
joined 1 year ago
[–] 29 points 4 months ago (9 children)

#1 IMO is that they don't make anything original anymore. I don't want to go see a live action remake of a classic cartoon movie. They can't possibly recapture what made the original great, and to be honest, what made the original great was probably the ignorance of youth and the nostalgia filter through which you personally view it.

If movie theaters are doing poorly, the movie industry should try to make smaller budget and slightly riskier original movies and movie theaters should charge less for a seat if they're having trouble filling cinemas. They make most of their money from concessions anyway and those are optional, so just get butts in seats and you'll make more money.

[–] 7 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (20 children)

An investigation from a neutral third party is a good thing, but in this case LTT hired the third party investigator so the investigators obviously have an incentive to find LTT innocent of all charges since LTT is paying them through Linus Media Group (LMG). It's better than nothing, but it's like when there's an internal affairs investigation into police misconduct... by the police... Nobody believes it and for good reason.

[–] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Oh interesting! I must have mixed my facts up or something, my bad. You're right that it's attributed to Zhuge Liang, but it seems like Wikipedia thinks it was a fictional story when attributed to Zhuge Liang, but it looks like he wasn't the first to use this strategy and he wasn't the last. Regardless, I was wrong about Sun Tzu having done it and I learned more about history, so thanks!

Here's the Wikipedia article I was referring to:

[–] 16 points 4 months ago (5 children)

On a somewhat related note, that Sun Tzu quote reminds me of something he did. Sun Tzu had a rivalry with this other general who he often got into skirmishes with and always defeated him or outmaneuvered him with some kind of trickery. So one time this rival general actually had Sun Tzu on the ropes and had chased him into a bit of a corner. Sun Tzu was in a smallish fort with the enemy general closing in and he definitely did not have enough soldiers to hold the fort for long.

So instead of trying to intimidate his rival with a show of force or making his army seem bigger than it was or whatever else he might have tried instead when his rival arrived at the fort he found the front gate fully open and nobody in sight except Sun Tzu himself sitting on the battlement playing an instrument somewhat akin to a lyre I think.

His rival was so wary of trickery that he assumed it must be a trap, or a distraction while a larger army moves in to reinforce him, so he left and Sun Tzu and his army survived.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I think upgrading the RAM as you mentioned is going to make a big difference. While the physical RAM might be soldered to the motherboard, you could buy a fairly cheap SD card or USB and set the system up to use that as virtual memory. It won't be as fast as actual RAM but it might help and large SD cards are honestly really cheap these days.

[–] 38 points 4 months ago

I love Eric Barone! He sticks to his convictions in the way I wish more video game developers would. He's made so much money from Stardew Valley that he never needs to work a day for the rest of his life, but he chooses to put in the time to continue releasing free content and working on new passion projects and giving back to the community. He could have monetized the hell out of Stardew, releasing DLCs and hired a huge development team to crank out new content to make him richer until the original game became unrecognizable.

So many game developers have gone down that route, or simply sold off their creation to a company that they know full well plans to do just that.

Also, I just love his mentality about things. He knows that nobody really asked for Haunted Chocolatier, and he doesn't really care if it's successful, he just wants to make something new for himself. I hope it is successful, but I'm glad to see that he's not hinging his hopes on it's success but instead just enjoying the process of making something, which is really beautiful and I think more people should focus their energies on those kinds of exploits and outcomes.

[–] 8 points 4 months ago (4 children)
[–] 69 points 4 months ago (16 children)

By the way, if you're drinking more than 8 cups of coffee a day there's a good chance that you're self-medicating for ADHD and you should get checked out.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

Seems like you've run some bad distros. Every problem you've described I've seen solutions for, and GUI solutions too, not just command line. Linux certainly was as you've described, but there are loads of user friendly distros that never require you to open a terminal window, ever, for anything.

[–] -3 points 5 months ago (5 children)

Or just switch to Linux. It works flawlessly with everything except games that with anti-cheat that refuse to support it.

[–] 4 points 5 months ago (3 children)

It seems like this vehicle comes with (as far as I know) the first solid state battery in a commercial vehicle which is HUGE news if true! I'm slightly skeptical because of this claim coming from the Chinese government, but who knows, it would be a huge boon for all of humanity if they've figured out solid state batteries.

The huge benefits we'll all see are increased capacity so batteries last longer, and INSANELY fast charge times. You could recharge your car to 100% in the same time as it takes to fill it up with gas currently.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Are you using the dedicated GPU as your primary GPU or the integrated GPU? I've found using the dGPU as the primary can sometimes lead to suspend/resume issues.

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