
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

"Western culture"? 😂

[–] 10 points 1 day ago

And I heard in a public consultation meeting about bike lanes that... get this... Adding bike lanes would make it dangerous for kids to get to school.

What backwards universe did we wake up in?

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

Does America not have school buses anymore?

I'm in Canada, and yes, we do. In fact, the buses were having difficulty getting into the school's parking lot because of the way the illegally parked cars were quite literally at the edge of the turn (leaving little space for the bus). It's been sheer madness these past few weeks.

And it's hilarious (not) when people put on their hazard lights to park illegally while they pick up their kid. I swear to the gods, if my municipality ever gave citizens the ability to write up parking tickets, I'd reduce our property taxes by 10% from the revenue I'd generate! 😄

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

For speeding, yes, you're right. I was talking more about general inattentiveness, bad judgment, actual malicious driving behaviour, and poorly skilled drivers. No amount of infrastructure can correct that! LOL

[–] 11 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Keep going. Every failed attempt makes him look like poor leadership material. Not that his words and actions make him out to be good or anything, but still. 😂

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Graduating from school in Canada or the US is basically "Congratulations on surviving not being killed by guns or cars!".

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (5 children)

The way we design our roads psychologically encourages speeding.

I think most "major" roads are like that, but the school I have to get to is in a subdivision that isn't busy. And people are still rolling through stop signs while looking at their phone. I think being in a car detaches people from the reality of what's going on around them. Like playing a video game from behind a windshield.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (3 children)

It is not safe. At all.

That an area designed for our most vulnerable demographic is so dangerous that adults wouldn't want to be in it says a lot about North American culture.

[–] 14 points 2 days ago

That's honestly disgusting. Not only for the environment and public safety, but those missed opportunities to get some level of activity in your day are simply pissed away in a car.

Like, people are OK commuting by car for 1-3 hours a day... but a 20 or 30 minute walk with a dozen benfits? NO WAY!

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

A generative AI ouroboros accumulates error until its output is useless.

We're already seeing this, but I don't think that will stop people from using AI (with some human oversight). Countless articles are being generated each day using AI, just so that someone can publish a garbage website that gets a lot of views, and reap those sweet advertising dollars. The quality of the content on the internet is eroding, and i don't think we'll be able to put the genie back in the bottle.

I'm seeing more and more legitimate websites no longer using stock images, but AI generated images for their photo content. It's just too easy, so why wouldn't they, right?

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

I saw a teenager get hit crossing at a crosswalk in front of a school. Red light, driver in the left turn lane didn't stop behind the line as the girl was crossing. She ended up on the hood and tossed.

I guess the only reason she wasn't severely injured was that she was hit by a car and not a monster truck.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

No, very doubtful, as that one has larger tires and is probably a lot heavier. It looks like the one he brought is the titanium model... super light.


Walking my grandkid to/from school, it absolutely floors me how many dangerous drivers there are around kids.

In a matter of maybe 10 minutes, I've witnessed:

  • at least a dozen cars illegal parked. It's not the parking that bothers me, but the fact that these cars are often parked on turns or just before intersections, making it impossible for other drivers to see small kids.
  • Several people not stopping at stop signs, including at the exit of the school parking lot.
  • One car, who completely blew through a stop sign at the front of the school, made a left turn and nearly hit a guy walking his kid. The driver didn't even slow down.
  • Super fucking huge pickup trucks parked in the school parking lot, but their long ass hangs well over the sidewalk near the kindergarden area, leaving very little space to use the sidewalk.
  • Speeding. Obviously, you have to have speeding in school zones, right?

This happens every day, during drop off and pick up. I was told that bylaw were “cracking down”, but no, they aren't. If they were, our municipality would generate $5000 in fines each and every day at every school.

The other day, I rode my bike past another school as kids were getting out. Not only was their massive parking lot completely full, but they had blocked the bike trail (WITH PYLONS) to make space for more cars. Then as I entered onto the road, cars were illegally parked along the road and on a bridge for a like 100m. Making it extremely difficult and dangerous to cross because they blocked visibility for me and other drivers on the road.

I asked the cross guard if these students all lived out of town, requiring every parent to drive them home; he obviously didn't get my joke.

Seriously, fuck cars. All of them!


In my persistence to fit Linux in my life, I'm curious if some "must have" Windows software will work better if I just ran a Windows VM within Linux.

None of the software I need to work is needed to work continuously. They are basically programs that I fire up when needed, for a few minutes, then exited.

Wine will install them, but not run them, so I'm hoping a VM is the answer as I'm not interested in dual-booting to run a few Windows programs occasionally.


Also, "identical" has a different meaning here.

There's a special place in hell for the monster who dreamed up this captcha!


When I want something cheap, I usually hit Aliexpress (website). As I was looking at the Aliexpress app page on the Google Play Store to check its privacy details, TEMU came up as a recommended app.

Now, my wife has used TEMU in the past, but since she often can't find her way around things, I downplayed her negative experience as "user error". That said, I went to the TEMU website and started looking around.

I found something that was a reasonable price, but then get this message saying I could get this item free through the app... sigh. OK. I sign up with my usual fake/random credentials and add this "free" item to my cart.

A spinning prize wheel comes up. Hey, I can get THREE free items now! Sweet. I spend the next 3 hours looking for stuff I can actually use, doom-scrolling through everything from women's underwear to t-shirts with assault rifle print. Literally something for everyone. LOL

Then I select my third "free" item, and another spinning prize wheel comes up. "100% off the next $35". Ok.

I didn't need more stuff, but hey, 100% off sounds like more free stuff!

I spend another hour looking, keeping an eye on the amount "saved" (apparently $600+, for stuff that is sold on Aliexpress for maybe $25).

When I finally get to check out, I get another spinning prize wheel. "100% off $100"!! Goddamn, I'm on a roll here. How do these guys make any money?!!

More time looking... I must have spent well over 4 hours on their app. Time to check out.

$67? Huh? What about 100% off and all that nonsense? Enter your phone number*

  • You must agree to get promotional texts, or you can't check out... hmm, maybe my wife wasn't wrong.

In any case, there was no way to actually get anything "free". I deleted the app, deleted my account, and will never touch this scam ever again.

Do people actually end up getting anything from Temu? I thought AliExpress was bad, but the experience is 1000x better.


Hey guys, so it seems that Linkwarden isn't as good as I was hoping, since some websites will throw up a cookie popup or some other screen that basically prevents the capture.

Firefox Screenshot seems to work well, but it saves a PNG, which isn't really text searchable.

FF's "save page as..." feature seems to break things when viewing them back.

Save to PDF is another option, and that seems to be decent.

I'm not looking to copy entire websites, but I like to save web pages for later reference (i.e. instructions/specs).

I use Synology Note Station, but they don't have a web clipper for Firefox...

I'm fine with using a folder structure to store files, despite not being totally ideal when compared to Linkwarden.

Does anyone have any other suggestions that perhaps I've missed? Nothing too complicated... ideally, as simple as a button click would be great.


My current trackball has lost its smoothness and feels "sticky" no matter how well, or often I clean it.

So, I'm looking for a trackball (thumb controlled) with the following features:

  • Bluetooth wireless with support for at least two connections (for laptop and PC media station).
  • Uses AA or AAA batteries.
  • Uses bearings.
  • Set at a tilt/ergo angle.
  • Repairability is also important, but not a total dealbreaker if the mouse is high-enough quality.

So far, most that I've found will lack one of those features, but I'd really like to have all of them, if possible.

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who offered tips on getting my current trackball working better. Today, trying to roll the ball left became very difficult, like it didn't want to move. I took it out, looked at the little white ball (bearing?) supports that the ball should be rolling on, and noticed that the left-most one was almost pushed in, and flush with the cup that the ball sits in. The other two are higher up, so the ball can "float" on those, but not this other one. The manufacturer is already sending a replacement mouse, so it should work better, but I'd still like to find my unicorn 😄


Amazon Prime Days ran on July 16th and 17th (at least here, in Canada).

This price jump happened a day before and ended two days later, but this item was "on sale" during those two Prime Days.

I've been seeing this scam far too often, especially with food items. Why isn't this illegal yet?


I'll start by saying that I really love Tube Archivist. It works flawlessly in doing what it does (archiving YouTube videos), and the UI and UX are great.

However, no matter what browser I use (Edge, FF, Opera, Samsung mobile, FF mobile, etc...), I run into issues where the video will play, but the interface freezes... I can't do anything on the screen until I refresh.

I don't have it set to any strange codecs, so videos are in vp9. But I also tried a few different codecs to see if the quality/size could be better optimized, and had the same issues with freezing UI then.

If I run the videos through Jellyfin, they work fine. It's only through the TA web interface where things lock up.

Is this normal? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this working better?


This has been bothering me long enough that I figured I'd check to see if anyone else is having the same issue, and more importantly, if there's a fix.

Some websites, like Google Earth or various weather radar sites get so slow that they are unusable in Firefox.

When I load the same sites in Edge, it's blazing fast, as I'd expect.

Even Librewolf chugs on these sites.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: First, thanks for all the input, guys.

I wanted to say that I've tried a fresh FF profile, and the same slowness happens in Google Earth.

I also confirmed that hardware acceleration is enabled.

This problem isn't on all websites. For example, playing actually gives a higher framerate on FF than it does on Edge. So it seems to be that certain websites just suck ass.

Some of you have said that Google Earth on FF works perfectly fine... on linux. At least it seems not to be a FF problem. LOL

EDIT: Opera browser is just as smooth as Edge with G Earth.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION?? Ok, so even though I was able to confirm that hardware acceleration was enabled, and the GPU was active while using FF, and the about:support showed that webrender was enabled, I noticed that on about:config the gfx.webrender.all setting was set to false.

So, I enabled it, and tried again. Google Earth seems much smoother (not as good as edge, but better than before), and Tube Archivist no longer seems to freeze while a video is being played.

Could this be the reason for my issues? If so, why was this option set to false by default?


I've tried a few jellyfin plugins that are supposed to sync metadata and thumbnails from tube archivist, but it's just not working right.

I can see some thumbnails, but then the titles are just random gibberish. Or the titles somewhat work, but no thumbnails.

Any secret I'm missing?

Both are running in docker containers on a synology nas.


PICKERINGTON, Ohio (April 26, 2024) — In the wake of the most recent tragedy involving a fatal collision between a Tesla vehicle in autopilot mode and a motorcyclist in Washington state, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) once again urges the Department of Transportation (DOT) to strengthen Automated Driving System (ADS) regulations.

“Many autonomous vehicles on the road today have not been proven to detect all other road users in all situations before they have been allowed to be used on the road,” Dingman added. “Motorcyclists should not be used as guinea pigs for autonomous vehicle manufacturers. The continued allowance of untested autonomous vehicles on our nation’s roadways is unacceptable. The time for action is now!”

To add to that, you should see how these "accident avoidance systems" plow through dummies during tests. You'd have to have been paid off to allow these vehicles on public roads!


So, I've had a Raspberry Pi 4 sitting brand new in a box for a few years, and decided to install BirdNetPi on it yesterday.

It's working like a champ, but because BirdNetPi needed a legacy version of Raspian, it's got old software on it.

Is there any way to update the software (i.e. RealVNC) without updating the OS? There is no built-in software updater, and I seem to very easily break Linux every time I make an attempt to use it. LOL

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