their ISP, router, OS, DNS, their browser, all the way down to the platform hosting the content they watch.

Google has captured such a wide part of the Internet that any changes they make will have at least a moderate effect on our lives. Even if we don't use any Google services.

The only thing that can stop them is probably the EU at this point. And I'm sure Google has a plan for that.

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 10 points 11 months ago

I can't fathom why these media companies still love to do exclusivity agreements. There's no way it's more profitable than just allowing everyone to watch your show from any service, with commissions for the number of views.

I'd probably start paying for a streaming service again if I could watch every show in one place. But I'm not interested in playing musical subscriptions.


I've got a working setup from about 2 months ago on my PC.

Has the overall experience on PC improved enough to warrant me diving into the latest mods and settings?

So far I've just updated Yuzu to the latest EA build.

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 8 points 11 months ago

Why do I need port-forwarding for torrents?

Torrenting happily on Mullvad right now.

[-] TechnoBabble@lemm.ee 5 points 11 months ago

I switched to Mullvad after PIA got bought by that spyware company.

They're great.

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