[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 29 points 2 weeks ago

All three are different

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 28 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Except knowledge.

It's foolish of you to assume that most people want to build a computer.

And before people respond with 'its just Legos'

There is so much more to it for someone with little to no knowledge.

Bios and firmware updates that require certain CPUs coupled with certain motherboards.

CPU sockets and inter compatibility.

The different specs of any given component and the value they provide to someone looking for specific workflows

Sizing of components and cases

Knowing where to find parts and what prices are acceptable.

Etc, etc ,etc.

Pick something that you know nothing about, let's say cars just as an example.

Now imagine, let's, say want to buy a car but it doesn't come with wheels, you don't get a list of 4 wheels to choose from, You get, lug patterns, sizing, and type, offset, wheel diameter, wheel width, bead lockers or no bead lockers, 1 piece, 2 piece or 3 piece, etc.

Now you have to spend all this time researching just about wheels, and then how they fit with the car you chose specifically earlier in the process, it would be frustrating and incredibly difficult for people who just want a car.

Go on any thread or forum and ask 'what GPU should I get' which is already making assumptions about someones understanding and knowledge (that they even know what a GPU is), and you will get 20 conflicting answers and need to write a paragraph in responses to narrow it down enough.

Present someone with no knowledge this: 'DDR3-2666 CL9' vs 'DDR3-2000 CL7'. How do you really expect someone who just wants to play a video game to just implicitly know what those numbers mean, how they relate to each other etc.

Building a computer is an immensely difficult task for someone who doesn't know much or anything about it, and believe it or not, the reality is not everyone wants to learn, places like lemmy and other tech focused echo chambers seem to forget that.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 22 points 3 months ago

Markdown accomplishes 90% of non technical writing needs imo.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 39 points 4 months ago

I don't see how it matters anyway, do deaf people deserve to die because they have diminished hearing?

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 24 points 4 months ago

I don't love somewhere where people dress up as Scooby Doo villains to break into houses, I live in a place where people go house to house at 1 am and try door handles on cars and garages. A motion light and a camera does more to stop those people than anything else.

If someone wants to stage an organized heist, then yea, my camera isn't doing shit, but neither are my door locks, or a bolted down safe. At that point it is just an insurance game.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 43 points 5 months ago

You know, I ignored my interest in programming for many years, instead opting for a trade, specifically aviation maintenance. I went to school for 2 years for it, passed tests, got licensed, got otj, got taxi quals, engine run certified, and a whole host of stuff.

I also broke my body doing it for $18, after years and years and years, I finally made $25 an hour, whoopie.

I worked around hazardous chemicals, dangerous equipment, high voltage electricity. I stood on concrete floors all day busting my knuckles.

I fell off a ladder and smashed my face on a keel beam, requiring I get stitches. I saw other people get much more hurt than that.

I did all of this with the constant pressure that if I fuck my job up, people are going die, and I will go to jail.

I went back to school, got a job as a software engineer at a midsize company that never is in the news and you have never heard of, and get to sit at home and make 3 times the salary. There are 10 other companies in the same block as mine that have 3-400 hundred person engineering teams, there are lots of jobs for developers outside of the silicon valley bubble, we mostly just hang out and do our thing.

Until trades start paying more, it's just not worth it. I'm sure someone will come in and say that they are a plumber and make $1000 an hour or something, but I can say, there were 500 people in the facility I worked at with the same qualifications as me making the same $18.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 31 points 5 months ago

It's unlikely that the plug door came off for maintenance in the first three months of the plane's life.

I used to do maintenance (specifically on Alaska 37s) at an mro as an A&P. I worked on Alaska planes for about 5 years and compared to other airlines that I worked on, Alaska was almost always conforming to higher standards, they required more inspection buy offs, and were more likely to replace parts that technically were airworthy.

Also after Alaska had their jackscrew run-in, they overhauled their maintenance program and effectively handed it off to the FAA.

I agree that the problem is likely not with engineering, my opinion is that it lies with manufacturing and QC at Boeing though.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 31 points 6 months ago

Ironic that the website itself is http.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 47 points 6 months ago

Today you learned that the majority of people don't live in the middle of nowhere?

Of course they don't, by definition, if a bunch of people lived there, it wouldn't be the middle of nowhere.


For example, I would like to group many related communities together and then browse just that grouping.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 22 points 7 months ago

Is your conversation with a mechanic meant to be the summary and description of a rigorous scientific discovery?

This isn't 'everyday parlance' this is the result of a study.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 29 points 7 months ago

I can download ten subtitles just trying to find one good one for a single TV show episode

Imo if they want to be so strict with downloading subtitles, they should raise the quality standards for the subtitles that are submitted.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

Them 'supposed to be everywhere' doesn't change that fact that they litter up the sidewalk and use the public areas of my town as a pseudo frontage for their business.

I have no problem with the bike systems that have docs for the bikes, it centralizes the locations and keeps the bike organized.

It's not ignorance, it's a full understanding that they pollute the public areas and already limited walkways in my city.

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