
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 9 months ago

Disgusting? It's a few slices of ham and cheese. It's basic, but you find ham and cheese to be disgusting?

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

That would require every player even new ones to make very complex loot filters and understand what loot is valuable and not to automate it.

Every item in PoE that is automatically picked up doesn't take up inventory space (Metamorph organs, Expedition fragments, Sulphite, Azurite). The concept is that players make an active decision of what they're picking up and that they're aware of what they have because they made an active decision to pick it up.
It doesn't take control of their inventory away from the players.

It also feeds into the dopamine loop, when you get an exciting drop you see it on the ground it doesn't automatically just get sucked into your inventory.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

The DLC in all the games are fairly important depending on the DLC/expansion, and there can be a lot of it. DA2 and DAI both integrate well into the story while DAO was kind of built around the idea of side-story mini-adventures so there's a lot more of them.

DAO Primary story DLC: Warden's Keep, Stone Prisoner, Return to Ostagar add side quests to the main game and are solid to play.

DAO Standalone campaigns: Leliana's Song is a prequel focusing on the Leliana party member (you'll meet her pretty early in DAO although she is missable), Darkspawn Chronicles is an alternate history and not needed although fun, Golems of Amgarrak is a short post-story adventure that's not that important, Witch Hunt is a post-game story around Morrigan that's actually pretty important.

Awakening is a full-length expansion and absolutely worth playing, some of the characters you meet here tie into DA2.

DA2: All DLC integrates with the main story and can be played at any time. Legacy is a very important DLC that directly ties into Dragon Age Inquisition.

DAI: All 3 story DLC are fantastic, Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent and Trespasser.
Jaws and Descent are played during the main story as side quests, and Descent has some major lore implications for the world and raises some serious questions about the past and the potential future. Trespasser is a post-game story that directly leads into DA4: Dreadwolf when it comes out.

Also not sure if Gamepass supports this, but you can import your saves forward. For Dragon Age Inquisition you will need to use Dragon Age Keep to recreate your choices to import them into your world state.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago

2 definitely shows the issue of EA wanting to push the game out in 1.5 years. Many cut corners and a lack of assets with the repetitive maps.
I think it's the weakest entry in the Dragon Age series, and a lot of it's negative reception was because it failed to live up to expectations of DAO.

If Dragon Age 2 wasn't a Dragon Age game, it wouldn't have gotten the poor reviews it got. As a standalone game it's actually not bad.

I always recommend playing it, as it directly leads into the story of Inquisition and it has some great characters in it.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Might as well open a Roth IRA and start contributing to an index fund like VTI or VOO.

Long term stable growth and tax beneficial. The earlier you start saving for retirement the better, compound growth is very powerful.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

And we thought bots and karma farming were bad before.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Survivor games which are very similar to roguelites can also be an option. Vampire Survivors being the big one. Runs are up to 30 minutes long with permanent unlocks in the form of characters and new power ups or boosts.


I love magic systems in games that feel impactful, and especially love them if the mechanic is unique and different.

What are your favorites?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Iron Danger.
It's an indie tactical RPG that's RTWP similar to other CRPGs. But the main feature of it is being able to rewind time to redo actions if they don't work out, so combat ends up being similar to a puzzle as you rewind and reposition or try new attacks.
The downside is that it's linear, and has no items and very little character progression which are what it's lacking the most compared to a typical CRPG, but it's an interesting take on the style of combat.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I would third control. I picked it up from the Humble female protagonist bundle and it was fantastic, loved everything about it.
Once you unlock all the powers the combat and exploration really open up, and the game still has a significant bit of story left giving you time to have some fun with them.

Also loved the environmental lore, all the notes and the vids with Dr. Darling are great. Highly recommend the game.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't think reddit will die, but they definitely hurt themselves. The fediverse grew by leaps and bounds over the past week, reddit drove so much traffic to their potential competitors. Then when the 3rd party apps die, they'll lose some more.

Reddit is gambling on gaining enough revenue from pushing people on 3rd party apps to 1st party that it makes up for the loss of users overall.

People on reddit say "Why do we care about 3rd party apps, it's such a small section of the userbase" But apparently reddit cares enough about that small section of the userbase that they need to push them to their own app.