[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 8 points 5 days ago

Insurance is a scam. Get hospitality bill as self pay and tell them to go pound sand. Lo and behold they will quickly work out a reduced amount and a reasonable payment plan

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 6 points 5 days ago

It's not but since the Government refuses to enforce it's own laws, it's up to individuals to pursue expensive and extremely long civil cases.

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 134 points 2 months ago

FFS he is not in trouble for paying for sex. He is in trouble for paying hush money using campaign funds. Good lord, conservatives are so brainwashed

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 176 points 7 months ago

Americans will literally do anything to not build trains

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 122 points 7 months ago

If it was literally anyone else, they would be in jail and only allowed outside contact through their lawyers

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 50 points 8 months ago

It's not as straightforward as that. There is chlorine in your food in the form of sodium chloride aka table salt. How something is bonded can change its properties. Not saying there isn't merit to their claim, just that it's more complicated.

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 200 points 9 months ago

Firefox is available for Android. You can install add-ons, like UBlock, just as you would on desktop

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 131 points 9 months ago

Hey boss Unreal is eating some of our market shares, what should we do?

Boss: Isn't obvious, we drive the company off the cliff. Duh

God executives are the dumbest mother fuckers

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 84 points 9 months ago

Would you look at, the Bible is missing from their evidence of sexually explicit books read to children. All the prof you need that this has nothing to do with child safety

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 131 points 9 months ago

She should have been removed immediately. Perfect example of everything wrong with the American justice system

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 84 points 10 months ago

Holy shit. The foster system standing up for kids. Now there's something that sadly doesn't happen very often. I hope this couple get what they deserve

[-] SquishyPandaDev@yiffit.net 53 points 11 months ago

Yes. I get to die and pass all my responsibilities to my quantum clone. Sign me the fuck up.

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